Planthopper Bibliography Database
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360 of 607
Authors Year Title Journal | |
207 | Badmin, J. 1997 The biology of the grassland froghopper Neophilaenus campestris at Dungeness. Dungeness Bird Observatory Report for 1996 1996: 84-87. |
272 | Basset, Y., N.D. Springate, H.P. Aberlenc, H.P., and G. Delaware. 1997 A review of methods for sampling arthropods in tree canopies. Pp. 27-52 In: N.E. Stork, J. Adis, and R.K. Didham, (eds.). Canopy Arthropods. Chapman & Hall, London. xvi + 567 pp. |
283 | Wilson, M.R., M.F. Claridge, S.C. Shackel and L. Dalbeck. 1997 Speciation by Issidae (Fulgoroidea) in the Galapagos islands: how many Philatis species are there? Pp. 37. In: M.J. Fletcher, M.F. Day, P.S. Gillespie, M.M. Stephens and M.S. Moulds (eds.). Program and Abstract Book, 9th International Auchenorrhyncha Congress, Sydney, Australia, 17–21 February 1997. 76 pp. pdf |
354 | Biedermann, R. 1997 Populationsökologische Untersuchungen an Zikaden (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha): zum Einfluß von Habitatqualität, Habitatgröße und Isolation auf das Vorkommen und Überleben von Populationen. University of Mainz. Thesis pdf |
377 | Bopp, M. 1997 Die amerikanischen Goldruten Solidago canadensis L. und S. gigantea AIT. als Neophyten in Mitteleuropa: Besiedlung durch Insekten. Göttinger Naturkundliche Schriften 4: 181-206. |
412 | Bourgoin, T. 1997 The Meenoplidae (Hemiptera, Fulgoromorpha) of New Caledonia, with a revision of the genus Eponisia Matsumura, 1914, and new morphological data on forewing venation and wax plate areas. In: L. Matile, J. Najt and S. Tillier (eds.), Zoologia Neocaledonica, 3. Memoires. Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle (Zoologie). Pp. 197-250. pdf |
413 | Bourgoin, T. 1997 Habitat and ant-attendance in Hemiptera: a phylogenetic test with emphasis on trophobiosis in Fulgoromorpha. In: P. Grandcolas, P. (eds.). The origin of biodiversity in Insects : phylogenetics tests of evolutionary scenarios. Memoires. Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle Paris 173: 109-124. |
423 | Bourgoin, T., J.D. Steffen-Campbell, and B.C. Campbell. 1997 Molecular phylogeny of Fulgoromorpha (Insecta, Hemiptera, Archaeorrhyncha). The enigmatic Tettigometridae: evolutionary affiliations and historical biogeography. Cladistics 13: 207-224. |
699 | Sorensen, J.T., B.C. Campbell, R.J. Gill, J.D. Steffen-Campbell. 1997 Evolutionary affiliations among hemipteran (S.L.) Suborders; paraphyly of Homoptera and non-monophyly of Auchenorrhyncha. Pp. 51–52. In: M.J. Fletcher, M.F. Day, P.S. Gillespie, M.M. Stephens and M.S. Moulds (eds.). Program and Abstract Book, 9th International Auchenorrhyncha Congress, Sydney, Australia, 17–21 February 1997. 76 pp. pdf |
742 | Clay, K. 1997 Fungal endophytes, herbivores and the structure of grassland communities. In: A.C. Gange and V.K. Brown,(eds.). Multitrophic interactions in terrestrial systems. Blackwell, Oxford. chapter |
759 | Cohen, M.B., S.N. Alam, E.B. Medina, and C.C. Bernal. 1997 Brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens, resistance in rice cultivar IR64: mechanism and role in successful N. lugens management in Central Luzon, Philippines. Experimentalis et Applicata 85(3): 221-229. pdf |
816 | Crawley, M.J. 1997 Plant-herbivore dynamics. In: M.J. Crawley, (ed.). Plant Ecology. 2nd edition. Blackwell, Oxford. Pp. 401-474. |
843 | Cuong, N.L., P.T. Ben, L.T. Phuong, L.M. Chau, and M.B. Cohen. 1997 Effect of host plant resistance and insecticide on brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens (Stal) and predator population development in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam. Crop Protection 16(8): 707-715. |
