College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
7502 Liu, Y.Q., L. Jiang, L.H. Sun, C.M. Wang, H.Q. Zhai, and J.M. Wan. 2005 Changes in some defensive enzyme activity induced by the piercing-sucking of brown planthopper in rice. Journal of Plant Physiology and Molecular Biology 31(6): 643-650.
4638 Wang, X.L., R.F. He, and G.C. He. 2005 Construction of suppression subtractive hybridization libraries and identification of brown planthopper-induced genes. Journal of Plant Physiology 162(11): 1254-1262. pdf
5425 Zhang F.T., L.L. Zhu, and G.C. He. 2004 Differential gene expression in response to brown planthopper feeding in rice. Journal of Plant Physiology 161(1): 53-62. pdf
6665 Liu, Y.Q., J. He, L. Jiang, L., H. Wu, Y.H. Xiao, Y.L., Liu, G.Q. Li, Y.Q. Du, C.Y. Liu, and J.M. Wan. 2011 Nitric oxide production is associated with response to brown planthopper infestation in rice. Journal of Plant Physiology 168(8): 739-745. pdf
14253 Walker, G.P. 2021 Sieve element occlusion: Interactions with phloem sap-feeding insects. A review. Journal of Plant Physiology (2021): 153582.
14456 LI, Sanhe, Wenjun ZHA, Kai LIU, Chen LI, Lei ZHOU, Guangcun HE, Huashan XU, Peide LI, Junxiao CHEN, Zhijun CHEN, and Aiqing YOU. 2022 Molecular identification and efficacy assessment of a glufosinate-tolerant and brown planthopper-resistant transgenic rice line. Journal of Plant Physiology 273: 153688; 1-8.
3030 Materazzi, A., E. Trioloand, and A. Lucchi. 1998 No evidence for the transmission of three grapevine viruses by Metcalfa pruinosa (Say) (Homoptera, Fulgoroidea) Journal of Plant Pathology 80(2): 175. pdf
5121 Carraro, L., E.Ferrini, M. Martini, P. Ermacora, and N. Loi. 2008 A serious epidemic of stolbur on celery. Journal of Plant Pathology 90(1): 131-135. pdf
5285 Lessio F., R. Tedeschi, and A. Alma. 2007 Population dynamics, host plants and infection rate with Stolbur phytoplasma of Hyalesthes obsoletus Signoret in north-western Italy. Journal of Plant Pathology 89(1): 97-102. pdf
11595 Cao, X.Y., Du, L.L., Lv, J.Y., Ma, X.F., Wang, X., Fan, Y.J., Zhou, Y.J. and Zhou, T. 2017 A method of acquiring inoculum of Rice black streaked dwarf virus from Wheat dark-green dwarf diseased plants to screen maize for resistance to Maize rough dwarf disease. Journal of Plant Pathology 99(1): 229–232. doi: 210.4454/jpp.v4499i4451.3816.
13021 Jurga, M. and A. Zwolińska. 2020 Phytoplasmas in Poaceae species: a threat to the most important cereal crops in Europe. Journal of Plant Pathology (2020): 1-11. (PrePrint) [Reptalus panzer]
7528 Liang, Y.T., C.L. Wang, P.Q. Liu, Q. Fu, K.J. Kshirod, and K.J. Zhao. 2008 Research and application status of rice genes resistance to brown planthopper. Journal of Plant Genetic Resources 9(1): 119-124,129.
7695 Qin, X.Y., R.C. Zhu, J.H. Tang, W.K. Li, D.Y. Li, S.M. Wei, and F.K. Huang. 2007 Genetic analysis and utilization of brown planthopper(BPH)-resistant genes in Oryza oficinalis Wall. Journal of Plant Genetic Resources 8(1): 41-45.
7798 Lundsgaard, T. 1999 Javesella pellucida (F.) is a vector of Festuca leaf streak virus (FLSV, genus Cytorhabdovirus). Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection 106: 545-549.
14701 ZHANG, Yanlong, Kexin BAO, Bei XIN, Liangming CAO, Ke WEI, Yingqiao DANG, Zhongqi YANG, Zhaozhi LV, and Xiaoyi WANG. 2023 The biology and management of the invasive pest spotted lanternfly, Lycorma delicatula White (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae). Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection (2023): 1-20.
15038 JEEVANANDHAM, Niranjanadevi, Renuka RAMAN, Duraisingh RAMAIAH, Velprabakaran SENTHILVEL, Shanthi MOOKAIAH, and Ramalingam JEGADEESAN. 2023 Rice: Nilaparvata lugens Stal interaction - current status and future prospects of brown planthopper management. Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection 130(1): 125-141.
15335 Sturmer, G.R., C.W. Guterres, H. Pozebon, C.C.L. de Andrade, T. Mituti, Y. Cardoza, and I. Ferri. 2024 Simultaneous infection of Leptodelphax maculigera (Hemiptera: Delphacidae) by maize rayado fino virus (MRFV) and maize bushy stunt phytoplasma (MPSP) detected in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection 131(6): 2247-2253.
13693 Nagendra Reddy, B., V. Jhansi Lakshmi, G.S. Laha and T. Uma Maheswari. 2020. 2020 Compatibility of entomopathogenic fungi with Buprofezin for management of brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens Stal (Delphacidae: Hemiptera) in rice. Journal of Plant Development Sciences 12(1): 35-38.
13852 Kushwaha, R.K., S. Sharma, and V.K. Koshta. 2019 Monitoring of insecticide resistance on brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens Stal. population of prone area in Chhattisgarh plain. Journal of Plant Development Sciences 11(10): 581-587. pdf
6698 Yadavalli, V., G.P. Narwane, P. Nagarajan, and M. Bharathi. 2011 Identification of coupling- and repulsion-phase markers in rice for brown planthopper resistance genes using F2S of IR 50 X CO 46. Journal of Plant Breeding and Crop Science 3(1): 1-7. pdf
5078 Arocha, Y., T. Zerfy, Abebe, J. Proud, J. Hanson, M. Wilson, P. Jones, and J. Lucas. 2009 Identification of Potential Vectors and Alternative Plant Hosts for the Phytoplasma Associated with Napier Grass Stunt Disease in Ethiopia. Journal of Phytopathology [Phytopathologische Zeitschrift] 157(2): 126-132.
615 Velazquez, P.D., J.D. Arneodo, F.A. Guzmán FA, L.R. Conci, and G.A. Truol. 2003 Delphacodes haywardi Muir, a new natural vector of Mal de Río Cuarto virus in Argentina. Journal of Phytopathology 151: 669–672.
6161 Li, L., H. Li, H. Dong, X. Wang, and G. Zhou. 2011 Transmission by Laodelphax striatellus Fallen of rice black-streaked dwarf virus from frozen infected rice leaves to healthy plants of rice and maize. Journal of Phytopathology 159(1): 1-5.
5440 Sforza R., D. Clair, X. Daire, J. Larrue, and E. Boudon-Padieu. 1998 The role of Hyalesthes obsoletus (Hemiptera: Cixiidae) in the occurrence of Bois noir of grapevines in France. Journal of Phytopathology 146: 549-556. pdf
6062 Ammar, E.D., R.G. Gomez-Luengo, D.T. Gordon, and S.A. Hogenhout. 2005 Characterization of Maize Iranian Mosaic Virus and comparison with hawaiian and other isolates of maize mosaic virus (Rhabdoviridae). Journal of Phytopathology 153: 129-136. pdf
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