College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
12639 Martin, J. E., E. K. Bernal Jimenez, M. G. Cruz, K. Zhu-Salzman, M. O. Way and I. E. Badillo-Vargas. 2020 Assessing the potential infection of Tagosodes orizicolus (Hemiptera: Delphacidae) by Rice Hoja Blanca Virus in Texas. Journal of Economic Entomology 113(2): 1018-1022. (PrePrint 2019)
14629 Broadley, H.J., S.J. Sipolski, D.B. Pitt, K.A. Hoelmer, X.Y. Wang, L.M. Cao, L.A. Tewksbury, T.J. Hagerty, C.R. Bartlett, A.D. Russell, Y. Wu, S.C. Davis, J.M. Kaser, J.S. Elkinton, and J.R. Gould. 2023 Assessing the host range of Anastatus orientalis, an egg parasitoid of spotted lanternfly (Lycorma delicatula) using Eastern US non-target species. Frontiers in Insect Science 3: 21; 1-14. pdf
12909 WANG, Yu, Jie CHEN, Dun-Huang XIAO, Fu-Gang MA, and Hong-Xia HUA. 2016 Assessing the efficacy of different sampling methods for arthropods in rice field. Journal of Environmental Entomology 38(6): 1090-1098.
11582 TIAN, Jun-Ce, Jörg ROMEIS, Kai LIU, Fa-Cheng ZHANG, Xu-Song ZHENG, Hong-Xing XU, Gui-Hua CHEN, Xiao-Chan HE, and Zhong-Xian LU. 2017 Assessing the effects of Cry1C rice and Cry2A rice to Pseudogonatopus flavifemur, a parasitoid of rice planthoppers. Scientific Reports 7: 7838; 1-. 7. (ePub Article#7838, 7 pp.)
10329 Ding, J.Q., Y. Wu, H. Zheng , W.D. Fu, R. Reardon, and M. Liu. 2006 Assessing potential biological control of the invasive plant, tree-of-heaven, Ailanthus altissima. Biocontrol Science and Technology 16(6): 547-566.
14678 Nixon, L.J., C. Barnes, and T.C. Leskey. 2023 Assessing acceptability of wild and cultivated hosts of Lycorma delicatula (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae) under semifield conditions. Environmental Entomology 2023: nvad078; 1-9.
12316 McDaniel, L. L., El-Desouky Ammar and D. T. Gordon. 1985 Assembly, morphology, and accumulation of a Hawaiian isolate of Maize mosaic virus in maize. Phytopathology 75(10): 1167–1172. pdf
55 Ammar, E.D. and L.R. Nault. 1985 Assembly and accumulation sites of maize mosaic virus and its planthopper vector. Intervirology 24: 33–41.
11671 Ammar, E. D. T. Meulia, E. Özbek, and S.A. Hogenhout. 2004 Assembly and accumulation sites of Maize mosaic virus (Rhabdoviridae) in plant host and insect vector using transmission electron and confocal laser scanning microscopy. Pp. 56-64. In: A. Méndez-Vilas and L. Labajos-Broncano (eds.). Current Issues on Multidisciplinary Microscopy Research and Education. Formatex Publishing, Badajoz, Spain. - pdf
6403 Wilson, S.W. and A. Lucchi. 2000 Aspetti sistematici, corologici ed ecologici.[Notes on systematics, distribution and ecology of Metcalfa pruinosa (Say).] In: A. Lucchi, (ed.). La Metcalfa negli ecosistemi italiani. ARSIA. Regione Toscana, Italy. Pp. 13-28.
2928 Lucchi, A. and L. Santini. 2002 Aspetti fisiologici e morfo-funzionali in Metcalfa pruinosa (Hom. Fulgoroidea) con riferimento agli effetti prodotti sulle produzioni agricole e sulle alberature ornamentali. Atti della Accademia Nazionale Italiana di Entomologia Rendiconti Anno (2001) 49: 131–147.
