College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
52 Ammar, E.D. 1987 Ultrastructural studies on the planthopper Peregrinus maidis (Ashmead), vector of maize mosaic and maize stripe viruses. In: M.R. Wilson and L.R. Nault,(eds.). Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Leafhoppers and Planthoppers of Economic Importance : Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, USA, 28th July-1st August 1986. CAB International Institute of Entomology. Pp. 83–92. pdf
2225 Howard, F.W. 1987 Myndus crudus (Homoptera: Cixiidae), a vector of lethal yellowing of palms. In: M.R. Wilson and L.R. Nault,(eds.). Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Leafhoppers and Planthoppers of Economic Importance : Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, USA, 28th July-1st August 1986. CAB International Institute of Entomology. Pp. 117-129. pdf
2548 Kisimoto, R. 1987 Ecology of planthopper migration. In: M.R. Wilson and L.R. Nault,(eds.). Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Leafhoppers and Planthoppers of Economic Importance : Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, USA, 28th July-1st August 1986. CAB International Institute of Entomology. Pp. 41-54. pdf
4729 Wilson, M.R. 1987 The Auchenorrhyncha (Homoptera) associated with Palms. In: M.R. Wilson and L.R. Nault,(eds.). Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Leafhoppers and Planthoppers of Economic Importance : Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, USA, 28th July-1st August 1986. CAB International Institute of Entomology. Pp. 327-342. pdf
4776 Wilson, S.W. and L.B. O'Brien. 1987 A survey of planthopper pests of economically important plants (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea). In: M.R. Wilson and L.R. Nault,(eds.). Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Leafhoppers and Planthoppers of Economic Importance : Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, USA, 28th July-1st August 1986. CAB International Institute of Entomology. Pp. 343-360. pdf
9596 Krugner, R., M.W. Johnson, J.G. Morse, and R.L. Groves. 2006 Host specificity of the mymarid Anagrus epos Girault, a parasitoid of cicadellidae eggs. In: M.S. Hoddle and M.W. Johnson, (eds.). Proceedings of the 5th Annual California Conference of Biological, Jul 25-27, Riverside, California. Pp. 168-171. pdf
1748 Ghosh, L.K., B. Biswas, S.P. Chakrabortyand G.C. Sen. 1989 Insecta: Hemiptera. In: M.S. Jairajpuri, (ed.). Fauna of Orissa. Part 2. Zoological Survey of India, Calcutta. State Fauna Series: 1. Pp. 181-224
13345 Bielski, J. and J. Steffel. 2019 Field observations on spotted lanternfly behavior and host suitability. In: M.W. Choi (ed.). Proceedings of the Cumberland-Shenandoah Fruit Workers Conference 95th Annual Meeting, December 5th-6th, 2019, Winchester, Virginia. Pp. 31-36 pdf
10874 Ooi, P.A.C. 1984 Insecticides disrupt natural control of Nilaparvata lugens in Sekinchan, Malaysia. in: M.Y. Hussein and A.G. Ibrahim, (eds.). Biological Control in the Tropics, Pertanian University, Pertanian Malaysia. Pp. 109-120.
384 Borodin, O.I. 2002 Auchenorrhyncha of Kupalovskij reserve "Vyazynka". In: Materials of the conference of students and postgraduates of BSU (Byelorussian State University, Minsk). Pp. 105-107. [Russian] pdf
1417 Emeljanov, A.F. and M.M. Loginova. 1961 Preliminary information on entomofauna of Chenopodiaceae in Central Kazakhstan. In: Materialy Kasakhstanskoy konferencii po probleme biokompleksov [Materials of Kazakhstan Conference to problem of biocomplexes, theses of reports]. Pp. 151-155. [In Russian]
1261 Emeljanov, A.F. 1961 About food specialization of Cicadina. In: Materialy Kazakhstanskoy konferencii po probleme biokompleksov [Materials of Kazakhstan Conference to problem of biocomplexes, theses of reports]: Pp. 90-91. [In Russian]
