Planthopper Bibliography Database
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445 of 617
Authors Year Title Journal | |
3603 | Pantaleoni, R.A. 1989 Modalita d'invasione di un nuovo areale in Metcalfa pruinosa (Say, 1830) (Auchenorrhyncha, Flatidae). [Ways of invasion of a new area by Metcalfa pruinosa (Say, 1830) (Auchenorrhyncha, Flatidae)]. Bollettino dell'Istituto di Entomologia dell'Universita degli Studi di Bologna 43: 1-8. pdf |
3605 | Parejarearn, A., D.B. Lapis, G.Z. Salamat, and H. Hibino. 1989 Vector behavior and the transmission of rice ragged stunt virus on vector-resistant rice. Journal of Plant Protection in the Tropics 6(2): 123-129. |
3624 | Pearson, D.L. 1989 What is the adaptive significance of multicomponent defensive repertoires. Oikos 54(2): 251-253. |
3649 | Petrakis, P. 1989 A multivariate approach to the analysis of Biotype structure with special reference to avifauna in Prespa Region, northwest Greece: Database and proceedures. Biologia Gallo-Hellenica 16: 67-105. pdf |
3689 | Pradeep, A.R. and V.S.K. Nair. 1989 Morphogenetic effects of precocene 2 in the brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens Stal. (Homoptera: Delphacidae). Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy Part B Biological Sciences 55(5-6): 381-386. pdf |
3742 | Rahim, A. 1989 Abiotic factors influencing development and longevity of Tetrastichus pyrillae Craw.(Hymenoptera: Fulophidae[Eulophidae]), an egg parasite of Pyrilla perpusilla Walk. Pakistan Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research 32(12): 820-822. |
3747 | Rajendran, R. and M. Gopalan. 1989 Staphylinid beetle, Paederus fuscipes Curtis - a potential biocontrol agent in rice. Current Science 58(1): 40-41. pdf |
3749 | Ramaraju, K., P.C. Sundara-Babu, and K. Gunathilagaraj. 1989 Whitebacked planthopper (WBPH) Sogatella furcifera (Horvath) survival and nymph emergence on some rice varieties. International Rice Research Newsletter 14(6): 9. pdf |
3768 | Reddy, D.N.R., Y.K. Kotikal and M. Vijayandra. 1989 On the hoppers (Homoptera) attacking mulberry, Morus alba L. Indian Journal of Sericulture 28(1): 107-108. |
3807 | Remane, R. and H. Reimer. 1989 Im NSG "Rotes Moor" durch Wanzen. Heteroptera) und Zikaden. Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha) genutzte und ungenutzte "ökologische Lizenzen" im Vergleich zu anderen Mooren und der übrigen Rhön. Telma, Beiheft. 2: 149-172. |
3822 | Richter, S. 1989 Rationelle Laborzucht der Amerikanischen Reiszikade, Sogatodes orizicola (Muir), und ihre Nutzung als Testobjekt. Beitraege zur Tropischen Landwirtschaft und Veterinaermedizin 27(4): 435-442. |
3825 | Riley, J.R., D.R. Reynolds, and A.D. Smith. 1989 Radar observations of brown planthopper migration in China. Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University [Nanjing Nongye Daxue Xuebao] 12(4): 126-127. |
3858 | Romena, A.M. and E.A. Heinrichs. 1989 Wild species of rice Oryza spp. as sources of resistance to rice insects. Journal of Plant Protection in the Tropics 6(3): 213-221 and unpaginated separate summmary. |
3860 | Rong, H.W. and T.Y. Chung. 1989 Nogodinidae of Taiwan (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea). Taiwan Museum Special Publication Series 8: 161-170. |
3877 | Rubia, E.G. and K.L. Heong. 1989 Vertical distribution of two hopper species on rice plants. International Rice Research Newsletter 14(6): 30-31. pdf |
3902 | Samuels, K.D.Z., J.B. Heale, and M. Llewellyn. 1989 Characteristics relating to the pathogenicity of Metarhizium anisopliae towards Nilaparvata lugens. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 53(1): 25-31. |
3938 | Saxena, R.C. and A.A. Barrion. 1989 Morphometric comparison of stridulating organs of brown planthopper (BPH) infesting rice and Leersia grass. International Rice Research Newsletter 14(1): 29-30. pdf |
3953 | Saxena, R.C., Z.T. Zhang, and M.E.M. Boncodin. 1989 Effect of neem oil on courtship signals and mating behavior of brown planthopper (BPH) females. International Rice Research Newsletter 14(6): 28-29. pdf |
4063 | Shepard, B.M. and H.R. Rapusas. 1989 Life cycle of Micraspis sp. on brown planthopper (BPH) and rice pollen. International Rice Research Newsletter 14(3): 40. pdf |
4065 | Shepard, B.M., E.R. Ferrer, J. Soriano, and P.E. Kenmore. 1989 Presence/absence sampling of planthoppers and major predators in rice. Journal of Plant Protection in the Tropics 6(2): 113-118. |
4089 | Siahmazgi, A.S. . 1989 Biological studies on Dicondylus indianus (Olmi) (Hymenoptera: Dryinidae), with particular reference to foraging behaviour. Doctoral Dissertation, College, Cardiff. Doctoral Thesis [Available from BLDSC, Ref No DX89855.] |
4095 | Singh, B.P. 1989 Studies on the white-back plant hopper Sogatella furcifera H. of paddy at Lakhaoti (Bulandshahr). Bulletin of Entomology 30(1): 129-131. |
4136 | Sogawa, K. and T. Watanabe. 1989 Outline of long-term yearly fluctuations of the rice planthopper occurrence from light-trap data at Kyushu National Agricultural Experiment Station. Proceedings of the Association for Plant Protection of Kyushu 35: 65-68. pdf |
4207 | Strong, D. R. 1989 Density independence in space and inconsistent temporal relationships for host mortality caused by a fairyfly parasitoid. Journal of Animal Ecology 58(3): 1065-1076. |
4327 | Teakle, D.S., S. Hicks, R.M. Harding, R.S. Greber, and R.G. Milne. 1989 Pangola stunt virus infecting pangola grass and summer grass in Australia. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 39(6): 1075-1083. |