Planthopper Bibliography Database
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Authors Year Title Journal | |
7882 | González, G., J. San Pedro, N. Arencibia, M. Ruíz, S. Valdés, and I. Quiala. 2002 Virus y fitoplamas en el cultivo del maíz (Zea mays, L.) en Cuba. Distibución y diagnóstico. Fitosanidad 6(4): 3-6. pdf |
7950 | Szwedo, J. 2002 Amber and amber inclusions of planthoppers, leafhoppers and their relatives (Hemiptera, Archaeorrhyncha et Clypaeorrhyncha) In: W. Holzinger, (ed.). Zikaden - leafhoppers, planthoppers and cicadas (Insecta: Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha. Biologiezentrum des Oberösterreichischen Landesmuseums, Linz. Pp. 37-56. |
7951 | Stroinski, A. and J. Szwedo. 2002 An overview of Fulgoromorpha and Cicadomorpha in East African copal (Hemiptera). In: W. Holzinger, (ed.). Zikaden - leafhoppers, planthoppers and cicadas (Insecta: Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha). Denisia (Biologiezentrum des Oberösterreichischen Landesmuseums, Linz). 4: 57-66. |
8025 | Bertuso, A.G. and S. Tojo. 2002 The nature and titer of juvenile hormone in the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Homoptera: Delphacidae) in relation to wing morphogenesis and oocyte development. Applied Entomology and Zoology 37: 117-125. pdf |
8029 | Yoo, J.K., S.W. Lee, Y.J. Ahn, T. Nagata and T. Shono. 2002 Altered acetylcholinesterase as a resistance mechanism in the brown planthopper (Homoptera: Delphacidae), Nilaparvata lugens Stål. Applied Entomology and Zoology 37(1): 37-41. pdf |
8087 | Kato, N., Y. Ishikawa, T. Kato, H. Nishimoto, and I. Shaku. 2002 The laborsaving control of rice diseases and rice damaged insects which used circulating irrigation, 2: The laborsaving control of smaller brown plant hopperand green rice leafhopper. Research Bulletin of the Aichi-ken Agricultural Research Center 34: 9-16. |
8146 | Padmakumari, A.P., M. Sarupa, and N.V. Krishnaiah. 2002 Status of Insecticide resistance in rice brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens Stal -A review. Agricultural Review 23(4): 262-217. pdf |
8235 | Mathirajan, V.G., and A. Regupathy. 2002 Toxicity of thiamethoxam to Aphis gossypii, Amrasca devastans, Nilaparvata lugens and Sogotella furcifera. Annals of Plant Protection Sciences 10(2): 369-370. |
8242 | Melhanah, Witjaksono, and Y. A. Trisyono. 2002 Seleksi resistensi wereng batang padi coklat terhadap insektisida fipronil. [Selections for resistance to insecticide fipronil in the brown plant hopper]. Jurnal Perlindungan Tanaman Indonesia 8: 107-113.[Indonesian] |
8265 | Putra, N.S., E. Martono, and S. Moeljopawiro. 2002 Seleksi Wereng Batang Padi Coklat, Nilaparvata lugens Stal. (Homoptera: Delphacidae) dengan Insektisida Karbamat MIPC dan BPMC. [Carbonate insecticides of MIPC and BPMC selection on rice brown planthopper (Homoptera, Delphacidae)]. Agrosains 15(3): 455-467. pdf |
8266 | Redinbaugh, M.G., D.L. Seifers, T. Meulia, J.J. Abt, R.J. Anderson, W.E. Styer, J. Ackerman, R. Salomon, W. Houghton, R. Creamer, D.T. Gordon, and S.A. Hogenhout. 2002 Maize fine streak virus, a new leafhopper-transmitted rhabdovirus. Phytopathology 92: 1167-1174. pdf |
8389 | Salim, M. 2002 Effects of potassium nutrition on growth, biomass and chemical composition of rice plants and on host-insect interaction. Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Research 17(1): 15-21. pdf |
