College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
3403 Nickel, H. 2003 The Leafhoppers and Planthoppers of Germany (Hemiptera, Auchenorrhyncha), Patterns and strategies in a highly diverse group of phytophagous insects , Pensoft Series Faunistica 28, Sofia, Bulgaria. -
11810 Ishihara, J. and A.J. Lowe. 1969 The leafhoppers and planthoppers of fields in India. All India Co-ordianated rice improvement project report. Rajendra nagar, Hyderabad-30, Andhra Pradesh, India. Pp. 1–14.
9517 Hamilton, K.G.A. 2012 The leafhoppers and allies, or short-horned bugs (Suborder Auchenorrhyncha). In: D.S. Chandler, D. Manski, C. Donahue, and A. Alyokhim, (eds.). Biodiversity of the Schoodic Peninsula: Results of the Insect and Arachnid Bioblitzes at the Schoodic District of Acadia National Park. Maine Agricultural and Forest Experiment Station Technical Bulletin 206: 19-22+82-89 pdf
974 Dér, Zs., B. Penzes and A. Orosz. 2003 The leafhopper fauna of an apricot orchard in Hungary. Acta Phytopathologica et Entomologica Hungarica 38: 145-155.
2638 Kula, E. 2002 The leafhopper fauna in birch (Betula pendula Roth) stands. Journal of Forest Science 48(8): 351-360. pdf
9565 Kanervo, V., O. Heikinheimo, M. Raatikainen, and A. Tinnila. 1957 The leafhopper Delphacodes pellucida (F.) (Hom. Auchenorrhyncha) as the cause and distributor of damage to oats in Finland. Valtion Maatalouskoetoiminnan Julkaisuja [Publications of the Finnish State Agricultural Research Board] 160: 1-56.
4735 Wilson, M.R. and M.F. Claridge. 1985 The leafhopper and planthopper faunas of rice fields. In: L.R. Nault and J.G. Rodriguez, (eds.). The Leafhoppers and Planthoppers. John Wiley and Sons, New York. Pp. 381-404.
722 Claridge, M.F. and M.R. Wilson. 1982 The leafhopper and planthopper fauna of rice fields in south east Asia. Acta Entomologica Fennica 38: 21-22. pdf
5170 Dér, Zs., H. Hausdorf, and N. Zeisner. 2009 The leafhopper and planthopper (Auchenorrhyncha) fauna of three Austrian vineyards. Acta Phytopathologica et Entomologica Hungarica 44: 383-396.
3198 Misra, B.C. 1980 The leaf and plant hoppers of rice. Central Rice Research Institute, Cuttack, India. 1980: 1-182.
9289 Misra, B.C. and P. Israel. 1970 The leaf and plant hopper problems in high yielding varieties of rice. Oryza 7(2): 127-130.
7155 Lu, F., G.J. Qi, X. Chen, X.G. Dong, Y.R. Guo, X.W. Wu, X.H. Ni, S.J. Chen, J.Y. Zhang, X.X. Zhnag, and B.P. Zhai. 2010 The late immigration of the brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens (Stal) in Shanghai: Case studies from 2007. Acta Ecologica Sinica 30(12): 3215-3225. pdf
2241 Howard, F.W., T.J. Weissling and L.B. O'Brien. 2001 The larval habitat of Cedusa inflata (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha: Derbidae) and its relationship with adult distribution on palms. Florida Entomologist 84(1): 119-122. pdf
5699 Yan, J.H., S.L. Wang, S.M. Din, M.H. Xia, L.L. Bai, and H.Q. Wang. 2010 The larvae morphology and bionomics of dryinid wasps, Dryinus latus. Chinese Bulletin of Entomology 47(1): 156-164.
15297 GOU, Wei, David BANYAMIN, Mark REZK, Wictor FEDOROWAIT, Daniel BURBANO, and Sasan HAGHANI. 2024 The LanternPredator: A Machine-learning-based Robot for Controlling the Spread of Invasive Species. In: 2024 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), Las Vegas, NV, USA, 2024. 4 pp. [Lycorma delicatula]
12098 Wang, Wenqian, Si-Long Xu and Dao-Zheng Qin. 2018 The lanternfly genus Pyrops Spinola (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae) from China with description of a new species. Entomotaxonomia 40(4): 296-309. pdf
14406 Constant, J. and H.T. Pham. 2022 The Lanternfly genus Pyrops in Vietnam: A new species from Central Vietnam, taxonomic changes, checklist, identification key (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Fulgoridae). European Journal of Taxonomy 812: 123-154.
10464 Constant, J. 2015 The lanternfly genus Polydictya (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Fulgoridae) from Sulawesi and neighbouring islands, with the description of three new species. European Journal of Taxonomy 110: 1-19. DOI: 10.5852/ejt.2015.110. pdf
5414 Constant, J. 2010 The lanternfly genus Penthicodes: key to the species and review of the "Ereosoma group" with two new species and one new subspecies (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Fulgoridae). Zootaxa 2523: 1-26.
12216 Wang, Wenqian, Fanmei Zhou, Si-Long Xu and Dao-Zheng Qin. 2019 The lanternfly genus Aphaena Guérin-Méneville (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae) in China. Entomotaxonomia 41(1): 25–35. pdf
11769 Jiaranaisakul, K., N. Makbun and J. Constant. 2018 The lanternflies of the Penthicodes (Ereosoma) atomaria+ species group in Thailand: New records and host plants (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae). Belgian Journal of Entomology 71: 1-15. pdf
11476 Constant, J. and A.V. Mohan. 2017 The lanternflies from Andaman and Nicobar: one new Pyrops species, new records and illustrated key to the species (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Fulgoridae). Belgian Journal of Entomology 49: 1-24. pdf
13961 Jiaranaisakul, K. and J. Constant. 2021 The lanternflies (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha, Fulgoridae) of Khao Krachom Mountain, Thailand. Far Eastern Entomologist 435: 7-19. [Aphaena, Dichoptera, Kalidasa nigromaculata, Penthicodes, Pyrops, Saiva gemmata, Zanna nobilis] pdf
7663 Alexander, K.N.A. 2008 The Land and Freshwater Bugs (Hemiptera) of Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. CISFBR and ERCCIS Occasional Publication No.2.
8087 Kato, N., Y. Ishikawa, T. Kato, H. Nishimoto, and I. Shaku. 2002 The laborsaving control of rice diseases and rice damaged insects which used circulating irrigation, 2: The laborsaving control of smaller brown plant hopperand green rice leafhopper. Research Bulletin of the Aichi-ken Agricultural Research Center 34: 9-16.
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