College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
7085 He, G.C. 2010 Discovery of brown planthopper resistance gene in rice. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference of Plant Molecular Breeding, Sept 5-9, 2010, Beijing, China. P. 39. pdf
6657 Kim, I.K., S.H. Koh, J.S. Lee, W.I. Choi, and S.C. Shin. 2011 Discovery of an egg parasitoid of Lycorma delicatula (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae) an invasive species in South Korea. Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology 14(2): 213-215. pdf
8920 Kamran, M., M. Afzal, A.M. Raza, M. Irfanullah, M.H. Bashir, and S. Ahmad. 2009 Discovery of a new larval erythraeid mite (Acari: Erythraeidae: Erythraeinae) from Punjab, Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Zoology 41(5): 357-361.
10183 Szwedo, J., A. Stroinski and Q.B. Lin. 2012 Discovery of a Flatidae planthopper (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha) in the Paleocene of Northern Tibet and its taxonomic and biogeographic significance. Geodiversitas 35(4): 767-776.
2884 Liu, Z., S.-t. Liu, and Y.-c. Hong. 1985 Discovery and studying of the Triassic fauna and flora from the Niangniangmiao in Longxian, Shaanxi. Bulletin of the Xi'an Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources No. 10: 105-120.
13305 FU, Yumei, Mengji CAO, Hui WANG, Zhenzhen DU, Yan LIU, and Xifeng WANG. 2020 Discovery and characterization of a novel insect-specific reovirus isolated from Psammotettix alienus. Journal of General Virology 101(8): 884-892. [Nilaparvata lugens]
3670 Pollard, D.G. 1969 Directional control of the stylets in phytophagous Hemiptera. Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London (A) 44: 173-185.
14243 Cooper, W.R., A.T. Marshall, J. Foutz, M.R. Wildung, T.D. Northfield, D.W. Crowder, H. Leach, T.C. Leskey, S.E. Halbert, and J.B. Snyder. 2021 Directed sequencing of plant specific DNA Identifies the dietary history of four species of Auchenorrhyncha (Hemiptera). Annals of the Entomological Society of America saab053: 1-10. PrePRINT.
15057 LUO Ju, Suwen YANG, Wenyong BEI, Junwei YU, Jian TANG, and Shuhua LIU. 2023 Direct multiplex TaqMan qPCR assay for rapid detection of three sibling species from Nilaparvata Distant. Chinese Journal oF Rice Science 7(3): 329-336.
3045 Matsumura, M. and Y. Suzuki. 2003 Direct and feeding-induced interactions between two rice planthoppers, Sogatella furcifera and Nilaparvata lugens: effects on dispersal capability and performance. Ecological Entomology 28(2): 174-182.
10281 Ghosh, A., A. Samanta, and M.L. Chatterjee. 2014 Dinotefuran: a third generation neonicotinoid insecticide for management of rice brown planthopper. African Journal of Agricultural Research 9(8): 750-754. pdf
14356 HASAN, Muhammad Nawab al, Gatot MUDJIONO, and Rina RACHMAWATI. 2021 Dinamika Populasi Wereng Batang Coklat Nilaparvata lugens Stal.(Hemiptera: Delphacidae) Dan Predator Generalis Pada Pertanaman Padi Pasca Penerapan Rekayasa Ekosistem. [Ecological engineering through habitat manipulation]. Jurnal Hama dan Penyakit Tumbuhan 9(2): 48-56. pdf
1596 Fernández-Badillo, A. and A.S. Clavijo. 1990 Dinamica poblacional de la chicharrita del maiz Peregrinus maidis (Homoptera: Delphacidae) en Venezuela. Agronomia Tropical (Maracay) 39(4-6): 311-317. pdf
9860 Vidano, C. and M. Bassi. 1966 Dimostrazione al micriscopio elettronico di particelle del Virus del nanismo ruvido del mais (MRDV) nel vettore Laodelphax striatellus Fallén. Atti della Accademia delle Scienze di Torino 100: 73-78+I-II.
