College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
9653 Masten, T. and G. Seljak. 2006 Sirenje medeceg cvrcka (Metcalfa pruinosa) u Hrvatskoj [Spread of Metcalfa pruinosa in Croatia]. Glasilo Biljne Zaštite 6(6): 316-318. [Croatian]
9715 Ostojic, I., A. Kohnic, and N. Rotim. 2006 Medeci cvrcak (Metcalfa pruinosa Say), novi clan entomofaune vinove loze u Bosni I Hercegovini. In: III Simpozijum o zaštiti bilja, Neum, 13-15, 2006, Bosna I Hercegovina. P. 12.
9741 Preap, V., M.P. Zalucki, and G.C. Jahn. 2006 Brown planthopper outbreaks and management. Cambodian Journal of Agriculture 7(1): 17-25. pdf
9847 van Epenhuijsen, C.W. 2006 The invertebrate fauna in a research block of manuka (Leptospermum scoparium, Myrtaceae) and its crosses. The Weta 31: 23-31. pdf
9901 Xiao, T.G., S.W. Zhou W.Y. Wang, J.Y.,He, J. Cheng, J.J. Zhou and H.J.,Tang. 2006 On biological characteristics of Oliarus vicarious Walker and decreasing-increasing law. Journal of Hunan Agricultural University (Natural Sciences). 32(1): 70-72.
9916 Yu, A.L., J.H. Dan, Y.G. Tu, and X.H. Liu. 2006 [Bionomics of Geisha distinctissima Walker and its control in tea-oil trees with high yield.] Jiangxi Plant Protection 29(4): 181-182. pdf
10160 Sangha, J.S. 2006 Gene expression of rice mutants (Oryza sativa L.) in response to brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens Stal) infestation. University of the Philippines, Los Banos, Philippines. Doctoral Dissertation.
10329 Ding, J.Q., Y. Wu, H. Zheng , W.D. Fu, R. Reardon, and M. Liu. 2006 Assessing potential biological control of the invasive plant, tree-of-heaven, Ailanthus altissima. Biocontrol Science and Technology 16(6): 547-566.
10543 LIU, YuSheng, YanXia CHEN, Fei LU, and Hua HE. 2006 Study on the prelimary indentification of internal bacteria in Lycorma delicatula (White). Journal of Shandong Agricultural University 37(4): 495-498. pdf
10565 Pham, H.T. and T.H. Thinh. 2006 [Key to the genera of the planthoppers (Homoptera Auchenorrhyncha, Lophopidae) from Vietnam]. in: The Scientific Conference on Forward to Agronomy Management Technology for development of Sustainable Agriculture in Vietnam. Hanoi Agricultural University I. Oct. 10. 2006. Pp. 519-523. pdf
10584 Song, Z.S. and A.P. Liang. 2006 First record of the genus Dictyopharina Melichar (Hemiptera: Fulgoroidea: Dictyopharidae) from China, with descriptions of two new species. Zootaxa 1166: 21-33.
10680 Chen X.S. 2006 Homoptera, Delphacidae. In: D.C. Jin and Z.Z. Li, (eds.). Insects from Chishui Spinulose Tree Fern Landscape. Guizhou Science and Technology Publishing House, Guiyang. Pp. 157-158.
10684 Chen, X.X. and J.H. He. 2006 Parasitoids and Predators of Forest Pests in China. China Forestry Publishing House. Beijing, China. -
10685 Chen, X.X. and J.H. He. 2006 Dryinus browni Ashmead. In: X.X. Chen and J.H. He. 2006. Parasitoids and Predators of Forest Pests in China. China Forestry Publishing House. Beijing, China. P. 128.
10790 Jin, D.C. and Z.Z. Li, (eds.). 2006 Insects from Chishui Spinulose Tree Fern Landscape. Guizhou Science and Technology Publishing House, Guiyang. -
11177 Grilli, M.P. and E.L. Estallo. 2006 Variabilidad de la forma corporal en poblaciones de Delphacodes kuscheli Fennah (Hempiptera: Delphacidae) a escala subregional. Ecología austral 16(2): 125-135. pdf
11233 Miller, S.E. 2006 Insects of Papua In: A.J. Marshall and B.M. Beehler, (eds.). The Ecology of Papua. Part One, The Ecology of Indonesia Series. Periplus Editions Ltd., Singapore. Chapter 4.3
11319 Anufriev, G.A. 2006 On fauna of Cicadins (Insecta, Homoptera, Cicadina) in Talovskaya Steppe (Reserve of Orenburg). In: Stepi Severnoi Evrazii: Materialy IV Mezhdunarodnogo simpoziuma (Proceedings of the IV International Symposium on Steppes of North Eurasia). IPK Gazprompechat, Orenburg. pp. 68–70.
11320 Anufriev, G.A. 2006 On fauna of Cicadins (Insecta, Homoptera, Cicadina) in South Ural State Reserve (Bashkortostan Republic). Nauch. Trudy Gos. Prirod. Zapoved. Prisurskii 13: 6–10.
11387 Lange, N. 2006 ABSTRACT Zikadenfauna ruderaler Stadtbrachen Berlins. DGaaE Nachrichten (Deutsche Gesellschaft für allgemeine und angewandte Entomologie) 20(1): 13. pdf
11683 Maheshwari, M.U., S. Suresh, and N. Emmanuel. 2006 Evaluation of mechanisms of resistance in conventional and hybrid rice varieties against Nilaparvata lugens Stal. Annals of Plant Protection Sciences 14(2): 319-322.
11721 Borkhataria, R. R., J. A. Collazo and M. J. Groom. 2006 Additive effects of vertebrate predators on insects in a Puerto Rican coffee plantation. Ecological Application 16(2): 696-703.[0696:AEOVPO]2.0.CO;2
11763 Baptista, M. S., P. S. F. Ferreira and E. R. Da-Silva. 2006 Mitrops Fennah, 1944 (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Dictyopharidae) from Brazil: a new species of and addtional records. Pp. 19-35. In: Taxonomia de Fulgoroidea no Brasil (Insecta: Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha), com ênfase em Dictyopharidae. Tese, Universidade de Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Brasil -
11764 Baptista, M. S., P. S. F. Ferreira and E. R. Da-Silva. 2006 Two new genera of Dictyopharidae (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha: Fulgoromorpha) from Brazil. Pp. 37-51. In: Taxonomia de Fulgoroidea no Brasil (Insecta: Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha), com ênfase em Dictyopharidae. Tese, Universidade de Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Brasil. -
12312 Lange, N. 2006 Der Einuss von Landschaftskontext auf die Diversität der Zikaden (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha) in Stadtbrachen. PhD Dissertation, Carl von Ossietzky Universitat, Oldenburg Fakultat V Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften. x+105 [+9 pp tables unpaginated] pdf
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