College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
10344 Gui, Q.Q., X.M. Shi, and F. Liu. 2014 Differences in rice stripe virus transmission abilities of Laodelphax striatellus (Homoptera: Delphacidae) from four geographical populations. Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology 17(3): 595-600.
11989 Guimarães de Menezes, C. W., S. R. Braga, S. L. de Assis Júnior, M. A. Soares, W. M. Silva, W. de Souza Tavares and J. C. Zanuncio. 2018 Poekilloptera phalaenoides (Hemiptera: Flatidae) on Abarema villosa (Fabales: Fabaceae) in Diamantina, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Florida Entomologist 101(1): 128-130. pdf
10032 Guimarães de Menezes, C.W., M.A. Soares, S.Lo. de Assis Júnior, A.J. Fonseca and J. C. Zanuncio. 2012 First record of Poekilloptera phalaenoides (Hemiptera: Flatidae) hosting Mimosa Caesalpiniaefolia (Mimosaceae) in Diamantina, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Forest Research 1(102): 1-4. pdf
12750 Gullan, P.J. 2016 Why the taxon Homoptera does not exist. Entomologica 33: 101-104. pdf
14307 Gulyaeva, I.I., O.O. Kraynov, O. Yu Hubych, S.V. Stankevych, I.V. Zabrodina, and A.V. Matsyura. 2021 Dominant sucker pests on industrial vineyards and protective measures in the regulation of their abundance in the conditions of the northern Black Sea. Ukrainian Journal of Ecology 1(3): 373-384. [Agalmatium bilobum, Hyalesthes obsoletus] pdf
1878 Gunathilagaraj, K. 1996 Ecology of the white backed planthopper, Sogatella furcifera in rice. Madras Agricultural Journal 83(3): 177-180.
11811 Gunathilagaraj, K. 1999 Rice planthoppers. Pp. 31-58. In: A. Prakash and J. Rao (eds.). Insect pests of cereals and their management. Applied Zoologists Research Association CRRI Cuttack. Pp. 168. ISBN 81-90 0947-O-X.
9514 Gunathilagaraj, K. and M. Ganesh. 1997 Host plant resistance in rice: Planthopper. Madras Agricultural Journal 84: 432-458.
1879 Gunathilagaraj, K. and S. Chelliah. 1984 Population density of Sogatella furcifera (Horvath) (WBPH) and Nilaparvata lugens (Stahl.) (BPH). International Rice Research Newsletter 9(5): 17.
1880 Gunathilagaraj, K. and S. Chelliah. 1985 Components of resistance to the whitebacked planthopper, Sogatella furcifera (Horvath), in some rice varieties. Tropical Pest Management 31(1): 38-46, 98 & 101.
1881 Gunathilagaraj, K. and S. Chelliah. 1994 Interspecific competition between Sogatella furcifera and Nilaparvata lugens. Madras Agricultural Journal 81(2): 101-102.
7890 Gunathilagaraj, K. and S. Chelliah. 1993 Host plant resistance in rice to the white back planthopper, Sogatella furcifera. Bulletin de la Commission Internationale du Riz 40: 40-41.
9515 Gunathilagaraj, K. and S. Chelliah. 1985 Feeding behaviour of whitebacked planthopper, Sogatella furcifera (Horvath), on resistant and susceptible rice varieties. Crop Protection 4(2): 255-262. pdf
1882 Gunathilagaraj, K., P.C.Sundara-Babu, and M. Gopalan. 1987 Mycosis of Nilaparvata lugens (Stål.) from India. Current Science 56(21): 1124-1125. pdf
10753 Gunawan, C.S.E., G. Mudjiono, and L.P. Astuti. 2015 Kelimpahan Populasi Wereng Batang Coklat Nilaparvata lugens Stal .(Homoptera: Delphacidae) Dan Laba-Laba Pada Budidaya Tanaman Padi Dengan Penerapan Pengendalian Hama Terpadu Dan Konvensional. Jurnal Hama dan Penyakit Tumbuhan 3(1): 117-122. pdf
9230 Gunawardesa, S.D.T.E., H.E. Fernando, Y. Elikawela, and H. Weeraratne. 1975 New sources of resistance to brown planthopper. Rice Entomology Newsletter 3: 12. 3: 12.
15421 GUNCZY, Lorenz Wido. 2024 Die Zikadenwespen Österreichs (Hymenoptera: Dryinidae). Master’s Thesis. Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Graz, Austria. 95 pp. pdf
13221 Güney, I., M. Öztürk, A. Usta, and M.M. Akiner. 2020 Possible efficacy of some plant crude extracts against Orosanga japonica (Hemiptera: Ricaniidae) nymphs. Journal of Anatolian Environmental and Animal Sciences 5(2): 191-198. pdf
1896 Günthardt, M.S. and H. Wanner. 1981 The feeding behaviour of two leafhoppers on Vicia faba. Ecological Entomology 6: 17-22.
1883 Günthart, H. 1971 Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Kleinzikaden der Schweiz. Mitteilungen der Schweizerische Entomologischen Gesellschaft 43: 218-224.
1887 Günthart, H. 1984 Zikaden aus der alpinen Höhenstufe der Schweizer Zentralalpen. Mitteilungen der Schweizerische Entomologischen Gesellschaft 57: 129-130.
1888 Günthart, H. 1987 Ökologische Untersuchungen im Unterengadin. Zikaden. Auchenorrhyncha). Ergebnisse der wissenschaftlichen Untersuchungen im schweizerischen Nationalpark 12(12. 203-299.
1889 Günthart, H. 1987 Für die Schweiz neue und wenig gesammelte Zikaden-Arten. Hom. Auchenorrhyncha), 2. Ergänzung. Mitteilungen der Schweizerische Entomologischen Gesellschaft 60: 83-105.
1890 Günthart, H. 1988 Comparison of the vertical distribution of leafhoppers - trapped between 5 and 155 m above the ground - with the ground population In: Proceedings of the 6th Auchenorrhyncha Meeting, Turin, Italy, September 7-11, 1987. Pp. 379-386 pdf
1891 Günthart, H. 1997 Die Zikaden des Schweizerischen Nationalparks und seiner Umgebung (Insecta: Auchenorrhyncha).[The Cicadina of the Swiss National Park and its surroundings (Insecta: Auchenorrhyncha)] Nationalpark-Forschung in der Schweiz 88: 1-33.
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