6667 Lucchi, A. and L. Santini. 2000 Aspetti Biologici e morfologici in Metcalfa pruinosa (Say)(Homoptera Flatidae). In: Metcalfa pruinosa: Diffusione nel Continente Europeo e Prospecttive di Controllo Biologico. Atti del Convegno Tenuto a S. Donato, Milanese 21 Ottobre 1999. Pp.6-8. pdf
6404 Santini, L. and A. Lucchi. 2000 Aspetti biologici e morfo-funzionali.[Biological and morpho-functional aspects in Metcalfa pruinosa (Say).] In: A. Lucchi, (ed.). La Metcalfa negli ecosistemi italiani. ARSIA. Regione Toscana, Italy. Pp. 29-50.
8605 Gerard, P.J. 1985 Aspects of the ecology of Scolypopa australis (Walker) (Homoptera: Ricaniidae) and its parasite Centrodora scolypopae (Valentine) (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae). University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand. -
6524 Virla, E.G. 1995 Aspects of the biology of Gonatopus desantisi (Hym.- Dryinidae). Frustula Entomologica n.s. 17(30): 29-34.
12842 Moratorio, M.S. 1977 Aspects of the biology of Anagrus spp. (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae), with special reference to host-parasitoid relationships. University of London, London, United Kingdom. 182 pp. Doctoral Thesis. pdf
8729 Penalver Cruz, A., A. Arida, K.L. Heong, and F.G. Horgan. 2011 Aspects of brown planthopper adaptation to resistant rice varieties with the Bph3 gene. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 141(3): 245-257. pdf
986 Remes-Lenicov, A.M.M. de, R Mariani, and A. C. Costamagna. 1997 Aspectos morfológicos y bioecológicos de Dicranotropis fuscoterminata sobre cultivos (Insecta: Homoptera: Delphacidae). [Morphological and bioecological aspects of Dicranotropis fuscoterminata of maize crops (Insecta: Homoptera: Delphacidae).] Neotrópica 43(109-110): 7-14. pdf
6668 Odegaard, F. 2011 Asiraca clavicornis (Fabricius, 1794) (Homoptera, Delphacidae, Asiracinae) a new planthopper to northern Europe found in Norway. Norwegian Journal of Entomology 58(1): 33-35. pdf
38 Allen, A.A. 1979 Asiraca clavicornis (F.) (Hem., Delphacidae) in S.E. London. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 114: 105.
10639 Matsumura, M., S. Sanada-Morimura, and A. Otuka. 2010 Asian rice planthoppers have developed species- and area-specific insecticide resistance to imidacloprid and fipronil since mid-2000s. In: The 13th International Auchenorrhyncha Congress and the 7th International Workshop on Leafhoppers and Planthoppers of Economic Significance 28 June-2 July. Vaison-la-Romaine, France. Abstracts: Talks and Posters. Pp. 69-70. pdf
13956 Barnes, J.K. 1988 Asa Fitch and the emergence of American entomology, With an entomological bibliography and a catalog of taxonomic names and type specimens. New York State Museum Bulletin No. 461: 1-120. pdf
5031 Pulz, C.E. and G.S. Carvalho. 2006 As espécies de Nersia (Hemiptera, Fulgoromorpha, Dictyopharidae) do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. [The species of Nersia (Hemiptera, Fulgoromorpha, Dictyopharidae) from Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil]. Iheringia. Série Zoologia 96(1): 75-80. pdf
2602 Koyama, K. 1988 Artificial rearing and nutritional physiology of the planthoppers and leafhoppers (Hemiptera: Delphacidae and Deltocephalidae) on a holidic diet). Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly 22(1): 20-27. pdf
6608 Mitsuhashi, J. 1979 Artificial rearing and aseptic rearing of leafhopper vectors: applications in virus and MLO research. In: K. Maramorosch and K.F. Harris, (eds.). Leafhopper vectors and plant disease agents. Academic Press, New York. Pp. 369-412.
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