Planthopper Bibliography Database
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Authors Year Title Journal | |
9141 | Borodin, O.I. 2010 НОВЫЕ ДАННЫЕ ПО ЦИКАДОВЫМ (HOMOPTERA, AUCHENORRHYNCHA) ОШМЯНСКОЙ ВОЗВЫШЕННОСТИ (БЕЛАРУСЬ). [New data cycads (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha) Oshmyansko Hills (Belarus).] In: All-Russian Conference of Young Scientists, Biodiversity of Animals section. Pp. 18-19. pdf |
9142 | Remes Lenicov, A.M.M. de, R. Mariani, M.F. Rossi Batiz, L.R. Conci, and S.J. Lanati. 2007 Los insectos Fulgoromorpha asociados al cultivo de ajo en la República Argentina-Hemiptera Auchenorrhyncha. In: 30º Congreso Argentino de Horticultura - 1º Simposio Internacional sobre Cultivos Protegidos. Horticultura Argentina. 26(61): 45. pdf |
9143 | Rossi-Batiz, M.F., L.R. Conci, L.R. and A.M.M. de Remes-Lenicov. 2007 Hallazgo del saltahojas verde de la caña de azúcar, Saccharosydne saccharivora (Westwood, 1833) en cultivos de ajo de la Argentina (Hemiptera-Fulgoromorpha). XXX Congreso Argentino de Horticultura - I Simposio Internacional sobre Cultivos Protegidos. Horticultura Argentina 26(61): 45. pdf |
9144 | Mena Tascon, E. and C. Cardona Mejia. 1975 Efecto del uso de insecticidas y control de malezas en la incidencia de la marchitez sorpresiva de la Palma Africana (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.). Revista Colombiana de Entomología 1(1): 9-13. |
9145 | Posada, F. 1988 Insectos involucrados con la enfermedad pestalotiopsis. [Related insects on the pestalotiopsis disease.] In: B. Ramakrishna, (ed.) 6th Seminario Problemas Fitopatológicos de la Palma Africana. Bucaramanga 21-25 Mar 1988. [Report of the 6th Seminar on the Phytopathological Problems of the African Oil Palm]. Pp. 87-100. |
9146 | Minuz, R.L. 2011 Ecological studies on some Auchenorrhyncha vectors of plant diseases in vineyard agroecosystems. Università Politecnica delle Marche, Rome, Italy. Doctoral Thesis. |
9147 | Cullen, M.J. 1974 The distribution of asynchronous muscle in insects with particular reference to the Hemiptera: an electron microscope study. Journal of Entomology Series A, General Entomology 49(1): 17-41. |
9148 | Forbes, A.R. and H.R. MacCarthy. 1969 Morphology of the Homoptera, with emphasis on virus vectors. In: K. Maramorosch, (ed.). Plant diseases of viral, viroid, mycoplasma, and uncertain etiology. Westview Press, Boulder Colorado. Pp. 211-234. |
9149 | Budinščak, Ž. 2009 Vektori fitoplazmi voćaka i vinove loze u Republici Hrvatskoj (Vectors of fruit tree and grapevine phytoplasmas in Republic of Croatia ). Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku. Osijek, Croatia. Doctoral Thesis. |
9150 | Urban J.M. and J.R. Cryan. 2012 Two ancient bacterial endosymbionts have coevolved with the planthoppers (Insecta: Hemiptera: Fulgoroidea). BMC Evolutionary Biology doi:10.1186/1471-2148-12-87 |
9151 | Brasero, N., A. Nel, D. Michez. 2009 Insects from the Early Eocene amber of Oise (France): diversity and palaeontological significance. Denisia 26: 41-52. pdf |
9152 | D’Arcy, C.J, and L.R. Nault. 1982 Insect transmission of plant viruses and mycoplasma-like and rickettsia-like organisms. Plant Disease 66(2): 99-104. pdf |
