Planthopper Bibliography Database
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Authors Year Title Journal | |
5248 | Huldén, L. and A. Albrecht. 1984 Auchenorrhyncha (Homoptera) of Inari Lapland. Kevo Notes 7: 47-52. |
689 | Chudzicka, E. 1982 Auchenorrhyncha (Homoptera) of Warsaw and Mazovia. Memorabilia Zoologica 36: 143-164. pdf |
9106 | Dery, K.S., R. Philippe, and D. Mariau. 1996 Auchenorrhyncha (Homoptera), suspected vectors of coconut lethal yellowing disease in Ghana. [Les auchenorrynches (homoptères), vecteurs supposés du jaunissement mortel du cocotier au Ghana.] Plantations, Recherche, Développement 3(5): 355-363. |
8882 | Guglielmino, A., V. D’Urso and A. Alma. 2000 Auchenorrhyncha (Insecta Homoptera) from Sardinia (Italy): a faunistic, ecological and zoogeographical contribution. Mitteilungen aus dem Museum fur Naturkunde in Berlin: Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 4(2): 147-159. |
5241 | Holzinger, W.E. 2009 Auchenorrhyncha (Insecta). Checklist der Fauna Österreichs, Checklists of the Austrian Fauna. In: R. Schuster (ed.). Biosystematics and Ecology Series No.24. Checklist der Fauna Österreichs 4: 41-100. pdf |
10986 | Yamada, H., M. Hayashi, Naomichi Ohara, and S. Okudera. 2009 Auchenorrhyncha (Insecta, Hemiptera) from Tsushima, Kyushu, Japan Part 2. Fulgoromorpha. Transactions of the Nagasaki Biological Society 66: 49-67. |
7947 | Szwedo, J. and R. Kulicka. 1999 Auchenorrhyncha (Insecta, Homoptera) in Baltic amber from the collection of the Museum of the Earth, Warsaw. Estudios del Museo de Ciencias Naturales de Alava Numero especial 2 14: 175-178. |
2003 | Hayashi, M. and R.B. Kuranishi. 2000 Auchenorrhyncha (Insecta: Rhynchota) collected from the Kamchatka Peninsula and the North Kuril Islands in 1996-1007. Natural History Research Special Issue 7: 83-87. |
2987 | Malenovský I.and P. Lauterer. 2005 Auchenorrhyncha (krísi) [trída/class: Insecta; rád/order: Auchenorrhyncha]. In: J. Farkac, D. Kral and M. Skorpik, (eds.). Cerveny seznam ohrozenych druhu Ceske republiky. Bezobratli. Red list of threatened species in the Czech Republic. Invertebrates. Agentura ochrany prirody a krajiny Czech Republic, Praha. Pp. 146-155 pdf |
11456 | Malenovský, I. and P. Lauterer. 2017 Auchenorrhyncha (křísi). In: R. Hejda, J.Farkac, and K.Chobot. (eds.). Red List of threatened species in the Czech Republic. Invertebrates. Pfiroda 36: 151-164. |
2179 | Holzinger, W.E. 2009 Auchenorrhyncha (Zikaden). In: W. Rabitsch and F. Essl, (eds.). Endemiten – Kostbarkeiten in Oesterreichs Pflanzen- und Tierwelt. Naturwiss. Verein fuer Kaernten und Umweltbundesamt, Klagenfurt und Wien, S. Pp. 607-617. |
5064 | Müller, H.J. and W. Witsack. 2000 Auchenorrhyncha - Zikaden. (Auchenorrhyncha). In: E. Stresemann, H.J. Hannemann, B. Klausnitzer, and K. Senglaub, (eds.). Exkursionsfauna von Deutschland. Vol. 2. Spektrum, Heidelberg und Berlin. Pp. ?? |
12640 | van Klink, R., K. den Bieman, L. Funke, M. de Haas, F. Helbing, S. Herwig, E. Huber, I. Malenovský, H. Nickel, R. Niedringhaus, D. Poniatowski, V. Rösch, F. Seyen and W. Witsack. 2019 Auchenorrhyncha and Psylloidea collected during the 25th Central European Auchenorrhyncha meeting, Arnhem, The Netherlands (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha and Psylloidea). Cicidina 18: 43-58. pdf |
