College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
6153 Pathak, P.K. and G.S. Khush. 1977 Studies on varietal resistance to the bmwn planthopper at IRRI. In: The Brown Planthopper Symposium, International Rice Research Institute. Mimeographed Report. p. 34.
6262 Shimazu,M. 1977 Pathogenicity of Entomophthora delphacis Hori to the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugeus (Stal). Proceedings of the Association of Plant Protection of Kyushu 23: 92-94.[Japanese] pdf
6303 Ikeda, R. and C. Kaneda. 1977 Genetic analysis of resistance to brown planthopper 2. Analysis in F2 Populations on Bph 1 gene by short-term caging method. Japanese Journal of Breeding 27(Supplement): 210-211.
6343 Cheng, C.H. 1977 The possible role of resistant rice varies in brown planthopper control. In: The Rice Brown Planthopper. Food and Fertilizer Technology Center for the Asian and Pacific Council, Taipei, Taiwan. Pp. 214-229.
6429 Kalode, M.B., S.A. Razvi, T.B. Gour, T.S. Krishna, and T.E. Srinivasab. 1977 Rice varieties resistant to brown planthopper. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 47: 130-132.
6431 Kaneda, C., R. Ikeda, and A. Kobayashi. 1977 Breeding for resistance to the brown planthopper in Japan. In: The Rice Brown Planthopper. Food and Fertilizer Technology Centre for Asia and the Pacific region, Taipei, Taiwan. Pp. 124-134.
7305 Samal, P. and B.C. Misra. 1977 A short note on biology of spider, Marpissa pomatix (Walckenaer) feeding on brown planthopper Nilparvata lugens (Stal) in a rice field in C.R.R.I., Cuttack. Oryza 14: 133-134.
7306 Samal, P. and B.C. Misra. 1977 Notes on the life history of Cyrtorhinus lividipennis Reuter, a predatory mirid bug of rice brown planthopper Nilparvata lugens (Stal) in Orissa. Oryza 14: 47-49.
7817 Linnavuori, R.E. 1977 Additional notes on the hemipterous fauna of Somalia. Bollettino della Societa Entomologica Italiana 109: 61–65. pdf
7916 Hibino, H., M. Roechan, S. Sudarisman and D.M. Tantera. 1977 A virus disease of rice ("kerdil hampa") transmitted by brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens Stal in Indonesia. Contributions of the Central Research Institute for Agriculture, Bogor, Indonesia 35: 1-15.
8073 Moriya, S., Y. Maeda, T. Yonekubo, and K. Asakawa. 1977 Effects of Isoprothiolane on the reproduction of the brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens Stal. Japanese Journal of Applied Entomology and Zoology 21(4): 220-226.[Japanese] pdf
8096 Kilin, D. and D. Soekarna. 1977 Efficacy of Durban-Bassa (150:50) insecticide against the brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens). Seri Hama/Penyakit 13: 16-19.
8119 Kim, K.H. and M.H. Heu. 1977 Studies on the inheritance and selection of multiful resistance to Nilaparvata lugens Stal, Laodelphax striatellus Fallen and Nephotettix cincticeps Uhler in paddy rice. Seoul National University College of Agriculture Bulletin 2(1): 1-35.
8302 Oka, I.N. 1977 Quick method for identification of biotypes of the brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens Stal in the field. Seri Hama-Penyakit. In: No. 12., Lembaga Pusat Penelitian Pertanian, Bogor. Bagian Hama dan Penyakit Tanaman. Bogor, Indonesia. [Research progress report] Pp. 121-125.
8453 Suartini. 1977 Response of rice strains to brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens Stal Biotype 1 in the observation nursery in Muara experimental station during the dry season in 1976. Seri Hama-Penyakit 12: 32-54.
8556 Weerapat, P., W. Purivirojkul, and T. Chaturourangsri. 1977 The possibility of mixed varieties to combat brown planthopper. Thai Journal of Agricultural Science 10(4): 183-186.
8659 Milne, R.G. and O. Lovisolo. 1977 Maize rough dwarf and related viruses. Advances in Virus Research 21: 267-341.
8916 Varma, A., P.N. Avasthy, and V.P. Agnihotri. 1977 Record of three entomogenous fungi on sugarcane leafhopper, Pyrilla perpusilla Wlk. Science and Culture 43(6): 282-283.
8943 Ammar, E.D., A.K.M. El-Nahal, and M.M. El-Bolok. 1977 Population studies on ten planthopper species at Giza, Egypt (Homoptera: Delphacidae, Meenoplidae and Cixiidae). Bulletin of the Entomological Society of Egypt 61: 257-266.
9103 Waters, H. 1977 A technique for the location of planthopper feeding probes using labial imprints. Annals of Applied Biology 85(2): 309-311.
9225 Dyck, V.A. and G. C. Orlido. 1977 Control of the brown planthopper ( Nilaparvata lugens ) by natural enemies and timely application of narrow-spectrum insecticides. In: The Rice Brown Planthopper. Food and Fertilizer Technology Center for the Asian and Pacific Region, Taipei. Pp 58-72.
9239 Kaneda, C. and Y. D. Jin. 1977 Level of antibiosis of rice selections against BPH as affected by repeated backcrosses to susceptible varieties. Japanese Journal of Breeding 27(suppl. 1): 212-213.
9280 Lee, J.O., and J.S. Park. 1977 Biology and control of the brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens ) in Korea. In: The Rice Brown Planthopper. Food and Fertilizer Technology Center for the Asian and Pacific Region, Taipei. Pp. 199-213.
9303 Mochida, O. and V. A. Dyck. 1977 Bionomics of the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens. In: The Rice Brown Planthopper. Food and Fertilizer Technology Center for the Asian and the Pacific Region, Taipei. Pp. 192-198.
9320 Paik, W.H. 1977 Historical review of the occurrence of the brown planthopper in Korea. In: The Rice Brown Planthopper. Food and Fertilizer Technology Center for the Asian and Pacific Region, Taipei. Pp. 230-247.
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