9050 Malausa, J.C. 2000 Esperienze di introduzione di Neodrynus typhlocybae in Francia. In: Metcalfa pruinosa: diffusione nel Continente Europeo e prospettive di controllo biológico. In: Metcalfa pruinosa: Diffusione nel Continente Europeo e Prospecttive di Controllo Biologico. Atti del Convegno Tenuto a S. Donato, Milanese 21 Ottobre 1999 Pp. 15-17. pdf
6619 Alma, A. 2000 I Flatidi Italiani Metcalfa pruinosa (Say) origine, diffusione e aspetti fitopatologici. In: Metcalfa pruinosa: Diffusione nel Continente Europeo e Prospecttive di Controllo Biologico. Atti del Convegno Tenuto a S. Donato, Milanese 21 Ottobre 1999. Pp. 9-11. pdf
6634 Gervasini, E. 2000 Il programma di lotta biologico a Metcalfa pruinosa in Lombardia. In: Metcalfa pruinosa: Diffusione nel Continente Europeo e Prospecttive di Controllo Biologico. Atti del Convegno Tenuto a S. Donato, Milanese 21 Ottobre 1999. Pp. 21-26. pdf
6638 Girolami, V. 2000 Neodryinus typhlocybae: introduziona, diffusione e comportamento. In: Metcalfa pruinosa: Diffusione nel Continente Europeo e Prospecttive di Controllo Biologico. Atti del Convegno Tenuto a S. Donato, Milanese 21 Ottobre 1999. Pp. 12-14. pdf
6653 Jermini, M., R. Brunetti and M. Bonavia. 2000 Introduzione di Neodryinus typhlocybae per il conteniment biologico di Metcalfa pruinosa: prime esperienze in Svizzera. In: Metcalfa pruinosa: Diffusione nel Continente Europeo e Prospecttive di Controllo Biologico. Atti del Convegno Tenuto a S. Donato, Milanese 21 Ottobre 1999. Pp. 18-20. pdf
6667 Lucchi, A. and L. Santini. 2000 Aspetti Biologici e morfologici in Metcalfa pruinosa (Say)(Homoptera Flatidae). In: Metcalfa pruinosa: Diffusione nel Continente Europeo e Prospecttive di Controllo Biologico. Atti del Convegno Tenuto a S. Donato, Milanese 21 Ottobre 1999. Pp.6-8. pdf
6669 Malausa, J.C. 2000 Esperienze di introduzione di Neodryinus typhlocybae: in Francia. In: Metcalfa pruinosa: Diffusione nel Continente Europeo e Prospecttive di Controllo Biologico. Atti del Convegno Tenuto a S. Donato, Milanese 21 Ottobre 1999. Pp. 15-17. pdf
6675 Olmi, M. 2000 I Driinidi e la loro utilizzazione in lotta biologica: problemi e prospettive. In: Metcalfa pruinosa: Diffusione nel Continente Europeo e Prospecttive di Controllo Biologico. Atti del Convegno Tenuto a S. Donato, Milanese 21 Ottobre 1999. Pp. 27-34. pdf
2311 Ich., B.V. 1991 The occurance and migration of brown plant hopper in Vietnam. In: Migration and dispersal of Agricultural Insects. National Institute of Agro-Environmental Sciences, Tsukuba, Japan. Pp. 183-204.
6341 Teramoto, T., T. Nakasuga and K. Yokomizo. 1996 Seasonal prevalence of occurence of the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens, and predacious mirid bug, Cyrtorhinus lividipenni, in Nagasaki, Japan. Kumamoto, Japan. In: N. Hokyo and G. Norton (eds.). Proceedings of the International Workshop on the Pest Management Strategies in Asian Monsoon Agroecosystems. Kyushu National Agriculture Experimental Station, Pp. 55-62.
4860 Xu, X.P., K.L. Heong, C. Hu, and A.T. Barrion. 1996 Role of non-rice habitats for conserving egg parasitoids of rice planthoppers and leafhoppers. In: N. Hokyo and G. Norton, (eds.). Proceedings of the International Workshop in Pest Management Strategies in Asian Monsoon Agroecosystems, November 15-18, 1995, Kumamoto, Japan. Kyushu National Agricultural Experiment Station, Japan Pp. 63-77
5849 Cheng, J.A. 1996 An ecological approach to brown planthopper management. In: N. Hokyo and G. Norton, (eds.). Proceedings of the International Workshop in Pest Management Strategies in Asian Monsoon Agroecosystems, November 15-18, 1995, Kumamoto, Japan. Kyushu National Agricultural Experiment Station, Japan Pp. 31-43.
4929 Yu, X.P., K.L. Heong, C. Hu, and A.T. Barrion. 1996 Role of non-rice habitats for conserving egg parasitoids of rice planthoppers and leafhoppers. In: N. Hokyo and G. Norton, (eds.). Proceedings of the International Workshop in Pest Management Strategies in Asian Monsoon Agroecosystems, November 15-18, 1995, Kumamoto, Japan. Kyushu National Agricultural Experiment Station, Japan. Pp. 63-77
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