College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
8244 Mishra, B. and B.K. Sontakke. 1986 Effect of 3 granular insecticides on brown planthopper (BPH) Nilaparvata lugens (Stal) in the Easternghat Highland zone, Koraput, India. International Rice Research Newsletter 11(6): 24-25. pdf
10198 Wang, Y.D., Z.D. Sun, and L.J. Zhang. 2013 Effect of 25% pymetrozine WP on planthoppers in rice. North Rice 43(2): 62-63.
7424 Sun, J.M., G. Wei, T.J. Xu, Y. Yuan, Z. Xia, and S.C. Lin. 2002 Effect of 2.5% green Tongkeshi on the control of aphides, planthopper and rice Delphacid. Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences 30(1): 73-74.
7090 Dai, H.G 2002 Effect mechanism of high temperature on growth, development and reproduction in brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens. Science Technology and Engineering 2002(5): 75-76.
9144 Mena Tascon, E. and C. Cardona Mejia. 1975 Efecto del uso de insecticidas y control de malezas en la incidencia de la marchitez sorpresiva de la Palma Africana (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.). Revista Colombiana de Entomología 1(1): 9-13.
13730 D’Hervé, F.E., A.M.M. de Remes Lenicov, and D.A. Aquino. 2018 Efecto del parasitoide Anagrus incarnato similis (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) sobre Neodelphax fuscoterminata (Hemiptera: Delphacidae) en el Alto Valle de Río Negro. Acta Zoológica Lilloana 62: 116-118.
14165 Nogueira, E., P. Juri, and C. Invernizzi. 2021 Efecto del jarabe de azúcar en la sobrevivencia larval en colonias de abejas melíferas afectadas por Mal del Río. [Effect of sugar syrup on larval survival in honey bee colonies affected by river disease]. Veterinaria (Montevideo) 57(215): e20215721502; 1-4. [Epormenis cestri] pdf
8839 Bruno, M.A, and M.P. Grilli. 2007 Efecto de la configuración de lotes de gramíneas invernales sobre poblaciones de Delphacidae (Insecta: Homoptera) en dispersión. Agriscientia 24(2):61-69. pdf
14357 González-Vázquez, R.E., M.d.C. Castellón-Valdés, H.G. Ravelo, O.M. Concepción. 2022 Efectividad del aceite de neem (Azadirachta indica) para el manejo de Tarophagus colocasiae Matsumura (Auchenorhyncha: Delphacidae). Agricultura Tropical 7(1): 36-42.
4523 Vilbaste, J. 1971 Eesti Tirdid Homoptera: Cicadinea I. Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia Zooloogia ja Botaanika Institute, Kirjastus. [Cicadiidae of Estonia. Homoptera: Cicadinea, Tettigometridae, Cixiidae, Delphacidae, Achilidae, Issidae, Cicadidae, Aphrophoridae, Membracidae.] Valgus, Tallin, Estonia. 283 pp. pdf
4187 Stewart, A.J.A. 2005 Editorial: A special issue on the conservation of grassland . Journal of Insect Conservation 9(4): 227-228. pdf
5429 Reeve, J.D. and J.T.Cronin. 2010 Edge behaviour in a minute parasitic wasp. Journal of Animal Ecology 79: 483-490. pdf
937 Denno, R.F. 1980 Ecotope differentiation in a guild of sap-feeding insects on the salt marsh grass, Spartina patens. Ecology 61(3): 702-714. pdf
5725 Sogawa, K. and C.H. Cheng. 1979 Economic thresholds, nature of damage, and losses caused by the brown planthopper. In: O. Mochida and T. Okada, (eds.). Brown Planthopper: Threat to Rice Production in Asia. IRRI. Los Baños, Philippines. Pp. 125-142 pdf
586 Chen, C.C. 1985 Economic thresholds of the brown planthopper in Taiwan. Chinese Journal of Entomology 4(2): 35-38.
8136 Chen, C.N. 1984 Economic thresholds of the brown planthopper in Taiwan. Chinese Journal of Entomology 4: 35-38. pdf
8105 Kim, H.S., J.S. Park, and J.W. Lee. 1994 Economic threshold of the brown planthopper to rice variety in Korea. Rural Development Administration Journal of Agricultural Science 36(2): 357-362.
3671 Pong, Y.M., T.L. Lin, and C.N. Chen. 1981 Economic sample size on the population density estimation of rice brown planthopper. Memoirs of the College of Agriculture National Taiwan UniversitY 21(1): 42-54.
12469 Kwon, Y.J. and E.Y. Huh. 2001 Economic Insects of Korea 19: Auchenorrhyncha (Homoptera). Series: Economic Insects of Korea. Insecta Koreana Supplement 26. 460pp. [Korean with English summaries]
674 Chou, I., J.S. Lu, J. Huang and S.-Z. Wang. 1985 Economic insect fauna of China. Fasc. 36. Homoptera Fulgoroidea. Science Press, Beijing. 152 pp. pdf
2658 Kuoh, Chung-Lin, Jinhua Ding, Li-Xin Tian and C.L. Hwang. 1983 Economic Insect Fauna of China. Fasc. 27. Homoptera, Delphacidae. Science Press, Beijing, China. Vol. 27. 166 pp.
8968 Al Antary, T. M., M. M. Al-Khawaldeh, and M.A. Ateyyat. 2015 Economic importance of date palm Phoenix dactylifera L. (Liliopsida: Arecales: Arecaceae) pests in Jordan Valley. Brazilian Journal of Biological Sciences 2(3): 101-109. pdf
13330 AN, Hyunjin, Sung Ju CHO, Saera OH, and Jae-Min JUNG. 2018 Economic impacts of invasive pests under climate change: A case of Lycorma delicatula. Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial Cooperation Society 19(7): 415-422. pdf
320 Begon, M., J.L. Harper, and C.R. Townsend. 1996 Ecology.Individuals, populations and communities. 3rd edition. Blackwell, Oxford. -
1878 Gunathilagaraj, K. 1996 Ecology of the white backed planthopper, Sogatella furcifera in rice. Madras Agricultural Journal 83(3): 177-180.
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