Planthopper Bibliography Database
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Authors Year Title Journal | |
8659 | Milne, R.G. and O. Lovisolo. 1977 Maize rough dwarf and related viruses. Advances in Virus Research 21: 267-341. |
8660 | Müller, H.J. 1951 Über das Schlüpfen der Zikaden (Homoptera Auchenorrhyncha) aus dem Ei; 2. Beitrag zur Biologie mitteleuropäischer Zikaden. Zoologica 37(4): 1–41+14 plates. pdf |
8661 | Müller, H.J. 1949 Zur Systematik und Phylogenie der Zikaden-Endosymbiosen. Biologisches Zentralblatt 68: 343–368. pdf |
8662 | Stickney, F.S., D.W. Barnes, and P. Simmons. 1950 Date palm insects in the United States. United States Department of Agriculture Circular 846. 57 pp. pdf |
8663 | Blumberg, D. 2008 Review: Date palm arthropod pests and their management in Israel. Phytoparasitica 36(5): 411-448. pdf |
8664 | Al-Jboory, I.J., A.I. Al-Sammariae, J.F. Whaib, and W.A. Ahmed. 2001 [Evaluation of thiamethoxam in different application techniques to control Dubas bugs (Ommatissus binotatus lybicus DeBerg.).] Arab Journal of Plant Protection 19(2): 107-112.[Arabic] pdf |
8665 | El-Haidari, H.S., I.I. Mohammed, and A.A.K. Daoud. 1968 Evaluation of DDVP against the Dubas bug, Ommatissus binotatus libycus Berg., on date palms in Iraq (Hemiptera: Homoptera: Tropiduchidae). Bulletin of the Entomological Society of Egypt - Economic Series 2: 91-94. |
8666 | Elwan, A.S.A. and S.S. Al-Tamiemi. 1999 Life cycle of Dubas bug, Ommatissus binotatus lybicus De Berg. (Homoptera: Tropiduchidae) in Sultanate of Oman. Egyptian Journal of Agricultural Research 77: 1547-1553. |
8667 | Nakash, J. and M. Klein. 1991 Interference of the date bug, Asarcopus palmarum Horv. with the normal growth of date palms in Israel. Hassadeh 71: 1522-1523.[Hebrew, with English abstract] |
8668 | Mohammad, S.R.I. 2002 [Studies on the morphology and biology of the date bug , Asarcopus palmarum (Horvath) Homoptera: Issidae ) as a new pest threatens date palms in el Bahria Oases Egypt]. Thesis, Master's of Science. Faculty of Commerce, Cairo University, Egypt. thesis |
8669 | Mokhtar, A. M. and A.M. Al-Mjeni. 1999 A noval approach to determine the efficacy of control measures against dubas bug, Ommatissus lybicus DeBerg, on Date Palms. Agricultural Sciences 4: 1-4. |
8670 | Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries. 1997 Dubas bug, Ommatissus lybicus (Homoptera: Tropiduchidae). Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries. Sultanate of Oman. 19 p. |
8671 | Krishnaiah, N.V., A.S.R. Prasad, C.R. Rao, I.C. Pasalu, V.J. Lakshmi, V.L. Narayana, and T. Lingaiah. 2005 Effect of constant and variable temperatures on biological parameters of rice brown plant hopper, Nilaparvata lugens. Indian Journal of Plant Protection 2: 181-187. |
8672 | Mozaffarian, F. and M. Taghipour. 2007 Correction a current error at name dubas bug. Newsletter of Entomological Society of Iran 34: 3. [Persian]. |
8673 | Payandeh, A. and A. Dehghan. 2011 Life table parameters of the dubas bug, Ommatissus lybicus (Hem: Tropiduchidae) at three constant temperatures. African Journal of Biotechnology 10(83): 19489-19493. pdf |
8674 | Hassan, B.H., I.J. Al-Jboory, H.F. Al-Rebeai, and G. Viggiani. 2003 Pseudoligosita babylonica n.sp. (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) , egg parasitoid of Ommatissus lybicus Bergevin (Homoptera: Tropiduchidae) in Iraq. Bollettino del Laboratorio di Entomologia Agraria Filippo Silvestri 59: 75-78. pdf |
8675 | Downer, J. 2009 What is wrong with pygmy date palms? Landscape Notes [University of California, Cooperative Extention] 22(1): 2 pp. pdf |
8676 | Calcat, A. 1959 Diseases and pests of date palm in the Sahara and North Africa. Bulletin of Entomological Research 11: 287-303. |
8677 | Calcat, A. 1959 Diseases and pests of date palm in the Sahara and North Africa. FAO (Food And Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) Plant Protection Bulletin 8: 5-10 |
8678 | Jasim, H.K. and H.K. Al-Zubaidy. 2010 Eggs distribution of old world bug (dubas bug) Ommatissus lybicus (Derbeg) Asche and Wilson (Homoptera: Tropiduchidae) on fronds rows and effect of dust storms on three varieties of date palm trees. Acta Horticulturae (ISHS) 882: 465-470. |
8679 | Zouba, A. and A. Raeesi. 2010 First report of Ommatissus lybicus Bergevin (Hemiptera: Tropiduchidae) in Tunisia. African Journal of Plant Science and Biotechnology 4(Special Issue 2): 98-99. pdf |
8680 | Al-Shamsi, B.H. 2003 Biological performance of dubas bug Ommatissus lybicus De Berg. (Homoptera : Tropiduchidae) under field conditions and predicting of its appearance by using degree-day model. Master Thesis, University of Bagdad, Iran. thesis pdf |
8681 | Al-Abbasi, S.H. 1987 Jumping mechanism of Dubas bug Ommatissus binotatus Deberg. (Homoptera: Tropiduchidae). Journal of Agriculture and Water Resources Research. Plant Production 6(1): 29-38. |
8682 | Abdullah, F.F., T.S. Al-Zidjali and S.A. Al Khatri. 1998 Biology of Ommatissus lybicus under field and laboratory conditions Spring 1995. In: Proceedings of International Conference on Integrated Pest Management. February 23-25, 1998, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman. Pp. 75-79. |
8683 | El-Haidari, H.S. 1982 New records of dubas bug (Ommatissus binotatus lybicus de Bergevin) on date palms in Sudan. Date Palm Journal 1(2): 308. |