9153 | Silva, L. and J. Tavares. 1995 Phytophagous insects associated with endemic, macaronesian and exotic plants in the Azores. In: Avances en Entomología Ibérica. Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (CSIC) y Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Pp. 179-188. pdf |
10309 | Borodin, O.I. 2008 [Leafhoppers (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha) of the Belarusian Central District hills. The current state of knowledge]. Protected Areas of Belarus, Research 3: 105-122. pdf |
9156 | Hirao, J. 1979 Forcasting brown planthopper in Japan. In: O. Mochida and T. Okada, (eds.). Brown Planthopper: Threat to Rice Production in Asia. IRRI. Los Baños, Philippines. Pp. 101-112. pdf |
9157 | Toledo, A.V., A.M.M. de Remes Lenicov, and C.C. Lopez Lastra. 2007 Pathogenicity of fungal isolates (Ascomycota: Hypocreales) against Peregrinus maidis, Delphacodes kuscheli (Hemiptera: Delphacidae), and Dalbulus maidis (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae), vectors of corn diseases. Mycopathologia 163(4): 225-232. |
9158 | Shih, H.T., C.Y. Lee, Y.D. Wen, C.C. Su, S.C. Chang, C. J. Chang, S.J. Tuan, and C.Y. Feng. 2011 Advance and application prospect in an integrated management of the vectors of plant pathogenic prokaryotes. In: Proceedings of the Symposium on Integrated Management Technology of Insect Vectors and Insect-Borne Diseases. Special Publication of TARI No. 152. Pp. 107-122. pdf |
9159 | Kunz, G., C. Roschatt, and W. Schweigkofler. 2010 Biodiversity of planthoppers (Auchenorrhyncha) in vineyards infected by the Bois noir phytoplasma. Gredleriana 10: 89-108. pdf |
9160 | Heinrichs, E.A. 1979 Chemical control of the brown planthopper. In: O. Mochida and T. Okada, (eds.). Brown Planthopper: Threat to Rice Production in Asia. IRRI. Los Baños, Philippines. Pp. 145-167. pdf |
9161 | Choi, S.Y. 1979 Screening methods and sources of varietal resistance. In: O. Mochida and T. Okada, (eds.). Brown Planthopper: Threat to Rice Production in Asia. IRRI. Los Baños, Philippines. Pp. 171-186. pdf |
9162 | Kalode, M.B. and T.S. Khrishna. 1979 Varietal resistance to brown planthopper in India. In: O. Mochida and T. Okada, (eds.). Brown Planthopper: Threat to Rice Production in Asia. IRRI. Los Baños, Philippines. Pp. 187-199. pdf |
9163 | Harahap, Z. 1979 Breeding for resistance to brown planthopper and grassy stunt virus in Indonesia. In: O. Mochida and T. Okada, (eds.). Brown Planthopper: Threat to Rice Production in Asia. IRRI. Los Baños, Philippines. Pp. 201-208. pdf |
9164 | Stapley, J.H., Y.Y. May-Jackson, and W.G. Golden. 1979 Varietal resistance to the brown planthopper in the Solomon Islands. In: O. Mochida and T. Okada, (eds.). Brown Planthopper: Threat to Rice Production in Asia. IRRI. Los Baños, Philippines. Pp. 233-239. pdf |
9165 | Fernando, H., D. Senadhera, Y. Elikawela, H.M. de Alwis, and C. Kudagamage. 1979 Varietal resistance to the brown planthopper in Sri Lanka. In: O. Mochida and T. Okada, (eds.). Brown Planthopper: Threat to Rice Production in Asia. IRRI. Los Baños, Philippines. Pp. 241-249. pdf |
9166 | Abraham, C.C., K.P. Mathew. and N.M. Das. 1973 New record of Coccinella arcuata Fabricius (Col.: Coccinellidae) as a predator of Nilaparvata lugens Stål in Kerala. Agricultural Research Journal of Kerala 11: 75. |