College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
10840 Lu, Z.B., Y.E. Liu, N.S. Han, J.C. Tian, Y.F. Peng, C. Hu, Y.Y. Guo, and G.Y. Ye. 2015 Transgenic cry1C or cry2A rice has no adverse impacts on the life-table parameters and population dynamics of the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Hemiptera: Delphacidae). Pest Management Science 71(7): 937-945.
10841 Lucchi, A. and E. Rossi. 2015 The egg-burster in the Asian planthopper Ricania speculum (Walker) (Hemiptera Ricaniidae). Annals of the Entomological Society of America 109(1): 121-126. DOI: 110.1093/aesa/sav1108.
10842 Lv, L., X.X. Peng, S.L. Jing, B.F. Liu, L.L. Zhu, and G.C. He. 2015 Intraspecific and interspecific variations in the mitochondrial genomes of Nilaparvata (Hemiptera: Delphacidae). Journal of Economic Entomology 108(4): 2021-2029. DOI: 10.1093/jee/tov122
10843 Ma, M.Y., S.W. Wu, and Z.P. Peng. 2015 Population seasonality: will they stay or will they go? A case study of the Sogatella furcifera (Hemiptera: Delphacidae). Journal of Insect Science 15(1):61. 6pp. pdf
10844 McLoughlin, S., S.K. Martin, and R. Beattie. 2015 The record of Australian Jurassic plant - arthropod interactions. Gondwana Research 27: 940–959.
10845 Mahmoudi, M., A. Sahragard, H. Pezhman, and M. Ghadamyari. 2015 Demographic analyses of resistance of five varieties of date palm, Phoenix dactylifera L. to Ommatissus lybicus De Bergevin (Hemiptera: Tropiduchidae). Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology 17(2): 263-273. pdf
10846 Maketon, C., S. Buapha, T. Rungratanaubon, and M. Maketon. 2015 Laboratory and field evaluations of Beauveria bassiana (Bals.-Criv.) Vuill. and Metarhizium robertsii (J. F. Bisch, Rehner & Humber) against the brown plant hopper, Nilaparvata lugens Stål and its natural enemies in paddy fields in Thailand. Control Egyptian Journal of Biological Pest 25(1): 97-105.
10847 Malathi, V.M., S.K. Jalali, D.K.S. Gowda, M. Mohan, and T. Venkatesan. 2015 Establishing the role of detoxifying enzymes in field‐evolved resistance to various insecticides in the brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens) in South India. Insect Science DOI 10.1111/1744-7917.12254
10850 Mashhoor, K., K.V. Lazar, S. Shanas, and N. Ramesh. 2015 Genetic structure and phylogenetic status of rice brown plant hopper (BPH), Nilaparvata lugens isolated from Kerala, India. Journal of Applied Biology and Biotechnology 3(5): 15-18. pdf
10851 Matsukawa, M., K. Ito, K. Kawakita, and T. Tanaka. 2015 Farmer perceptions and management of rice planthoppers in Cambodia. Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly 49(2): 103-109. pdf
10852 Matsukura, K., T. Towata, , K. Yoshida, J. Sakai, M. Okuda, M. Onuki, and M. Matsumura. 2015 Quantitative analysis of Southern rice black-streaked dwarf virus in Sogatella furcifera and virus threshold for transmission. Phytopathology 105(4): 550-554. DOI: 10.1094/PHYTO-05-14-0142-R.
10855 Mattio, M.F., E.B.A. Caro, M.S. Rodriguero, A.D. Dumon, V.M. Alemandri, and G. Truol. 2015 Wolbachia occurrence in planthopper (Hemiptera: Delphacidae) vectors of cereal viruses in Argentina. Journal of Economic Entomology 108(4): 1526-1530. DOI: 10.1093/jee/tov140.
10856 Mawan, A., D. Buchori, and H. Triwidodo. 2015 Pengaruh cendawan endofit terhadap biologi dan statistik demografi wereng batang cokelat Nilaparvata lugens Stál (Hemiptera: Delphacidae). Jurnal Entomologi Indonesia 12(1): 11-19.
10857 Mazzoni, V., J. Polajnar, and M. Virant-Doberlet. 2015 Secondary spectral components of substrate-borne vibrational signals affect male preference. Behavioural Processes 115: 53-60.
10858 MENG Rui, Dao-Zheng QIN, and Ying-Lun WANG. 2015 A new genus of the tribe Parahiraciini (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Issidae) from Hainan Island. Zootaxa 3956(4): 579–588.
10861 Miao, H.Q., D.P. Di, A.H. Zhang, Y.G. Lu, L.Z. Tian, L.R. Stewart, and M.G. Redinbaugh. 2015 Efficient inoculation of rice black-streaked dwarf virus to maize using Laodelphax striatellus Fallen. Journal of Phytopathology 163(7-8): 529-535. DOI: 10.1111/jph.12350.
10862 Mitrovic, M., V. Trivellone, J. Jovic, T. Cvrkovic, M. Jakovljevic, A. Kosovac, O. Krstic, and I. Toševski. 2015 Potential Hemipteran vectors of “stolbur” phytoplasma in potato fields in Serbia. Phytopathogenic Mollicutes 5(1-Supplement): S49-S50.
10863 Mori, N., A. Passera, F. Quaglino, G. Posenato, and P.A. Bianco. 2015 Epidemiological role of spontaneous weeds in the spreading of “bois noir” phytoplasma. Phytopathogenic Mollicutes 5 (1-Supplement): S105-S106.
10864 Mori, N., A. Pozzebon, C. Duso, N. Reggiani, and F. Pavan. 2015 Vineyard colonization by Hyalesthes obsoletus (Hemiptera: Cixiidae) induced by stinging nettle cut along surrounding ditches. Journal of Economic Entomology 109(1): 49-56. DOI: 10.1093/jee/tov1268.
10865 Mühlethaler, R., E. Cirak, and H. Nickel. 2015 Zur Zikadenfauna der Kiesgrube Käppelin in Weil am Rhein (Baden-Württemberg) (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha). Cicadina 15: 59-72. pdf
10867 Nam, H.Y., B. Coates, K.S. Kim, M. Park, and J.H. Lee. 2015 Characterization of 12 novel microsatellite markers of Sogatella furcifera (Hemiptera: Delphacidae) identified from next-generation sequence data. Journal of Insect Science 15(1): 94. DOI: 10.1093/jisesa/iev069. pdf
10870 Norton, G.A., K.L. Heong, and J. Cheng. 2015 Chapter 11. Future Planthopper Management: Increasing the Resilience of Rice Systems. pp. 209–225. In: K.L. Heong, J.A. Cheng and M.M. Escalada (eds.). Rice Planthoppers, Ecology, Management, Socio Economics and Policy. Springer, Netherlands. xvi+231 pp.
10871 Olmi, M. and Z. Xu. 2015 Dryinidae of the Eastern Palaearctic region (Hymenoptera: Chrysidoidea). Zootaxa 3996(1): 1-253.
10876 Ooi, P.A.C. 2015 Common insect pests of rice and their natural biological control. UTAR Agricultural Science Journal 1(1): 49-59. pdf
10877 Palermo, S., M. Elekes, S. Botti, I. Ember, A. Alma, A. Orosz, A. Bertaccini, and M. Kölber. 2015 Presence of stolbur phytoplasma in Cixiidae in Hungarian vineyards. VITIS-Journal of Grapevine Research 43(4): 201-203. pdf
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