Planthopper Bibliography Database
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447 of 617
Authors Year Title Journal | |
11185 | Buri, P., J.Y. Humbert, M. Stanska, I. Hajdamowicz, E. Tran, M.H. Entling, and R. Arlettaz. 2016 Delayed mowing promotes planthoppers, leafhoppers and spiders in extensively managed meadows. Insect Conservation and Diversity 9(6): 536-545. DOI: 510.1111/icad.12186. |
11178 | Tishechkin, D.Yu. and N.A. Burlak. 2013 Pure-tone vibrational signals in small Auchenorrhyncha (Homoptera). Zoologicheskii Zhurnal 92(3): 278–299. |
11179 | Lindberg, H. 1949 On Stylopisation of Araeopids. Acta Zoologica Fennica 57: 1–40. pdf |
11180 | Al-Sarai Al-Alawi, Mamoon. 2015 Studies on the control of Dubas bug, Ommatissus lybicus DeBergevin (Homoptera: Tropiduchidae), a major pest of Date Palm in the Sultanate of Oman. Doctoral dissertation. Imperial College London. 145 pp. pdf |
11181 | An, X.K., M.L. Hou, and Y.D. Liu. 2016 Reference gene selection and evaluation for gene expression studies using qRT-PCR in the White-Backed Planthopper, Sogatella furcifera (Hemiptera: Delphacidae). Journal of Economic Entomology 109(2): 879-886. DOI: 810.1093/jee/tov1333. |
11182 | Audrey, A., J.Y. Humbert, J.Y. and R. Arlettaz. 2016 Functional response of leaf- and planthoppers to modern fertilisation and irrigation of hay meadows. Basic & Applied Ecology 17(7): 627-637. DOI: 610.1016/j.baae.2016.1007.1002. |
11183 | Barnett, D.E. 1976 Some new preparation techniques used in leafhopper identification. Florida Entomologist 59(3): 321-323. pdf |
11184 | Braithwaite, K., K. Chandler, and N. Sallam. 2016 Barcoding: A tool to assist the industry to manage insect incursions. International Sugar Journal 118(1411): 516-521. pdf |
11186 | Campodonico, J.F. 2017 New distributional records of Delphacidae (Hemiptera: Fulgoroidea) from Chile. Arquivos Entomolóxicos 17: 119-128 pdf |
11187 | Cayabyab, B.F., W.R. Cuaterno, P.G. Gonzales, and M.D. Ebuenga. 2009 Cooperative surveillance and management of invasive alien species in the Philippines. In: H.C. Sim, (ed.). Asia and the Pacific Forest Health Workshop Forest Health in a Changing World. Extended abstracts From the workshop held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 1–3 December 2008. International Union of Forest Research Organizations Volume 2. Pp. 82-85 pdf |
11188 | Chang, Z.X., N. Tang, L. Wang, L.Q. Zhang, I.A. Akinyemi, and Q.F. Wu. 2016 Identification and characterization of microRNAs in the white-backed planthopper, Sogatella furcifera. Insect Science 23(3): 452-468. DOI: SI 410.1111/1744-7917.12343. |
11189 | Chen, Y., X. Zheng, J. Liu, H. Wei, Y.D. Chen, X.X. Su, and J. Zhang. 2016 Appraisal of the impact of three insecticides on the principal rice pests and their predators in China. Florida Entomologist 99(2): 210-220. |
11190 | Chuche, J., J.L. Danet, P. Salar, X. Foissac, and D. Thiery. 2016 Transmission of 'Candidatus Phytoplasma solani' by Reptalus quinquecostatus (Hemiptera: Cixiidae). Annals of Applied Biology 169(2): 214-223. DOI: 210.1111/aab.12291 |
11191 | Cocuzza, G.E.M., G. Mazzeo, A. Russo, V. Lo Giudice, and S. Bella. 2016 Pomegranate arthropod pests and their management in the Mediterranean area. Phytoparasitica 44(3): 393-409. DOI: 310.1007/s12600-12016-10529-y. |
11192 | Dowell, R.V. and R. Gill. 1989 Exotic invertebrates and their effects on California. Pan-Pacific Entomologist 65(2): 132-145. |
11193 | Dowell, R.V., R.J. Gill, D.R. Jeske, and M.S. Hoddle. 2016 Exotic terrestrial macro-invertebrate invaders in California from 1700 to 2015: an analysis of records. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 63: 63-157. pdf |
11194 | Ferrater, J.B. and F.G. Horgan. 2016 Does Nilaparvata lugens gain tolerance to rice resistance genes through conspecifics at shared feeding sites? Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 160(1): 77-82. DOI: 10.1111/eea.12454. |
11195 | Franqui Rivera, R.A. Not dated Cixiido de las Palmas Haplaxius crudus (Van Duzee). Departamento Cultivos y Ciencias Agroambientales, Colegio de Ciencias Agrícolas Recinto Universitario de Mayagüez, Universidad de Puerto Rico and the USDA Forest Service. Pamphlet. 2 pp. pdf |
11196 | Franqui Rivera, R.A. and S. Medina Gaud. 2003 Identificación de Insectos de Posible Introducción a Puerto Rico. Departamento de Agricultura de Puerto Rico, USDA-APHIS-PPQ y Estación Experimental Agrícola del Colegio de Ciencias Agrícolas, Recinto Universitario de Mayagüez, Universidad de Puerto. Booklet. 36 pp pdf |
11197 | Funke, L. and R. Achtziger. 2016 Besiedelungsdynamik von Zikaden auf angelegten Versuchsflächen. [Colonisation dynamics of leafhoppers and planthoppers on newly established experimental sites] DGaaE-Nachrichten 30(1): 13-14. pdf |
11198 | Galinichev, A.V. and G.A. Anufriev. 2012. 2012 Materials on Cicadina fauna of Arkaim reserve museum of Chelyabinsk oblast. Aridnye Ekosistemy 2(51):76–84. |
11199 | Ge, L.Q., T. Xia, B. Huang, Q.S. Song, H.W. Zhang, D. Stanley, G.Q. Yang, and J.C. Wu. 2016. 2016 Suppressing male spermatogenesis-associated protein 5-like gene expression reduces vitellogenin gene expression and fecundity in Nilaparvata lugens Stal. Scientific Reports 6: 28111. DOI: 10.1038/srep2811 pdf |
11200 | Ghobadifar, F., W. Aimrun, and M.N. Jebur. 2016 Development of an early warning system for brown planthopper (BPH) (Nilaparvata lugens) in rice farming using multispectral remote sensing. Precision Agriculture 17(4): 377-391. DOI: 310.1007/s11119-11015-19422-11119. |
11201 | Handique, B.K., J. Goswami, A. Qadir, C. Gupta, and P.L.N. Raju. 2016 Rapid assessment of boro paddy infestation by brown planthopper in Morigaon district, Assam, India using unmanned aerial vehicle. Current Science 111(10): 1604-1606. pdf |
11202 | He, K., K.J. Lin, G.R. Wang, and F. Li. 2016 Genome sizes of nine insect species determined by flow cytometry and k-mer analysis. Frontiers in Physiology 7: 569. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2016.00569 pdf |