College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
6095 Sogawa, K., S. Teng, Q. Qian, D.L. Zeng, J. Zeng, Z.H. Qian, and L.H. Zhu. 2003 Detection of QTLs affecting whitebacked planthopper resistance in an indica/japonica doubled haploid rice population. Chinese Journal of Rice Science 17(suppl.): 77-83.[Chinese with English summary] pdf
6096 Sogawa, K., Y.H. Li, J. Zhang, G.J. Liu, and H.G. Yao. 2003 Genealogical analysis of resistance to the whitebacked planthopper, Sogatella furcifera, in Chinese japonica rice Chunjiang 06. Chinese Journal of Rice Science 17(suppl.): 67-72. pdf
6141 Grevstad, F.S., D.R. Strong, D.D. Garcia-Rossi, R.W. Switzer, and M.S. Wecker, 2003 Biological control of Spartina alterniflora in Willapa Bay, Washington using the planthopper Prokelisia marginata: agent specificity and early results. Biological Control 27(1), 32-42. Biological Control 27(1): 32-42.
6152 Shen, J.H.,J.M. Shang, and G.J. Liu. 2003 Management of the white-backed planthopper, Sogatella furcifera in China: A mini-review. Chinese Journal of Rice Science 17(Supplement): 7-22. [Chinese] pdf
6185 Abo, M.E. and H. Ali Fadhilab. 2003 Epidemiology and management of rice viruses and virus diseases. In: J. Hughes and B. Odu, (eds.). Plant virology in sub-Saharan Africa: proceedings of a conference organized by IITA, 4-8 June 2001. IITA Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. Pp. 112-127. pdf
6314 Yamasaki, M., A. Yoshimura and H. Yasui. 2003 QTL mapping of rice ovicidal response to two planthopper species. Rice Genetics Newsletter 20: 81–83.
6340 Kahrer, A. and R. Moosbeckhofer. 2003 Ein neuer Schädling - Metcalfa pruinosa - in Österreich eingeschleppt. Bienenvater 124(10): 16-19.
6388 Popa, V. 2003 A new Auchenorrhyncha species, Javesella simillima (Linnavuori, 1948) (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Delphacidae) in the fauna of Romania. [O nouă specie de cicadă, Javesella simillima (Linnavuori, 1949) (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Delphacidae) în fauna României]. Entomologica Romanica 8-9: 77-80.
6436 Laguna, I.G., A.O. Avila, E. Virla, M. Giménez Pecci, A.M.M. de Remes Lenicov, R. Mariani, J. Garay, and M. Fiorona. 2003 Difusión del Mal de Río Cuarto (MRCV) del maíz, su vector, delfácidos asociados, sus enemigos naturales y hospedantes alternativos en la región Cuyo de Argentina. In: XXXVI Congresso Brasileiro de Fitopatología, Manejo Integrado de doenças de plantas. Mina Gerais. Brasil. P. 5.
6486 Chen, M., G.Y. Ye, C. Hu, and S.K. Datta. 2003 Effect of transgenic Bt rice on dispersal of planthoppers and leafhoppers as well as their egg parasitic wasps. Journal of Zhejiang University (Agriculture and Life Sciences) 29: 29-33.[Chinese with English abstract] pdf
6511 Laguna, I.G., A.O. Avila, E. Virla, M. Giménez Pecci, A.M.M. de Remes Lenicov, R. Mariani, J. Garay, and M. Fiorona. 2003 Difusión del Mal de Río Cuarto (MRCV) del del maíz, su vector, delfácidos asociados, sus enemigos naturales y hospedantes alternativos en la región de Cuyo de Argentina. Brazilian Phytopathology 28(supl.): 239.
6516 Murua, M.G., P. Fidalgo, and E. Virla. 2003 First record of Trichogramma atopovirilia Otman and Platner (Hym., Trichogrammatidae) for Argentina, attacking the eggs of Spodoptera frugiperda Smith (Lep., Noctuidae) on corn. Vedalia 9-10: 25-26.
6528 Virla, E.G. 2003 Evidences of induced maternal molt inhibition by Gonatopus chilensis (Insecta, Hym.: Dryinidae) in Peregrinus maidis (Insecta, Hem.: Delphacidae) nymphs. Neotrópica 49: 35-41.
6529 Virla, E.G. 2003 Un nuevo huésped para Cheiloneurus cupreicollis (Hym.: Encyrtidae), parasitoide de Dryinidae (Hym.) en Argentina. Revista Sociedad Entomologica Argentina 62(1-2): 63-64.
6768 Hattori, M. 2003 Electronic monitoring of feeding and oviposition behavior of rice planthoppers and its application in plant resistance study. Chinese Journal of Rice Science 17: 31-36. pdf
6772 Liu, G.J., K. Sogawa, H. Tan, Y. Zeng, S.F. Xiao, and J.H. Shen. 2003 Resistance of wide-compatible rice varieties to the whitebacked planthopper, Sogatella furcifera. Chinese Journal of Rice Science 17(suppl.): 53-55. pdf
6773 Liu, G.J., J.H. Shen, and K. Sogawa. 2003 Varietal resistance to insect pests in rice And its application in Chine: History and Prospects. Chinese Journal of Rice Science 17(suppl.): 1-6. pdf
6774 Liu, G.J., K. Sogawa, Z.G. Pu, Y.S. Yang, Q.C. Qiao, J.H. Shen, X.M. Xie,S.G. Chen, and D.G. Shi. 2003 Resistance in two hybrid rice combinations and their parents to the whitebacked planthopper, Sogatella furcifera. Chinese Journal of Rice Science 17(suppl.): 89-94. pdf
6775 Liu, G.J., S.G. Shen, J.Y. Wang, K. Sogawa, X.M. Xie, Q.C. Qiao, Z.G. Pu, D.G. Shi, and X.G. Liu. 2003 Preliminary study of the whitebacked planthopper, Sogatella furcifera by cultivating the mixture of the resistant and susceptible rice varieties. Chinese Journal of Rice Science 17(suppl.): 103-107. pdf
6777 Sogawa, K., J. Zeng, and Z.H. Qian. 2003 Applications of DNA-markers to analyze rice planthopper resistance genes. Chinese Journal of Rice Science 17(suppl.): 37-46. pdf
6853 Kumarasinghe, N.C. and P.C. Jepson. 2003 Antixenotic effect of sugarcane leaves on feeding and oviposition bypyrilla perpusilla walker. Sugar Tech 5(1-2): 11-19. pdf
6864 Zhang, H.C., Q.F. Wang and J.F. Zhang. 2003 Some Jurassic Homopteran insects from Junggar Basin, Zinjianh, China. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica 42(4): 548-551. pdf
6915 Xu, X.F., F. Ma, Y.D. Zou, and X.N. Cheng. 2003 Chaotic diagnosis of Nilaparvata lugens occurrence system. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology 14(8): 1359-1362. pdf
6921 Liu, M.D., X.Y. Hong, J.G. Du, and Z.N. Cheng. 2003 3'-RACE of actin genes in Nilaparvata lugens (Stal) and RT-PCR examination on expression of the actin genes. Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University 26(3): 49-51.
6924 Chen, J.M. and J.A. Cheng. 2003 Effects of fertilization levels on the whitebacked planthopper (Hemiptera: Delphacidae) population in rice. Chinese Jounal of Rice Science 17(3): 270-274. pdf
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