Planthopper Bibliography Database
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216 of 617
Authors Year Title Journal | |
10377 | Moon, S.R., S.R. Cho, J.W. Jeong, Y.H. Shin, J.O. Yang, K.S. Ahn, C.M. Yoon, and G.H. Kim. 2011 Attraction response of spot clothing wax cicada, Lycorma delicatula (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae) to spearmint oil. Journal of the Korean Society for Applied Biological Chemistry 54(4): 558-567. pdf |
10448 | Bensusan, K. and C. Perez. 2011 The Citrus Flatid Planthopper Metcalfa pruinosa (Say, 1830) in Gibraltar. Wildlife Gibraltar Ltd., Gibraltar - pdf |
10470 | Dollet, M., F. Macome, A. Vaz, and S. Fabre. 2011 Phytoplasmas identical to coconut lethal yellowing phytoplasmas from Zambesia (Mozambique) found in a pentatomide bug in Cabo Delgado province. Bulletin of Insectology 64 (Supplement): S139-S140. pdf |
10524 | Kunz, G. 2011 Zikaden – die Insekten des 21. Jahrhunderts? (Hemiptera, Auchenorrhyncha). Entomologica Austriaca 18: 105-123. pdf |
10737 | García, M.R. C.C. González, D.A. de León Reyes and F.G. Gómez. 2011 Informe de Perkinsiella saccharicida Kirkaldy (Hemiptera: Delphacidae) en el cultivo del maíz (Zea mays L.) en la provincia de Ciego de Ávila, Cuba. Fitosanidad 15(3): 143-145. pdf |
10884 | Rajan, P. 2011 Transmission of coconut root (wilt) disease through plant hopper, Proutista moesta Westwood (Homoptera: Derbidae). Pest Management in Horticultural Ecosystems 17(1): 1-5. pdf |
10940 | Thompson, V. 2011 Thompson, V. 2011. Book Review: Fotoatlas der Zikaden Deutschlands (Photographic Atlas of the Planthoppers and Leafhoppers of Germany). American Entomologist 57(3): 186-187. |
11025 | Dem, F.F. 2011 Community structure of Auchenorrhyncha (Insecta: Hemiptera) along an altitudinal gradient in Papua New-Guinea. University of Papua New Guinea. Papua, New Guinea Masters Thesis. pdf |
11028 | Maixner, M. 2011 Recent advances in Bois noir research. In: 2nd European Bois noir Workshop 2011, February 27-March 1, 2011, Castelbrando, Cison di Valmarion, Italy. Pp. 17-32. pdf |
11029 | Imo, M., M. Maixner, and J. Johannesen. 2011 Host races of the Bois noir vector Hyalesthes obsoletus Signoret in Germany. In: 2nd European Bois noir Workshop 2011, February 27-March 1, 2011, Castelbrando, Cison di Valmarion, Italy. Pp. 103-104. pdf |
11237 | Nickel, H. 2011 An inordinate fondness of grasses: The paradox relationship between leafhoppers and graminoids. DGaaE Nachrichten 25(1): 34-35. pdf |
11289 | Burrows, M., J.A. Borycz, S.R. Shaw, C.M. Elvin, and I.A. Meinertzhagen. 2011 Antibody labelling of resilin in energy stores for jumping in plant sucking insects. PLoS ONE 6(12): e28456. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0028456 pdf |
11304 | Arango, M., C. Ospina, J. Sierra, and G. Martínez. 2011 Myndus crudus: vector del agente causante de la Marchitez letal en palma de aceite en Colombia. Palmas 32: 13-25. |
11363 | Holzinger, W.E., G. Kunz, M. Riedle-Bauer, and A. Sara. 2011 Zikaden (Auchenorrhyncha). In: H. Wiesbauer, H. Zettel, M.A. Fischer, and R. Maier. (Eds.). Der Bisamberg und die Alten Schanzen. Vielfalt am Rande der Großstadt Wien. Verlag des Amts der NÖ Landesregierung, St. Pölten. Pp. 133-138 & 317-320. pdf |
11426 | Rahman, M.A., Y.J. Kwon, and S.J. Suh. 2011 A new species of the genus Gergithoides Schumacher (Hemiptera: Fulgoroidea: Issidae) from Korea. Entomological News 122(4): 293-299. pdf |
11436 | Rossi Batiz, M.F. and A.M. Remes Lenicov. 2011 Description of the immature stages of Saccharosydne subandina Remes Lenicov and Rossi Batiz (Hemiptera: Delphacidae). Studies on Neotroptropical Fauna and Environment. 46: 137-142. |
11437 | Rossi Batiz, M.F. and A.M. Marino de Remes Lenicov. 2011 A new genus and species of Saccharosydnini (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Delphacidae) from Argentina. Zootaxa 3118: 62-68. |
11893 | Littlewood, N. A. and A.J.A Stewart. 2011 Upland grassland Auchenorrhyncha at Glen Finglas, Perthshire. Glasgow Naturalist 25(3): 61-65. pdf |
12219 | Achtziger, R., P. Dynort, U. Nigmann, C. Bückle, Ping-Ping Chen, G. Kunz, N. Nieser, V. Trivellone and W. Witsack. 2011 Zur Zikadenfauna in der Weinlandschaft um Öhringen (Baden-Württemberg, Deutschland) (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha). Cicadina 12: 107-114. pdf |
12328 | Blum, H., K. Jung, H. Nickel and J. Planer. 2011 Entwicklung praxistauglicher Strategien zur Regulierung von Zikaden im ökologischen Arznei-und Gewürzpflanzenanbau im Freiland und unter Glas [Practicable strategies to control leafhopper pests of organically grown medicinal herbs and spices in the field and under glass] Projekt 06OE033. Bundesprogramms Ökologischer Landbau und andere Formen nachhaltiger Landwirtschaft (BÖLN). Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Lehr- und Forschungsstationen, Bonn, Germany. 322 pp. [report, in German, English summary] pdf |
12354 | Kaur, G. 2011 Biology of brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stal) on rice. M.S. thesis, Department of Entomology, College of Agriculture, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab, India. [xvii]+55 pp. pdf |
12384 | Li, Kunpeng, Changzheng Xu and Juren Zhang. 2011 Proteome profile of maize (Zea Mays L.) leaf tissue at the flowering stage after long-term adjustment to rice black-streaked dwarf virus infection. Gene 485(2): 106-113. |
12388 | Jeyaprakash, A.B.D. Sutton, S. E. Halbert and T. S. Schubert. 2011 High-fidelity PCR facilitates detection and identification of a Texas Phoenix palm phytoplasma strain from pigmy date palm, Phoenix roebelenii in Florida. Plant Disease 95(11): 1475-1475. |
12663 | Ahmmed, H., A. Ahmed, N.Q. Kamal, and M.A. Taher Mia. (Team). 2011 Final report on consulting service for conducting Pest Risk Analysis (PRA) of rice (both production and storage level) in Bangladesh. House of Consultants Ltd. & Center for Resource Development Studies Ltd., Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Ministry of Agriculture Quarantine Services Strengthening Program, Department of Agriculture Extension, Dhaka 119 pp. pdf |
12830 | Malenovský, I., P. Baňař, and P. Kment. 2011 A contribution to the faunistics of the Hemiptera (Cicadomorpha, Fulgoromorpha, Heteroptera, and Psylloidea) associated with dry grassland sites in southern Moravia (Czech Republic). Acta Musei Moraviae, Scientiae Biologicae 96(1): 41-187. pdf |