Planthopper Bibliography Database
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465 of 617
Authors Year Title Journal | |
4748 | Wilson, S.W. 1985 Descriptions of the immature stages of Delphacodes bellicosa (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea: Delphacidae). Pan-Pacific Entomologist 61(1): 72-78. pdf |
4756 | Wilson, S.W. and R.J. Gill. 1985 The first record of the Delphacid Liburniella ornata in California (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea). Pan-Pacific Entomologist 61(1): 48-49. pdf |
4780 | Wilson, S.W. and J.H. Tsai. 1988 Descriptions of adults and nymphs of the taro planthopper, Tarophagus proserpina taiwanensis ssp.n., from Taiwan (Homoptera: Delphacidae). Pan-Pacific Entomologist 64(1): 53-61. pdf |
4789 | Wilson, S.W., J. H. Tsai and C. C. Chen. 1992 Descriptions of immatures of Eoeurysa flavocapitata Muir from Taiwan (Homoptera: Delphacidae). Pan-Pacific Entomologist 68(2): 133–139. pdf |
11078 | Moran, P.J., M.J. Pitcairn, and B. Villegas. 2016 First establishment of the planthopper, Megamelus scutellaris Berg, 1883 (Hemiptera: Delphacidae), released for biological control of water hyacinth in California. Pan-Pacific Entomologist 92(1): 32-43. pdf |
11192 | Dowell, R.V. and R. Gill. 1989 Exotic invertebrates and their effects on California. Pan-Pacific Entomologist 65(2): 132-145. |
12004 | Gittins, A. R. 1958 Nesting habit and prey record of Harpactostigma (Arcesilas) Laminiferum (Fox) (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae). Pan-Pacific Entomologist 34(3): 142. pdf |
12005 | Hall, W.E., C. A. Olson and T. R. Van Devender. 1989 Late Quaternary and Modern Arthropods from the Ajo Mountains of Southwestern Arizona Pan-Pacific Entomologist 65(3): 322-347 pdf |
2996 | Manjunath, T.M., P.S. Rai, and G.-Gowda. 1978 Parasites and predators of Nilaparvata lugens in India. PANS (Pest Articles And News Summaries) 24(3): 265-269. |
12555 | Remes-Lenicov, A.M.M. de, M.C. Hernádez, A.J. Sosa, and M.I. Oleiro. 2020 The genus Cuernavaca (Hemiptera: Dictyopharidae), associated with Pontederiaceae in South America, with redescription and new records of C. inexacta (Walker). Papeis Avulsos de Zoologia 60: e20206011; 1-9. (article#e20206011, 9 pp.) pdf |
6070 | Liu, G.J., C.V. Cruz CV, and K. Sogawa. 2002 Disease and insect management in hybrid rice. Paper presented at the 4th International Symposium on “Hybrid Vigor in Rice for Food Security, Poverty Alleviation, and Environmental Protection,” Hanoi, Vietnam, 14-17 May 2002. - |
4110 | Smith, E.S.C. 1980 Zophiuma lobulata Ghauri (Homoptera: Lophopidae) and its relation to the Finschhafen coconut disorder in Papua New Guinea. Papua New Guinea Agricultural Journal 31(1-4): 37-45. pdf |
10888 | Rodoni, B.C., J.L. Dale, and R.M. Harding. 1994 Review of alomae disease of taro. Papua New Guinea Journal of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries 37(2): 14-18. 37(2): 14-18. pdf |
11709 | Hafidi, B., N. Bencheqroun, H. U. Fischer, and J. Vanderveken. 1979 Application of the immuno-enzymatic 'ELISA' technique for the detection of Spiroplasma citri, the causal agent of citrus stubborn disease, in Moroccan orange orchards. Parasitica 35(4): 141-151. |
9767 | Rothschild, G.H.L. 1964 The biology of Pipunculus semifumosus (Kowarz) (Diptera: Pipunculidae), a parasite of Delphacidae (Homoptera), with observations on the effects of parasitism on the host. Parasitology 54: 763-69. |
4621 | Wang, J.B. and W.W.K. Cheung. 1997 Electron microscopy studies on the a-bacteroids in the fat bodies of the lantern bug Pyrops candelaria Linn. (Homoptera: Fulgoridae). Parasitology Research 83(5): 499-503. pdf |
4622 | Wang, J.B. and W.W.K. Cheung. 1998 Multiple bacteroids in the bacteriome of the lantern bug Pyrops candelaria Linn. (Homoptera: Fulgoridae). Parasitology Research 84(9): 741-745. pdf |
8810 | Lindner, K., M. Maixner, and M. Roman. 2008 Climate change as a potential cause of the occurrence of potato stolbur in Germany. Parasitology Research 103: 157. |
4553 | Vysockaja, S.O. 1981 The mirobiocenosis of the nests of the common vole (Microtus arvalis Pall. ) in the Alpine meadows in the eastern Carpathians (Ukrainian SSR). Parazitologicheskii Sbornik 30: 69-84. |
10924 | Synave, H. 1957 Meenoplidae (Homoptera-Fulgoroidea). Parc National del’upemba I. Mission G. F. De Witte en Collaboration Avec W. Adam, A. Janssens, L. Van Meel et R. Verheyen (1946-1949) 43(2): 79-81. pdf |
7949 | Szwedo, J. 1999 Piewiki Puszczy Białowieskiej (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha). [Planthoppers and leafhoppers of Białowieża Primeval Forest]. Parki Narodowe i Rezerwaty przyrody 18.1: suppl. 109-124. |
9481 | Ferrufino, A. 1986 Entomofauna ascoiada con pasturas en Chipiriri, Boliva. Pasturas Tropicales 8(1): 18-21 pdf |
13054 | Negro, C., E.Sabella, F. Nicolì, R. Pierro, A. Materazzi, A. Panattoni, A. Aprile, l. Nutricati, M. Vergine, A. Miceli, L. De Bellis, and Andrea Luvisi. 2020 Biochemical changes in leaves of Vitis vinifera cv. Sangiovese infected by Bois Noir Phytoplasma. Pathogens 9(4): 269; 1-17. pdf |
13278 | Pierro, R., A. Panattoni, A. Passera, A. Materazzi, A. Luvisi, A. Loni, M. Ginanni, A. Lucchi, P. Attilio Bianco, and F. Quaglino. 2020 Proposal of a new Bois Noir epidemiological pattern related to ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma Solani’ strains characterized by a possible moderate virulence in Tuscany. Pathogens 9(4): 268; 1-16. [Hyalesthes obsoletus, Dictyophara europaea, Dicranotropis hamata] |
14075 | Jovic, J., S. Marinkovic, M. Jakovljevic, O. Krstic, T. Cvrkovic, M. Mitrovic, and I. Tosevski. 2021 Symptomatology, (co)occurrence and differential diagnostic PCR identification of ‘Ca. Phytoplasma solani’and ‘Ca. Phytoplasma convolvuli’in field bindweed. Pathogens 10(2): 160; 1-19. [Hyalesthes obsoletus] |