Planthopper Bibliography Database
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260 of 617
Authors Year Title Journal | |
7347 | Li, F., P.Y. Li, Z.Z. Ding, D.F. Yang, and Y.J. Guo. 1999 Studies on the damage of the white-backed planthopper to yield components of rice. Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University 22(3): 115-116. |
7380 | Xu, X.F., X.N. Cheng, L.J. Luo, H.W. Mei, and Z.K. Li. 1999 Studies on resistance of recombinant inbred lines of Lemont/Teqing to brown planthopper. Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University 22(3): 25-28. |
7537 | Lu, X.B., B.Z. Peng, G.Y. Zhou, D.D. Jin, S.X. Chen, and Z.X. Gong. 1999 Localization of PS9 in rice ragged stunt Oryzavirus and its role in virus transmission by brown planthopper. Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica 31(2): 180–184. |
7567 | Zhang, X.L., G.F. Zhang, and X.M. Sun. 1999 The disaster characteristic and forecast of white-backed planthopper in intermediate Keng rice region. Plant Protection Technology and Extension 19(3): 5. |
7676 | Feng, L.P., X.L. Zhang, J.M. Zhang, G.F. Zhang, D.H. Wang, and M.H. Zhu. 1999 Studies on main natural enemies of the rice brown planthopper and effect of pesticide on natural enemies. Natural Enemies of Insects 21(2): 55-60. |
7693 | Qin, X.Y., R.B. Li, S.M. Wei, F.K. Huang, S.y. Luo, and Q. Li. 1999 Resistant genetic model of wild rice (Oryza rufipogon) to the brown planthopper and the application in breeding. Southwest China Journal of Agricultural Sciences 12(4): 74-77. |
7734 | Tang, J.L. 1999 Test of Xianpashenqiangshou WP (Monsultap imidacloprid 70% WP) to rice planthopper. Guangxi Plant Protection 12(2): 36-37. |
7780 | Chen, H.X., F.S. Zhu, and G.L. Zhang. 1999 The forecasting models and control technique of rice planthopper Sogatella furcifera and Nilaparvata lugens. Entomological Knowledge 36(3): 134-137. |
7782 | Chen, J.M., X.P. Yu, and Z.X. Lu. 1999 Effects of herbicides and fungicides on the brown plant hopper, Nilaparvata lugens and its predatory enemies. Journal of Plant Protection 26(2): 162-166. |
7783 | Chen, J.M., X.P. Yu, and Z.X. Lu. 1999 Toxic effects of herbicides and fungicides on adults of whitebacked planthopper, Sogatella furcifera Horvath. Acta Agriculturae Zhejiangensis 11(6): 293–296. |
7798 | Lundsgaard, T. 1999 Javesella pellucida (F.) is a vector of Festuca leaf streak virus (FLSV, genus Cytorhabdovirus). Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection 106: 545-549. |
7811 | Pham, T.M, and B.B. Bui. 1999 Evaluation of rice varieties for resistance to brown planthopper in the Mekong Delta. Omonrice 9: 5-11. pdf |
7862 | Estoy, A.B., Y. Suzuki, M. Matsumura, and K. Arimura. 1999 Ovicidal response of modern and traditional rice varieties against the whiteback planthopper, Sogatella furcifera Horvath (Hemiptera: Delphacidae). Philippine Entomologist 13(1): 59-63. |
7918 | Hirabayashi, H. and T. Ogawa. 1999 Identification and utilization of DNA markers linked to genes for reistance to brown planthopper (BPH) in rice. Advances in Breeding 41: 71-74. |
7947 | Szwedo, J. and R. Kulicka. 1999 Auchenorrhyncha (Insecta, Homoptera) in Baltic amber from the collection of the Museum of the Earth, Warsaw. Estudios del Museo de Ciencias Naturales de Alava Numero especial 2 14: 175-178. |
7948 | Szwedo, J. and R. Kulicka. 1999 Inclusions of Auchenorrhyncha in Baltic amber (Insecta: Homoptera). Estudios del Museo de Ciencias Naturales de Alava Numero especial 2 14: 179-199. |
7949 | Szwedo, J. 1999 Piewiki Puszczy Białowieskiej (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha). [Planthoppers and leafhoppers of Białowieża Primeval Forest]. Parki Narodowe i Rezerwaty przyrody 18.1: suppl. 109-124. |
8002 | Iitomi, A. 1999 Egg mortality factors of the whitebacked planthopper, Sogatella furcifera Horvath (Homoptera: Delphasidae) in Akita prefecture, North Japan. Annual Report of the Society of Plant Protection of North Japan 50: 125-128. |
8013 | Itoyama, K., S. Morooka, and S. Tojo. 1999 Triacylglycerol storage in the adults of two selected strains of the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens. Applied Entomology and Zoology 34(1): 171-177. pdf |
8018 | Iwaya, K., M. Maruyama, H. Nakanishi, and T. Enomoto. 1999 Effect of imidacloprid on virus vector Laodelphax striatellus Fallen in prevention of rice stripe. Journal of Pesticide Science 24(2): 177-180. pdf |
9698 | Nakashima, N., J. Sasaki and S. Toriyama. 1999 Determining the nucleotide sequence and capsid-coding region of Himetobi P virus: a member of a novel group of RNA viruses that infect insects. Archives of Virology 144(10): 2051-2058. pdf |
8037 | Tanaka, K. 1999 Recent status in virulence to resistant rice varieties of brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens immigrating into Japan. Annual Report of the Kanto-Tosan Plant Protection Society 46: 85-88. pdf |
8186 | Li, R.B. and X.Y. Qin. 1999 Study on anther culture of a brown planthopper resistant source "94-42" of wild rice, Oryza rufipogon. Southwest China Journal of Agricultural Sciences 12(2): 18-23. |
8204 | Liu, X.D. and X.X. Zhang. 1999 Effects of selective insecticide on the community structure of rice fields. Entomological Knowledge 36(2): 67-70. |
8213 | Lu, Z.X., X.P. Yu, and J.M. Chen. 1999 Virulence comparison of brown planthopper populations from paddy field and overwintered in greenhouse. Chinese Journal of Rice Science 13(1): 46-48. pdf |