Planthopper Bibliography Database
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Authors Year Title Journal | |
12520 | Orian, A.J.E. 1965 Hemiptera of Mauritius, vol. I. Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Zoology & Applied Entomology, Imperial I College of Science & Technology, South Kensington, London. 1: [iv]+1-161, plus plates. pdf |
3542 | Orenstein, S., T. Zahavi, D. Nestel, R. Sharon, M. Barkalifa, and P.G. Weintraub. 2003 Spatial dispersion patterns of potential leafhopper and planthopper (Homoptera) vectors of phytoplasma in wine vineyards. Annals of Applied Biology 142(3): 341-348. |
14468 | Oppedisano, T., G. Shrestha, and S.I. Rondon. 2022 Hemipterans, other than aphids and psyllids affecting potatoes worldwide. In: A. Alyokhin, S.I. Rondon and Y. Gao. (Eds.). Insect Pests of Potato (Second Edition). Academic Press, Elsevier Inc., Cambridge, Massachusetts. Pp. 167-187 |
3540 | Ooi, P.A.C., G.S. Lim and A.K. Koh. 1978 Some common predators associated with the brown planthopper in Malaysia. International Rice Research Newsletter 3(4): 17. |
3541 | Ooi, P.A.C., A.R. Saleh and Yeoh-Guan-Huat. 1980 Outbreak of the white-backed planthopper in the Muda irrigation scheme and its control. Malaysian Agricultural Journal 52(3): 315-331. |
3536 | Ooi, P.A.C. 1979 Flight activities of brown planthopper, whitebacked planthopper, and their predator C. lividipennis in Malaysia. I International Rice Research Newsletter 4(6): 12. pdf |
3537 | Ooi, P.A.C. 1980 Seasonal abundance of the whitebacked planthopper and predators in insecticide-free rice fields in Malaysia. International Rice Research Newsletter 5(1): 12-14. pdf |
3538 | Ooi, P.A.C. 1982 Attempts at forecasting rice planthopper populations in Malaysia. Entomophaga 27(Special Issue): 89-98. |
3539 | Ooi, P.A.C. 1992 Biology of the brown planthopper in Malaysia. Journal of Plant Protection in the Tropics 9(2): 111-115&iii. |
8142 | Ooi, P.A.C. 1986 Insecticides disrupt natural control of Nilaparvata lugens in Sekinchan, Malaysia. In: M.Y. Hussein and A. G. Ibrahim, (eds.). Biological Control in the Tropics. Universiti Pertanian Malaysia, Serdang. Pp. 109-120. |
8143 | Ooi, P.A.C. 2005 Some nonpesticide methods for managing crop insect pesta – Present status, issues and strategies. In: P.A.C. Ooi, (ed.). Nonpesticide Methods for Controlling Diseases and Insect Pests. Asian Productivity Organization. Tokyo, Japan.[ebook] Pp. 15-23. |
10874 | Ooi, P.A.C. 1984 Insecticides disrupt natural control of Nilaparvata lugens in Sekinchan, Malaysia. in: M.Y. Hussein and A.G. Ibrahim, (eds.). Biological Control in the Tropics, Pertanian University, Pertanian Malaysia. Pp. 109-120. |
10875 | Ooi, P.A.C. 2010 Rice Plant Hopper Outbreaks: A man-made plague? PAN AP Rice Sheets. Pesticide Action Network Asia and Pacific, Penang, Malaysia. 12 pp. pdf |
10876 | Ooi, P.A.C. 2015 Common insect pests of rice and their natural biological control. UTAR Agricultural Science Journal 1(1): 49-59. pdf |
8983 | Önuçar, A. and O. Ulu. 1987 Izmir il kestane yeştirma alanlarinda Auchenorrhycha türleri hakkinda kisa bilgiler. Türkiye Entomoloji Dergisi 11(4): 227-236. pdf |
9711 | Önder, F. S. Tezcan, Y. Karsavuran, and Ü. Zeybeko?lu. 2011 Türkiye Cicadomorpha, Fulgoromorpha ve Sternorrhyncha (Insecta: Hemiptera) Katalo?u. Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi, Bitki Koruma Bölümü, ?zmir, Turkey. - pdf |
3535 | Omura, T., H. Hibino, T. Usugi, H. Inioue, T. Morinaka, S. Tsurumachi, C.A. Ong, M. Putta, T. Tsuchizak, and Y. Saito. 1984 Detection of rice viruses in plants and individual insect vectors by latex flocculation test. Plant Disease 68(5): 374-378. |
5505 | Oman, P.W. 1947 The types of Auchenorrhynchous Homoptera in the Iowa State College Collection. Iowa State College Journal of Science 21: 161–228. |
3534 | Olthoff, T. 1986 Untersuchungen zur Insektenfauna Hamburger Straßenbäume. Entomologische Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum Hamburg 8(127): 213-229. |
3533 | Olmstead, K.L., R.F. Denno, T.C. Morton, and J.T. Romeo. 1997 Influence of Prokelisia planthoppers on amino acid composition and growth of Spartina alterniflora. Journal of Chemical Ecology 23(2): 303-321. pdf |
10872 | Olmi, M., Z. Xu, and A. Guglielmino. 2013 First supplement to the monograph of the Oriental Dryinidae (Hymenoptera: Chrysidoidea): Description of Neodryinus lohmani, a New Species from Thailand. Florida Entomologist 96(4): 1556-1558. pdf |
14073 | Olmi, M., T. Mita, A. Guglielmino, M. Vollaro, and G.r Vári. 2021 Application of DNA barcoding confirms the female, male, larva and host of Bocchus scobiolae Nagy (Hymenoptera: Dryinidae). Zootaxa 4969(3): 563-572. [host: Caliscelis wallengreni] |
12213 | Olmi, M., S. van Noort and A. Guglielmino. 2016 Contribution to the knowledge of Afrotropical Dryinidae, Embolemidae and Sclerogibbidae (Hymenoptera), with description of new species from Central African Republic and Uganda. ZooKeys 578: 45-95. pdf |
13056 | Olmi, M., E.E. Perkovsky, K.V. Martynova, M. Contarini, C. Bückle, and A. Guglielmino. 2020 An important intermediate step in the evolution of pincer wasps: an extraordinary new type of chela from mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber (Hymenoptera, Dryinidae). Cretaceous Research 11: 104420; 1-13. (article#104420, 13pp.) |
10873 | Olmi, M., A. Marletta, A. and A. Guglielmino. 2014 Revision of the Australian species of gonatopus group 5 (Hymenoptera: Dryinidae), with description of a new species from the Society Islands, French Polynesia. Zootaxa 3895(4): 525-546. |