College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
10334 Emeljanov, A.F. 2013 A new subgenus and a new species of the planthopper Family Lophopidae (Homoptera, Fulgoroidea) from Papua New Guinea. Entomological Review 93(2): 194-198. pdf
10335 Emeljanov, A.F. 2013 A new species of the genus Pibrocha Kirkaldy (Homoptera, Fulgoridae) with notes on the systematics of the subfamily Dichopterinae and with description of a new tribe. Entomological Review 93(6): 775-780. {English translation of Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie(2013) 92(1): 123-129 from Russian]. pdf
10336 Emeljanov, A.F. 2013 [A new species of the genus Pibrocha Kirkaldy (Homoptera, Fulgoridae) with notes on the systematics of the subfamily Dichopterinae and with description of a new tribe]. Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie 92(1): 123-129. [In Russian, English translation in Entomological Review (2013) 93(6): 775-780]
10351 Heong, K.L., K.H. Tan, C.P.F. Garcia, Z. Liu, and Z.H. Lu. 2013 Research methods in toxicology and insecticide resistance monitoring of rice planthoppers, 2nd Edition. International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), Manila, Philippines. 145pp. pdf
10359 Knapic, V. 2013 The importance of vector control in the epidemiology of phytoplasma diseases. In: V. Macek, (ed.). [Lectures and Papers Presented at the 11th Slovenian Conference on Plant Protection with International Participation, BLED, March 5-6, 2013]. Plant Protection Society of Slovenia. Pp. 190-200 pdf
10370 Manikandan, N. and J.S. Kennedy. 2013 Influence of temperature on egg hatching and development time of brown plant hopper. International Journal of Plant Protection 6(2): 376-378.
10375 Mohapatra, L.N., S.K. Nayak, A. Nayak, and S.K. Mohanty. 2013 Performance of some high yielding rice varieties against brown plant hopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stål) and green leaf hopper, Nephotettix virescens (Distant). Journal of Plant Protection and Environment 10(2): 83-86.
10453 Catanach, T.A. 2013 Biogeography and Phylogenetics of Grassland Auchenorrhyncha. University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois. Doctoral Thesis. pdf
10460 Constant, J. 2013 A new species of Scolopsomorpha with description of nymphal instar (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Tropiduchidae). Bulletin de la Société Royale Belge d’Entomologie (2012) 148: 213-216. pdf
10474 Emeljanov, A.F. 2013 New genera and new species of the tribe Augilini (Homoptera: Caliscelidae). Caucasian Entomological Bulletin 9(2): 217–221. [In Russian] pdf
10482 Gnezdilov, V. M. 2013 On the composition and distribution of the family Acanaloniidae Amyot et Serville (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea). Entomological Review 93(1): 69–72. [English translation of Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie (2012) 91(3): 643–647, from Russian]. pdf
10491 Guglielmino, A., M. Olmi, and C. Bueckle. 2013 An updated host-parasite catalogue of world Dryinidae (Hymenoptera: Chrysidoidea). Zootaxa 3740(1): 1-98.
10505 Heong, K.L., L. Wong, and J.H. Delos Reyes. 2013 Addressing planthopper threats in Asian rice farming and food security: Fixing insecticide misuse. ADB Sustainable Development Working Paper # 27. Asian Development Bank, Manila Philippines - pdf
10520 Kim, H.J. 2013 Morphometric analysis of wing variation of lantern fly, Lycorma delicatula from northeast Asia. Korean Journal of Applied Entomology 52(4): 265-271.
10536 Lee, S.J., and S.C. Park. 2013 Attraction effect against Lycorma delicatula, antioxidant activity and local irritation test of Ailanthus altissima extract. Korean Journal of Veterinary Research 53(4): 231-237.
10585 Song, Z.S. and A.P. Liang. 2013 Review of the genus Doryphorina Melichar, 1912 (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Dictyopharidae). Journal of Insect Biodiversity 1(7): 1-12. pdf
10720 Emeljanov, A.F. 2013 A new genus and a new species of the planthopper tribe Eucarpiini (Homoptera, Cixiidae) from Southern Vietnam. Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie 92(4): 716-719. [In Russian, English translation Entomological Review (2014) 94(2): 205-207]
10721 Emeljanov, A.F. 2013 On the subdivision of the family Lophopidae (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha: Fulgoroidea) on the subfamilies and tribes with description of two new tribes. Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie 92(4): 720-723. [In Russian, English Translation in Entomological Review (2014) 94(2): 208–210]
10771 Hou, Z.R. 2013 Study on Lycorma delicatula and egg parasitoids. Chinese Academy of Forestry, Beijing. IX+ 41 pp. Masters Thesis. pdf
10872 Olmi, M., Z. Xu, and A. Guglielmino. 2013 First supplement to the monograph of the Oriental Dryinidae (Hymenoptera: Chrysidoidea): Description of Neodryinus lohmani, a New Species from Thailand. Florida Entomologist 96(4): 1556-1558. pdf
10947 Velásquez, R., N. Delgado, and L. Urdaneta. 2013 Resistencia a sogata (Tagosodes orizicolus Muir) por antibiosis y antixenosis en cultivares de arroz venezolanos [Resistance by antibiosis and antixenosis to sogata (Tagosodes orizicolus Muir) in venezuelan rice cultivars]. Revista Facultad de Agronomía U.C.V. 39(3): 144-150. pdf
11016 Gębicki, C., D. Świerczewski, and J Szwedo. 2013 Planthoppers and Leafhoppers of Poland (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha et Cicadomorpha). Systematics, Check-list, Bionomy. The Monograph. Annals of the Upper Silesian Museum, Entomology 21-22: 1-245.
11026 Imo, M. 2013 Host race formation in Hyalesthes obsoletus (Signoret 1865). Johannes Gutenberg-Universität in Mainz. Mainz, Germany. Doctoral Dissertation. pdf
11104 Cargnus, E., A. Villani, F. Pavan, F. Chiesa, and P. Zandigiacomo. 2013 Nuovi reperti relativi a cinque specie di insetti alloctoni rilevati nell'Italia nord-orientale [New records on fi ve species of alien insects from north-eastern Italy]. Bollettini della Società Naturalisti Silvia Zenari - Pordenone 37: 123-136. pdf
11117 Segarra-Carmona, A., R. A. Franqui, M. Otero-Arocho. 2013 Survey of palm-associated Fulgoroidea in Puerto Rico. Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico 97(3-4): 107-117. pdf
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