8390 | Salim, M. 2002 Nitrogen induced changes in rice plants: Effects on host-insect interactions. Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Research 17(3): 210-220. pdf |
8395 | Salva, G. and D. Zanardo. 2002 Metcalfa pruinosa control, advantages of biological molecules. Progrès Agricole et Viticole 119(19): 419-421. |
8433 | Sirimungkararat, S., K. Murata, W. Saksirirat, B. Songpra, and S. Pisitkul. 2002 Comparison of the mass production methods of green muscardine Metarhizium spp. infecting brown planthopper and rhinoceros beetle. In: KKU annual agricultural seminar for year 2002, Khon Kaen, Thailand., 28-29 Jan 2002. Pp. 280-294. |
8449 | Phisitkul, S. and T. Ritmontri. 2002 Integrated control of brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens Stal. using egg-predacious mirid bug Tytthus chinensis Stal. and plant extract on rice cultivar Kao Dok Mali 105. In: Proceedings of KKU Annual Agricultural Seminar for Year 2002, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen, Thailand, 28-29 Jan 2002. Pp. 162-171. |
8450 | Phisitkul, S. and T. Ritmontri. 2002 Control of brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens Stal. on rice cultivar Kao Dok Mali 105, using plant extract and egg-predacious mirid bug Tytthus chinensis Stal. Khon Kaen Agricultural Journal 30(1): 77-83. [Thai] |
8452 | Soundararajan, R.P., K. Gunathilagaraj, N. Chitra. 2002 Antixenosis resistance to brown plant hopper, Nilaparvata lugens Stal. in rice. Annals of Plant Protection Sciences 10(1): 23-27. |
8460 | Pimsamarn, S. and S. Somboon. 2002 Functional response of mirid egg predators, Cyrtorhinus lividipennis Reuter and Tytthus chinensis Stal (Hemiptera: Miridae), to brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens Stal, Homoptera: Delphacidae). Thai Journal of Agricultural Science 35(1): 17-23. |
8478 | Syobu, S., H. Mikuriya, J. Yamaguchi, M. Matsuzaki, and M. Matsumura. 2002 Fluctuations and factors affecting the wing-form ratio of the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens Stal in rice fields. Japanese Journal of Applied Entomology and Zoology 46(3): 135-143. pdf |
8545 | Sriratanasak, W. 2002 Effect of recommended granular insecticides for controlling stem borers, leaffolder and brown planthopper on Pathum Thani 1, Chai Nat 1, Suphan Buri 1 and Khao Jow Hawm Suphan Buri rice varieties. Warasan Kita Lae Sattawawitthaya [Entomology and Zoology Gazette] 24(1):17-38. |
8668 | Mohammad, S.R.I. 2002 [Studies on the morphology and biology of the date bug , Asarcopus palmarum (Horvath) Homoptera: Issidae ) as a new pest threatens date palms in el Bahria Oases Egypt]. Thesis, Master's of Science. Faculty of Commerce, Cairo University, Egypt. thesis |
8694 | Mozaddedul Haque, N.M., M. Fazle Rabbi, A.N.M. Rezaul Karim, Mainul Haq and M.A. Chowdhury. 2002 Resistance and resurgence studies of Neem oil 50% EC against rice brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stål). Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 5(8): 858-861. pdf |
8701 | Ferrenberg, S. M. 2002 Competition as a factor underlying the abundance of an uncommon phytophagous insect, the salt-marsh planthopper Delphacodes penedetecta (Hemiptera: Delphacidae). Master’s thesis. University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland. thesis |
8849 | Guglielmino, A. and R. Remane. 2002 An additional taxon of the Kelisia guttula group from Central Italy: Kelisia italica (Auchenorrhyncha, Fulgotomorpha, Delphacidae). Marburger Entomologische Publikation 3(2): 15-20. pdf |