College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
5194 Filippin, L., J. Jovic, T. Cvrkovic, V. Forte, D. Clair, I. Tosevski, E. Boudon-Padieu, M. Borgo and E. Angelini. 2009 Molecular characteristics of phytoplasmas associated with Flavescence doree in clematis and grapevine and preliminary results on the role of Dictyophara europaea as a vector. Plant Pathology 58: 826-837. pdf
1604 Figueroa-Colon, J.C., ed. 1996 The Scientific Survey of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands: An Eighty-year Reassessment of the Islands’ Natural History. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences V. 776, 273 pp.
1602 Fick, W. 1983 Zur Morphologie und Ultrastruktur des Darmtrakts der Fulgoromorpha (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha). Zoologische Jahrbuecher Abteilung für Anatomie und Ontogenie der Tiere 110(3): 293-316.
1603 Fick, W. 1985 Zur Morphologie und histologie des Darmtraktes von Hyalodictyon truncatum, Calyptoproctus elegans und Fulgora laternaria (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha, Fulgoromorpha). Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Allgemeine und Angewandte Entomologie 4(4-6): 180-183.
8963 Fick, W. 1984 Über die Morphologie des Darmtrakts der Fulgoromorpha (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha): Ein Vergleich verschiedener Familien = La morphologie du canal alimentaire des Fulgoromorpha (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha): étude comparée de différentes familles. [The morphology of the alimentary canal of the Fulguromorpha (Homoptera, Auchenorhyncha): a comparative survey of different families.] Zoologische Jahrbücher. Abteilung für Anatomie und Ontogenie der Tiere 112(4): 441-258.
6342 Feuer, R. 1976 Biotype 2 brown planthopper in the Philippines. International Rice Research Newsletter 1(1): 15. International Rice Research Newsletter 1(1): 15.
9481 Ferrufino, A. 1986 Entomofauna ascoiada con pasturas en Chipiriri, Boliva. Pasturas Tropicales 8(1): 18-21 pdf
1601 Ferrer, E.R. and B.M. Shepard. 1988 Sampling methods for estimating population densities of planthoppers and predators in direct-seeded and transplanted rice. Journal of Agricultural Entomology 5(3): 199-204. pdf
1600 Ferrenberg, S. M. and R. F. Denno. 2003 Competition as a factor underlying the abundance of an uncommon phytophagous insect, the salt-marsh planthopper Delphacodes penedetecta. Ecological Entomology 28(1): 58-66. pdf
8701 Ferrenberg, S. M. 2002 Competition as a factor underlying the abundance of an uncommon phytophagous insect, the salt-marsh planthopper Delphacodes penedetecta (Hemiptera: Delphacidae). Master’s thesis. University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland. thesis
14912 Ferreira, R.L. and M. Souza-Silva. 2023 Beyond expectations: Recent discovery of new cave-restricted species elevates the Água Clara Cave system to the richest hotspot of subterranean biodiversity in the Neotropics. Diversity Diversity 15(12): 1215; 1-8.
5542 Ferreira, M., S.H. McKamey, and R.T. Martinez. 2010 New records of Haplaxius (Hemiptera: Cixiidae) in the Dominican Republic, with description of a new species. Zootaxa 2614: 65-68. pdf
14658 Ferreira, K.R., C.R. Bartlett, M. Asche, L.R.S. Silva, V.S. Magalhães, and K.C. Albernaz Gondinho. 2023 First record of the African species Leptodelphax maculigera (Stål, 1859) (Hemiptera: Delphacidae) in Brazil. ResearchSquare
6812 Ferreira, E., J. F. da S. Martins, and S. Selveira Neto. 1979 Occurrence of Sogatodes oryzicola (Muir) in upland rice in Goias, Brasil. International Rice Research Newsletter 4(4): 18. pdf
10008 Ferrater, J.B., P.W. de Jong, M. Dicke, Y.H. Chen, and F.G. Horgan. 2013 Symbiont-mediated adaptation by planthoppers and leafhoppers to resistant rice varieties. Arthropod-Plant Interactions 7(6): 591-605. pdf
7872 Ferrater, J.B., and Y.H Chen. 2007 Development of microsatellite loci for the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens Stal. Philippine Entomologist 21(2): 207.
10732 Ferrater, J.B., A.I. Naredo, M.L.P. Almazan, P.W. de Jong, M. Dicke, and F.G. Horgan. 2015 Varied responses by yeast-like symbionts during virulence adaptation in a monophagous phloem-feeding insect. Arthropod-Plant Interactions 9(3): 215-224.
11194 Ferrater, J.B. and F.G. Horgan. 2016 Does Nilaparvata lugens gain tolerance to rice resistance genes through conspecifics at shared feeding sites? Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 160(1): 77-82. DOI: 10.1111/eea.12454.
11924 Ferrater, J.B. 2015 Adaptation of the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stål), to resistant rice varieties. PhD thesis, Wageningen University, Wageningen, NL. 200 pp + 9 unpaginated. pdf
9127 Ferrales Santos, E. 1987 Evaluación de trampas de captura de myndus crudus Van Duzee [Homoptera: Cixiidae] véctor de amarillamiento letal y su dinámica poblacional en Q. Roo. Juan Sarabia, Instituto Tecnologico Agropecuario No. 16, Mexico. Thesis.
1599 Ferracini, C., G. Gilardi, and A. Alma. 2004 Role of Graphocephala fennahi Young (Homoptera Cicadellidae) in favouring the diffusiondiffusion of the fungus Pycnostysanus azaleae (Peck) Mason on ornamental rhododendron. Redia 86: 53-58.
9165 Fernando, H., D. Senadhera, Y. Elikawela, H.M. de Alwis, and C. Kudagamage. 1979 Varietal resistance to the brown planthopper in Sri Lanka. In: O. Mochida and T. Okada, (eds.). Brown Planthopper: Threat to Rice Production in Asia. IRRI. Los Baños, Philippines. Pp. 241-249. pdf
9186 Fernando, H. E. 1975 The brown planthopper problem in Sri Lanka. The Rice Entomology Newsletter 2: 34-36.
14462 Fernández-Barrera, M., I. Córdova-Lara, J. L. Chan-Rodríguez, A. Castillo-Vera, E. Blanco-Rodríguez, G. Nic-Matos, C. Oropeza-Salín, and L. Sáenz-Carbonell. 2022 Detection of 16SrIV-A phytoplasma DNA in Colpoptera sp. (Hemiptera: Nogodinidae) insects in Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. [Detecção do DNA do fitoplasma 16SrIV-A em Colpoptera sp. (Hemiptera: Nogodinidae) na Península de Yucatan, México]. Brazilian Journal of Biology 84: e257470; 1-8.
1595 Fernández-Badillo, A. and A.S. Clavijo. 1990 Biologia de la chicharrita del maiz, Peregrinus maidis (Homoptera: Delphacidae), en Venezuela. Revista de la Facultad de Agronomia (Maracay) 16(1): 35-45.
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