Planthopper Bibliography Database
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235 of 617
Authors Year Title Journal | |
4641 | Wang, Y., I. Chou, and F. Yang. 1993 On a newly recorded genus and a new species of Derbidae (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea) from China. Entomotaxonomia 15(3): 178-180. [Chinese with English summary] |
11408 | Fennah R.G. and J.C.M. Carvalho. 1963 On a new genus and species of fulgorid from Brazil (Homoptera, Lystrini). Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências 35(3): 459-461. |
3340 | Nakamura, T. 1996 On a method to detect immigration period and relative abundance of the whitebacked rice planthopper, Sogatella furcifella (Horvath), in a rice paddy by water pan trap. Proceedings of the Association for Plant Protection of Kyushu 42: 62-66. pdf |
692 | Chujo, M. 1990 On a gigantic and curious formed Fulgora-species from Formosa. Nature and Insects 25(1): 33. |
391 | Botosaneanu, L. 1981 On a false and a genuine caddis-fly from Burmese amber (Insecta: Trichoptera, Homoptera). Bulletin Zoologisch Museum Universiteit Van Amsterdam 8(10): 73-78. |
11959 | Bagheri, A., Y. Fathipour, M. Askari-Seyahooei and M. Zeinalabedini. 2018 Ommatissus lybicus (Hemiptera: Tropiduchidae), an economically important pest of date palm (Arecaceae) with highly divergent populations. Canadian Entomologist 150(3): 378–392. |
1743 | Gharib, A. 1966 Ommatissus binotatus Fieb. Var lybicus Berg. Ommatidiotus binotatus (Homoptera: Tropiduchidae). Entomologie et Phytopathologie Appliquees 24: 37-47. |
8684 | El-Haidari, H.S. 1981 Ommatissus binotatus De Bergevin (Homoptera: Tropiduchidae). Date Palm Journal 1(1): 133. |
4633 | Wang, S. 1985 Ommatidiotus Japonicus Hori, New Record From China. Entomotaxonomia 7(2): 122. |
2211 | Hori, Y., M. Sakaiand M. Sato. 1992 Ommatidiotus dissimilis (Fallen) (Homoptera: Issidae) found in Hokkaido, Japan. Rostria 42: 11-14. |
11003 | Zhang, W.L., L. Yang, M. Li, B.J. Ma, C.Q.Yan, and J.P. Chen. 2015 Omics-based comparative transcriptional profiling of two contrasting rice genotypes during early infestation by small brown planthopper. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 16(12): 28746-28764. |
15397 | WANG, Jingting, Tianye HU, Xu HE, Zhen ZHANG, Na YU, and Zewen LIU. 2024 Omeprazole and its analogs exhibit insecticidal potencies as inhibitors of insect choline acetyltransferase. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 206: 106207. [Nilaparvata lugens] |
2150 | Holgersen, H. 1946 Om en del norske fulgorider (Norske sikader Homoptera Cicadina, IV). Norsk entomologisk Tidsskrift 7: 149–155. |
9708 | Nuorteva, P. 1959 Om bollnässjukans natur (Timothy seed cultivation as a cause of the phytotoxicity of the leafhopper Calligypona pellucida (F.) to oats). Nordisk Jordbruksforskning 41: 25-31. |
5553 | Guglielmino, A., C. Bückle, and A.F. Emeljanov. 2010 Olmiana argentina, a new genus and species of Achilidae (Hemiptera, Fulgoromorpha) from Argentina. Zootaxa 2661: 47-58. |
1728 | Gebicki, C. and P. Wegierek. 1993 Oligocixia electrina gen. et sp. nov. (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha, Cixiidae) from Dominican amber. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien Serie A Mineralogie Und Petrographie Geologie und Palaeontologie Anthropologie und Praehistorie 95: 121-125. pdf |
2526 | Kirby, P. 1992 Oliarus leporinus (Linnaeus) (Hemiptera: Cixiidae) in Pembrokeshire and Camarthenshire, with notes on its ecology. British Journal of Entomology and Natural History 5(4): 182-183. |
6128 | Szwedo, J. 2000 Oliarus kulickae sp. n. from Dominican amber (Hemiptera: Fulgoroidea: Cixiidae). Polskie Pismo Entomologiczne 69(2): 161-166. |
4591 | Wagner, W. 1970 Oliarus beieri, eine neue Zikade aus den Alpen. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 74: 281-284. pdf |
14645 | Aviles-Rosa, E.O., S.A. Kane, M. Nita, E. Feuerbacher, and N.J. Hall. 2023 Olfactory threshold of dogs (Canis lupus familiaris) to cold-killed spotted lantern fly eggs. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 261: 105880. |
7242 | Shu, Y.H., Z.H. Liu, and G.R. Zhnag. 2005 Olfactory responses of Pardosa pseudoannulata Str. to Sogatella furcifera (Horváh). Acta Arachnologica Sinica 14(2): 122–125. |
13840 | Vijayaraghavendra, R., K.V. Lakshmi, K., C. Shanker, S. Malathi, R. Jagadeeshwar, and C.H. D. Raju. 2019 Olfactory response of insect predators of rice brown plant hopper (Nilaparvata lugens (Stal.)) to flower volatiles. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies 7(1): 1095-1099. pdf |
12142 | Li, Shuo, Changwei Zhou and Yijun Zhou. 2019 Olfactory co-receptor Orco stimulated by Rice stripe virus is essential for host seeking behavior in small brown planthopper. Pesticide Management Science 75(1): 187-194. [ePub ahead of print 2018] |
15256 | ARCE, Sofía I., Carolin HAUG, Patrick MÜLLER, Joachim T. HAUG, and Yan-Zhe FU. 2024 Oldest record of a larva of long-legged velvet mite (Erythraeoidea) parasitising an immature planthopper. Palaeoentomology 7(4): 461-464. [Dorytocidae] |
1257 | Ellenberg, H., R. Mayer, and J. Schauermann. (eds.). 1986 Ökosystemforschung: Ergebnisse des Sollingprojektes. Ulmer, Stuttgart. - |