846 | Daehler, C. C. and D. R. Strong. 1997 Reduced herbivore resistance in introduced smooth cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora) after a century of herbivore-free growth. Oecologia 110(1): 99-108. pdf |
851 | Dai, H.W. Cheng, X. Wu and S. Wu. 1997 Determination of juvenile hormone esterase activity in the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens Stal. Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University [Nanjing Nongye Daxue Xuebao] 20(4).: 108-110. |
878 | Dejean, A., T. Bourgoin, and M. Gibernau. 1997 Ant species that protect figs against other ants: result of territoriality induced by a mutualist homopteran. Ecoscience 4(4): 446-453. |
879 | Dejean, A., P.R. Ngnegueu, J.L. Durand and T. Bourgoin. 1997 The influence of ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), particularly tramp species, on the proliferation of a maize pest. Sociobiology 30(1): 85-93. |
889 | Claridge, M.F. and J.C. Morgan. 1997 Species Concepts and Auchenorrhyncha Biodiversity. Pp. 62. In: M.J. Fletcher, M.F. Day, P.S. Gillespie, M.M. Stephens and M.S. Moulds (eds.). Program and Abstract Book, 9th International Auchenorrhyncha Congress, Sydney, Australia, 17–21 February 1997. 76 pp. pdf |
894 | della Giustina, W., R. Remane, and M. Wilson. 1997 The Delphacidae fauna of France (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha): V. Specimens identified or captured in 1993 and 1994. Cahiers des Naturalistes 51(2): 63-79. |
900 | Murata, K., C. Nakamura, M. Fujiwara, N. Mori, and C. Kaneda. 1997 Tagging and mapping of the brown planthopper resistance genes in rice. In: J.-C. Sup, (ed.). Proceedings of Fifth International Symposium on Rice Molecular Biology. Yi-Hsien Publishing Company, Ltd. Taipei, Taiwan. Pp. 217-231. |
901 | Andrzejewska, L. 1997 Long term changes in the Auchenorrhyncha fauna populating natural and managed fen grasslands. Pp. 63–64. In: M.J. Fletcher, M.F. Day, P.S. Gillespie, M.M. Stephens and M.S. Moulds (eds.). Program and Abstract Book, 9th International Auchenorrhyncha Congress, Sydney, Australia, 17–21 February 1997. 76 pp. pdf |
929 | Deng, K., Y. Yang, and C. Hu. 1997 Cytoplasmic incompatibility caused by Wolbachia in small brown planthopper, Laodelphax striatellus Fallen. Journal of Fudan University Natural Science 36(5): 500-506. |
985 | Remes-Lenicov, A.M.M. de, E. G. Virla, and G. Varela. 1997 Descripción de los estados inmaduros de Toya propinqua (Fieber) y notas acerca de su comportamiento en condiciones experimentales (Insecta: Homoptera: Delphacidae). [Description of preimaginal stages of Toya propinqua (Fieber) and notes on its behavior under laboratory conditions.] Neotrópica 43(109-110): 85-91. pdf |
986 | Remes-Lenicov, A.M.M. de, R Mariani, and A. C. Costamagna. 1997 Aspectos morfológicos y bioecológicos de Dicranotropis fuscoterminata sobre cultivos (Insecta: Homoptera: Delphacidae). [Morphological and bioecological aspects of Dicranotropis fuscoterminata of maize crops (Insecta: Homoptera: Delphacidae).] Neotrópica 43(109-110): 7-14. pdf |
1121 | Dmitriev, D.A. 1997 [On the influence of different use of steppe meadows on the species structure of Cicadinea (Homoptera) in the Nature Reserve "Galich’ya gora"]. In: Nauchnoe nasledie P. P. Semenova-Tyan-Shanskogo I ego rol’ v razvitii sovremennoi nauki. Mat. Vseross. nauch. konf. 22–25 Apr. 1997 g., g. Lipetsk. Lipetsk. Part 2. [Russian] abstract [Russian] |