40 | Alma, A. 2002 Auchenorrhyncha as pests on grapevine. In: W. Holzinger, (ed.). Zikaden: Leafhoppers, Planthoppers, and Cicadas (Insecta: Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha). Denisia 4: 541–548. pdf |
4114 | Söderman, G. 2004 Auchenorrhyncha captured at light in Finland (Hemiptera, Fulgoromorpha et Cicadomorpha). Beiträge zur Zikadenkunde 7: 17-28. pdf |
1063 | Dlabola, J. 1964 Auchenorrhyncha collected by the German ent. Inst. Expedition to Albania in 1961. Beitraege zur Entomofaunistik 14: 269-318. |
5869 | Alma, A., P.P. Chen., V. D'Urso, A. Guglielmino, J. Hollier, G. Kunz, P. Lauterer, I. Malenovský, P.J Mazzoglio., H. Nickel, R.N. Aldini, T. Rinttala, G. Seljak, M. Seyring, G. Söderman, M. Wilson, and W. Witsack. 2009 Auchenorrhyncha collected in the Canavese district (Northwest Italy) (Hemiptera, Auchenorrhyncha). Cicadina 10: 119-125. pdf |
14260 | Galinichev, A.V. and V.M. Gnezdilov. 2021 Auchenorrhyncha collection of G.A. Anufriev is donated to the Zoological Institute RAS. Proceedings of the Zoological Institute RAS 325(4): 516–517. |
3410 | Nickel, H. and J. Hildebrandt. 2003 Auchenorrhyncha communities as indicators of disturbance in grasslands (Insecta, Hemiptera) - a case study from the Elbe flood plains (northern Germany). Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 98: 183-199. pdf |
7823 | Bückle, C. and A. Guglielmino. 2004 Auchenorrhyncha communities in Benninger Ried (S. Germany), a spring area with a remarkable relictary vegeation. In: I.M. Kerzhner, (ed.). Third European Hemiptera Congress, St. Petersburg, June 8-11, 2004 – Abstracts. Russian Academy of Science, St. Peterburg, Russia. Pp. 8-10. pdf |
12455 | Malenovský, I. and R. Tropek. 2015 Auchenorrhyncha communities in Czech mining and post-industrial sites – man-made deserts or oases for threatened biodiversity? Pp. 59. In: Programme and abstracts of talks. 7th European Hemiptera Congress and 9th International Workshop on Leafhoppers and Planthoppers of Economic Importance, July 19th?24th 2015, Seggau Castle, Graz, Austria. 107 pp. pdf |
6186 | Swierczewski, D. and W. Wojciechowski. 2008 Auchenorrhyncha communities of sandy and limestone grasslands of the Czestochowa upland (southern Poland). Bulletin of Insectology 61(1): 141-142. pdf |
14283 | Teodoru, A., I. Florescu, A.G. Geicu, and C. Chireceanu. 2021 Auchenorrhyncha fauna associated with abandoned apple and plum orchards in northern Bucharest in 2020. Scientific Papers. Series B, Horticulture 65(1): 256-265. [Cixius wagneri, Reptalus quinquecostatus, Acanalonia conica, Metcalfa pruinosa] pdf |
7815 | Le Quesne, W.J. and M.G. Morris. 1971 Auchenorrhyncha from pitfall traps at Weeting Heath National Nature Reserve, Norfolk. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 107: 39–44. |
112 | Arzone, A., C. Vidano, and A. Alma. 1987 Auchenorrhyncha introduced into Europe from the Nearctic region: taxonomic and phytopathological problems. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Leafhoppers and Planthoppers of Economic Importance, Provo, Utah, USA, 28th July-1st Aug. 1986. Pp. 3-17 pdf |