Planthopper Bibliography Database
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65 of 617
Authors Year Title Journal | |
4830 | Wu, G.R., X.P. Yu, L.Y. Tao, and Z.J. Ren. 1994 Wing dimorphism and migration in the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens Stal. Series Entomologica (Dordrecht) 52: 263-275. pdf |
7116 | Saunders, J.L., A.B.S. King, and C.L. Vargas. 1983 Plagas de Cultivos en América Central. Serie Tecnica Boletin Tecnico No. 9. Centro Agronomico Tropical de Investigacion y Enseñanza. Catie. Turrialba, Costa Rica. - pdf |
8096 | Kilin, D. and D. Soekarna. 1977 Efficacy of Durban-Bassa (150:50) insecticide against the brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens). Seri Hama/Penyakit 13: 16-19. |
8453 | Suartini. 1977 Response of rice strains to brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens Stal Biotype 1 in the observation nursery in Muara experimental station during the dry season in 1976. Seri Hama-Penyakit 12: 32-54. |
8350 | Purba, R.M. 1976 The influence of rotation cropping system on planthoppers (Nilaparvata lugens Stahl) population development. Seri Dwi Dasawarsa [Bulletin-Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Sumatra Utara (Indonesia)] no. 14. |
13053 | Natasya Amirah, T., H. Nur Aida, T. Abdul Manaf, and A. Wahizatul Afzan. 2020 Pests and diseases incidence at different growth stages of melon manis terengganu (Cucumis melo var. Inodorus cv. Melon Manis Terengganu). Serangga 25(1): 1-14. [Nisia carolinensis] pdf |
13503 | Razak, A.I.A., S.N. Sazali, R. Hazali, F. Abang, and F.N.A.H.A. Fitri. 2020 First record of Samsama chersonesia chersonesia Distant, 1906 (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae) from BORNEO. Serangga 25(2): 142-147. pdf |
15139 | MAWI, Masdah, Mat Saad Muhamad HANZALAH, Anis Syahirah MOKHTAR, and Norhayu ASIB. 2022. Toxicity Azadirachta indica and Piper Sarmentosum extract mixture formulations against Nilaparvata lugens (Hemiptera: Delphacidae) in paddy field. Serangga 27(3): 132-142. |
13487 | KIM, Min-Jung. 2020 Modelling distribution and dispersal phenology of Metcalfa pruinosa (Hemiptera: Flatidae). Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea. Phd. Dissertation. pdf |
10880 | Park, M. 2015 Overwintering ecology and population genetics of Lycorma delicatula (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae) in Korea. . Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea Doctoral Thesis. pdf |
6348 | Lee, H.R. and S.Y. Choi. 1981 Studies on the artificial inoculation of biotypes in the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stal) on the resistant rice varieties and their biological characteristics. Seoul National University, College of Agriculture Bulletin 6(2): 1-20. |
8090 | Kee, S.W. and S.Y. Choi. 1983 Studies on the resistance of some Korean new rice varieties to the white-backed planthopper, Sogatella furcifera Horvath. Seoul National University College of Agriculture Bulletin 8(1):19-30. |
8119 | Kim, K.H. and M.H. Heu. 1977 Studies on the inheritance and selection of multiful resistance to Nilaparvata lugens Stal, Laodelphax striatellus Fallen and Nephotettix cincticeps Uhler in paddy rice. Seoul National University College of Agriculture Bulletin 2(1): 1-35. |
10611 | Xu, S., Z.Y. Zhou, H.Z. Lu, X.W. Luo, Y.B. Lan, Y. Zhang, and Y.F. Li. 2014 Estimation of the age and amount of brown rice plant hoppers based on bionic electronic nose use. Sensors 14(10): 18114-18130. DOI: 10.3390/s141018114. pdf |
12232 | Tan, Ye, Jia-Yi Sun, Bing Zhang, Meng Chen, Yu Liu and Xiang-Dong Liu. 2019 Sensitivity of a ratio vegetation index derived from hyperspectral remote sensing to the Brown Planthopper stress on rice plants. Sensors 19(2): (article 375, ePub) 10 pp. Sensors 19(2): 375; 1-10. (ePub Article #375, 10 pp.) pdf |
700 | Holzinger, W. E. 1999 Morphologie, Verbreitung und Bionomie von Trirhacus michalki (Wagner, 1948) (Insecta: Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha: Cixiidae). Senckenbergiana biologica 78: 153-159. |
8296 | Noda, H. and N. Nakashima. 1995 Non-pathogenic reoviruses of leafhoppers and planthoppers. Seminars in Virology 6(2): 109-116. pdf |
2346 | Ishihara, T. 1965 Taxonomic position of some leafhoppers known as virus-vectors. Seminar of US–Japan cooperatiave science on relationships between arthropods and plant pathogenic viruses. Entomology Laboratory, College of Agriculture, Ehime University, Matsuyama, Japan. - |
9108 | Dimitorva, A. 2010 Species composition of maize and sunflower leafhoppers (Hemiptera: Cicadomorpha, Fulgoromorpha). Selskostopanska Nauka (Agricultural Science) 43(2): 37-44. |
10205 | Wilson, S.W. 1993 Distribution and Checklist of the Delphacid Planthoppers of America north of Mexico (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea). Self-Published(?), Central Missouri State University, Warrensburg, Missouri. 22 pp. |
3211 | Mitjaev, I.D. 1995 The new species of the genus Celyphoma Em., 1971 (Cicadinea, Issidae) from Kazakstan and Dzhungaria. Selevinia 3(2): 13-19. |
3213 | Mitjaev, I.D. 2000 Fauna of leafhoppers (Homoptera, Cicadinea) of Tugay ecosystem of North Turan deserts. Selevinia 2000(1-4): 73-79. [In Russian] pdf |
9125 | Ahmed, E. 2008 Meram (Konya) ilçesinde Solanaceae familyasına ait sebzelerde zararlı Cicadellıdae ve Cixiidae (Homoptera) Türleri. [The Cixiidae and Cicadellidae (Homoptera) species which harmful on vegetables from Solanaceae in meram (Konya).] Selçuk University, Konya, Turkey. Master's Thesis. |
7664 | Nemat Elahi, M.R.,S. Jalali S.,and M.H. Sabzi. 2007 Study on maize rough dwarf and iranian maize mosaic viruses in Isfahan II: relationship between viruses and planthopper Vectors. Seed and Plant 23(3): 431-443.[Arabic] pdf |
7553 | Zhang, Q.Z., K.Z. Liang, S.Z. Yang, H.J. Yang, R.H. Huang, and R.C. Yang. 2001 Resistivity of introgression lines derived from wild species of Oryza of IRRI to rice blast, bacterial blight and brown planthopper. Seed 20(2): 15-16,21. |