9508 Greber, R.S. 1979 Digitaria striate virus—a rhabdovirus of grasses transmitted by Sogatella kolophon (Kirk.). Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 30(1): 43-51
12658 Greher, R. G. 1979 Digitaria striate virus~a rhahdovirus of grasses transmitted by Sogatella kolophon (Kirk.). Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 30(1): 43-51.
11993 Bahder, B. W., E. E. Helmick, De-Fen Mou, N. A. Harrison and R. Davis. 2018 Digital PCR technology for detection of palm-infecting phytoplasmas belonging to group 16SrIV that occur in Florida. Plant Disease 102(5): 1008-1014. pdf
2693 Laguna, I.G., A.M.M. de Remes Lenicov, E.G. Virla, A.O. Avila, ; M. P. Gimenez Pecci, P. Herrera, J. Garay, D. Ploper, and R. Mariani. 2002 Difusion del virus del Mal de Rio Cuarto (MRCV) del maiz, su vector, delfacidos asociados y huespedes alternativos en la Argentina. [Diffusion of Mal de Rio Cuarto virus (MRCV) of maize, its vector, associated planthoppers and alternative hosts in Argentina.] Revista de la Sociedad Entomologica Argentina 61(1-2): 87-97. pdf
6436 Laguna, I.G., A.O. Avila, E. Virla, M. Giménez Pecci, A.M.M. de Remes Lenicov, R. Mariani, J. Garay, and M. Fiorona. 2003 Difusión del Mal de Río Cuarto (MRCV) del maíz, su vector, delfácidos asociados, sus enemigos naturales y hospedantes alternativos en la región Cuyo de Argentina. In: XXXVI Congresso Brasileiro de Fitopatología, Manejo Integrado de doenças de plantas. Mina Gerais. Brasil. P. 5.
6511 Laguna, I.G., A.O. Avila, E. Virla, M. Giménez Pecci, A.M.M. de Remes Lenicov, R. Mariani, J. Garay, and M. Fiorona. 2003 Difusión del Mal de Río Cuarto (MRCV) del del maíz, su vector, delfácidos asociados, sus enemigos naturales y hospedantes alternativos en la región de Cuyo de Argentina. Brazilian Phytopathology 28(supl.): 239.
11851 Reeve, J. D., J. T. Cronin, and K. J. Haynes. 2008 Diffusion models for animals in complex landscapes: incorporating heterogeneity among substrates, individuals and edge behaviours. Journal of Animal Ecology 77: 898–904. pdf
9136 Silva, L., J. Tavares, and C.W. Smith. 1999 Difficulties on the biological control of Macaronesian invaders. Pp. 110-116 In: Actas do 1st Encontro sobre Invasoras Lenhosas. PCF/ADERE. Gerês. In: Actas do 1º Encontro sobre Invasoras Lenhosas. SPCF/ADERE. Gerês. Pp. 110-116. pdf
10748 Gnezdilov, V.M., T. Bourgoin, F. Mozaffarian, and S. Manzari. 2015 Difficulties in building a molecular phylogeny of the issidoid planthopper lineages (Insecta: Hemiptera: Fulgoroidea). In: 1st Iranian International Congress of Entomology Teheran, 29-31 August 2015. Pp. 218-227. pdf
12669 AN, Zhi-Fang, Ju-Long YU, Juan PENG, Chao ZHANG, and Xiang-Dong LIU. 2014 Differentiation of wing forms in pure macropterous and brachypterous lineages is less subject to photoperiod in rice planthoppers (Hemiptera: Delphacidae). Acta Entomologica Sinica 57(11): 1306-1314. pdf
7587 Zhu, C.F., H.Z. Yang, C. Chen, and H.M. He. 2010 Differentiation of wing dimorphism in the brown planthopper and the white-backed planthopper under different photophases. Jiangxi Plant Protection 33(3): 109-110.
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