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Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
10269 Ichita, T. 2007 [Insects with names related to Apmori Prefect]. Yabunabe Bulletin 22: 26-37. pdf
9612 Lin, D.C. 2009 Damage mechanism of small brown planthopper to the rice seedling and its effect on growth of rice later stages. Yangzhou University, Yangzhou, Jiangsu, China. Master’s Thesis.
10820 Li, X.D., Y.J. Yang, J.C. Tian, H.X. Xu, X.S. Zheng, and Z.X. Lü. 2014 [Ecological responses of brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens, to triazophos and deltamethrin on transgenic Bt rice lines and their non-Bt parental rice]. Yingyong Shengtai Xuebao 25(10): 3006-3010.
5314 Mamedov, G.G. 2009 Species composition of rice pests and pest resistance of rice cultivars. Zashchita i Karantin Rastenii 8: 44-44.
9504 Gninenko, Y.I., V.V. Kostukov, and O.V. Kosheleva. 2011 New invasive insects in the forests and greenery of the Krasnodar krai. Zashchita i Karantin Rastenii 4: 49-50.
10005 Evdokimov, A.B. 2013 Cicadellidae in wines of the Krasnodar Krai. Zashchita i Karantin Rastenii 6: 41 [Ricania japonica, Metcalfa pruinosa noted]
10078 Krstic, O., S. Radonjic, C. Hrncic, T. Cvrkovic, M. Mitrovic, A. Kosovac, I. Tosevski, and J. Jovic. 2012 Diverzitet faune Auchenorrhyncha u vinogradima Crne Gore. [Diversity of the Auchenorrhyncha fauna in vineyards of Montenegro.] Zaštita Bilja 63(2): 280; 108-113. [Cixius pallipes, Hyalesthes obsoletus, Reptalus cuspidatus, Reptalus melanochaetus, Laodelphax striatella, Dictyophara europaea, Tettigometra leucophaea, Issus coleoptratus, Metcalfa pruinosa] pdf
10362 Kosovac, A., M. Jakovljevic, O. Krstic, T. Cvrkovic, M. Mitrovic, I. Tosevski, and J. Jovic. 2014 Crepis foetida L. – Nova Biljka Doma?in Cikade Hyalesthes obsoletus Signoret 1865 (Hemiptera: Cixiidae), Vektora Stolbur FitoplaZME [Crepis foetida L. - new host plant of Cixiid planthopper Hyalesthes obsoletus Signoret 1865 (Hemiptera: Cixiidae), vector of stolbur phytoplasma]. Zastita Bilja 65(1): 7-14. pdf
11786 Cvrkovic, T., M. Mitrovic, J. Jovic, S. Krnjajic, O. Krstic and I. Tosevski. 2010 Diverzitet cikada (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha) u vinogradima Srbije. Zastita Bilja 61(3): 217-232.
11860 Jovic, J., T. Cvrkovic, M. Mitrovic, O. Krstic, S. Krnjajic and I. Tosevski. 2010 Sastav i struktura zajednica cikada u usevima kukuruza u južnom Banatu [Composition and Structure of planthoppers and leafhoppers assemblages in South Banat maize fields]. Zastita Bilja 61(3): 233–247. [In Serbian]
5426 Žežlina, I., L. Milevoj, and V. Girolami. 2001 Osica Neodryinus typhlocybae Ashmead - tudi v Sloveniji uspesen predator in parazitoid pri omejevanju populacije medecega skrzata (Metcalfa pruinosa Say) [Wasp Neodryinus typhlocybae Ashmead - successful predator and parasitoid for reducing the population of flatid planthopper (Metcalfa pruinosa Say) also in Slovenia]. Zbornik Biotehniske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani (Slovenia), Kmetijstvo (Agronomija) 77(2): 215-225.
2376 Jansky, V. 1990 Auchenorrhyncha of the Abrod State Nature Reserve (Czechoslovakia). Zbornik Slovenskeho Narodneho Muzea Prirodne Vedy 36(0): 33-42. [Slovak]
2378 Jansky, V. 2001 Cicadas (Auchenorrhyncha) of the Nature Reserve Rojkovske raselinisko peatbog. Zbornik Slovenskeho Narodneho Muzea Prirodne Vedy 47: 52-57. [Slovak]
2379 Jansky, V. and I. Okali. 1993 Check-list of the Slovak Auchenorrhyncha. Zbornik Slovenskeho Narodneho Muzea Prirodne Vedy 39: 37-59.
3520 Okali, I. 2001 List of the type specimens in the collections of the Slovak National Museum - Museum of Natural History - Bratislava. X. Zbornik Slovenskeho Narodneho Muzea Prirodne Vedy 47: 40-51.
3521 Okali, I. 1987 List of the type specimens in the collections of the Slovak National Museum - Institute of Natural History, Bratislava: Insecta: Auchenorrhyncha: Sternorrhyncha. Zbornik Slovenskeho Narodneho Muzea Prirodne Vedy 33: 183-186.
7807 Lallemand, V. 1960 Contribution à l’étude de la famille Fulgoridae (2ème note). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft 12: 138–139.
584 Chen, C.C., L.L. Cheng, and R.F. Hou. 1981 Studies on intracellular yeast-like symbiote in the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens Stal. 1. Histological observations and population changes of the symbiote. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Entomologie 92(5): 440-449.
3306 Müller, H.J. 1961 Erster Nachweis einer Eidiapause bei den Jassiden Euscelis plebejus Fall. und lineolatus Brullé. (Homoptera Auchenorrhyncha). Zeitschrift für Angewandte Entomologie 48: 233-241.
3735 Rabeler, W. 1951 Biozönotische Untersuchungen im hannoverschen Kiefernforst. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Entomologie 32: 591–598.
3776 Remane, R. 1958 Die Besiedlung von Grünlandflächen verschiedener Herkunft durch Wanzen und Zikaden im Weser-Ems-Gebiet. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Entomologie 42: 353-400.
5163 Chen, C.C., L.L. Cheng, C.C. Kuan, and R.F. Hou. 1981 Studies on intracellular yeast-like symbiote in the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens Stal. 1. Histological observations and population changes of the symbiote. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Entomologie 91(4): 321-327.
5730 Talhouk, A.S. 1977 Contribution to the knowledge of almond pests in East Mediterranean countries. VI. The sap-sucking pests. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Entomology 83: 248-257.
11 Afscharpour, F. 1960 Ökologische Untersuchungen über Wanzen und Zikaden auf Kulturfeldern in Schleswig-Holstein. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Zoologie 47: 257–301.
2665 Kurir, A. 1967 Auswertung der Ergebnisse nach einem Massenbefall der Weidenschaumzikade (Aphrophora salicina Goeze) auf der Amerikaner-Weide (Salix americana Hort.) in einer Flechtweidenkultur. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Zoologie 59: 152-186.
576 | 577 | 578 | 579 | 580 | 581 | 582 | 583 | 584 580 of 604