College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
14152 LI, KaiLong, PinJun WAN, FengXiang LAI, JiaChun HE, Yu ZHENG, ZhiTao ZHANG, GuoWen HU, and Qiang FU. 2016 Effects of simulated microclimate near the water surface of rice paddies on growth and reproduction of Sogatella furcifera during high temperature season. Chinese Journal of Rice Science 30(2): 210-215. [Chinese with English summary]
14153 Bhandari, P., A. Tomar, and M. Rai. 2016 Effect of newer insecticide, Imidacloprid 0.3% GR on rice stem borer & brown plant hopper (BPH) in rice crop. Progressive Agriculture 16(2): 251-255.
14155 LIU, Kai, YaJun YANG, JunCe TIAN, YanHui LU, HongXing XU, XuSong ZHENG, and ZhongXian LV. 2016 Effects of Bt rice with cry1C and cry2-a on the ecological generation fitness of rice brown planthoppers (Nilaparvata lugens) and whitebacked planthoppers (Sogatella furcifera) at various nitrogen rates. Chinese Journal of Rice Science 30(2): 200-209. [Chinese with English summary]
14157 RASHID, Md Mamunur, Mahbuba JAHAN, and Khandakar Shariful ISLAM. 2016 Impact of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium on brown planthopper and tolerance of its host rice plants. Rice Science 23(3): 119-131. htttp:/
14158 LIU, Zhanyu, Jiquan CHEN, Jiaguo QI, Ranjeet JOHN, Jiaan CHENG, and Zengrong ZHU. 2016 The effect of landscape composition on the abundance of Laodelphax striatellus Fallén in fragmented agricultural landscapes. Land 5: 36; 1-13.
14159 ALBERTO, Alberto Leonel and Tong Min MOU 2016 Improving the resistance to brown planthopper of a rice restorer line Chenghui 727 by molecular-assisted selection. Asian Journal of Science and Technology 7(2): 2358-2363. pdf
14174 Boklak, E. and A. Klasa. 2016 Catalogue of Hemiptera (Arthropoda: Insecta) of the Ojców National Park. Tettigometra]. Pradnik Prace I Materialy Muzeum im. Prof. Wladyslawa Szafera 26: 61-94. [Poland Survey includes: Cixius, Acanthodelphax, Chloriona, Dicranotropis, Hyledelphax, Javesella, Muellerianella, Ribautodelphax, Stiroma, Xanthodelphax, Kelisia, Stenocranus, Issus, Tettigometra] pdf
14188 JEON, Ye-Jin, Byeong-Ryeol CHOI, and Hoi-Seon Lee. 2016 Insecticidal toxicities of essential oils extracted seven plants against Ricania sp. nymphs and adults. Journal of Applied Biological Chemistry 59(3): 243-245. [Korean with English Summary] pdf
14193 CHOI, Duck-Soo, Sug-Ju KO, Kyeong-Cheul MA, Hyo-Jeong KIM, Jin-Hee LEE, and Do-Ik KIM. 2016 Effect of temperature on hatchability of overwintering eggs and nymphal development of Pochazia shantungensis (Hemiptera: Ricaniidae). Korean Journal of Applied Entomology 55(4): 453-457. pdf
14196 LEE, Hwa-Won, Sang-Guei LEE, and Hoi-Seon LEE 2016 Active component isolated from Eugenia caryophyllata leaves and its structural analogues show insecticidal properties against Pochazia shantungensis. Applied Biological Chemistry 59(1): 609-614.
14198 RYU, Tae Hee, Hye Ri KWON, Yong Man YU, and Young Nam YOUN. 2016 Repellent effects of peppermint oil against Pochazia shantungensis (Hemiptera: Ricaniidae). Korean Journal of Applied Entomology 55(3): 223-233. pdf
14199 KIM, Dong Hwan, Hyeong Hwan KIM, Chang Yeol YANG, Taek Jun KANG, Jung Beom YOON, and Mi Hye SEO. 2016 Characteristic of oviposition and effect of density suppression by yellow-colored sticky trap on Ricania shantungensis (Hemiptera: Ricaniidae) in blueberry. Korean Journal of Pesticide Science 20(4): 281-285. pdf
14384 Chaerani, D. Damayanti, Trisnaningsih, S. Yuriyah, K. Kusumanegara, A. Dadang, Sutrisno, and Bahagiawati. 2016 Virulence of brown planthopper and development of core collection of the pest. Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian Tanaman Pangan 35(2): 109–117.
14467 Tiwari, A.K., V.K. Madhupriya-Srivastava, K.P. Pandey, B.L. Sharma, and G.P. Rao. 2016 Detection of sugarcane grassy shoot phytoplasma (16SrXI-B subgroup) in Pyrilla perpusilla Walker in Uttar Pradesh, India. Phytopathogenic Mollicutes 6: 56–59. pdf
14611 Sanchez-Soto, S. and M.M. Jiménez. 2016 Biolleyana pictifrons (Stål, 1864) (Hemiptera: Nogodinidae): primer registro para Tabasco, México. Revista Nicaragüense de Entomología 107: 3-8. pdf
14626 Bustillo Pardey, A.E. and C.M. Arango. 2016 Las mejores prácticas para detener el avance de la Marchitez letal (ML) en plantaciones de palma de aceite en Colombia. [Best practices to stop the advance of Lethal Wilt in oil palm plantations in Colombia]. Revista Palmas 37(3): 107-118. [Haplaxius crudus] pdf
14160 YU, Bing, Dan-Ting LI, Jia-Bao LU, Wen-Xin ZHANG, and Chuan-Xi ZHANG. 2016. Seminal fluid protein genes of the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens. BMC Genomics 17: 054; 1-12.
14175 LASTUVKA, Zdenek (ed.). 2016. Krasonožka bažinná, Ommatidiotus dissimilis (Fallén, 1806) krísi (Auchenorrhyncha), krasonožkovití (Caliscelidae). In: Zdenek Laštuvka (ed.).Cervená kniha ohrožených druhu bezob ratlých lužních lesu Biosférické rezervace Dol ní Morava [Red book endangered species invertebrates floodplain forests Biosphere reserves Lower Moravia]. Lesnická Práce. [Czech]. Pp. 106-107. ISBN 978-80-7458-085-7.
1176 Gnezdilov, V. M. 2017 A new species of the genus Philbyella China (Hemiptera, Auchenorrhyncha, Fulgoroidea: Nogodinidae) from the United Arab Emirates. Entomological Review 97(4): 493–501. [English translation of Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie (2017) 96(2): 332–338, from Russian.]. pdf
12407 Jin, Jianxue, Daochao Jin, Wenhong Li, Ying Cheng, Fengliang Li, Yuhang Zhou, Yiling Zeng and Li Liu. 2017 Status of insecticide resistance in Sogatella furcifera (Horváth) (Hemiptera:Delphacidae) from Guizhou Province. Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University 40(2): 258-265.
1780 EFSA Panel on Plant Health (PLH). 2017 Pest categorisation of Palm lethal yellowing phytoplasmas. EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) Journal 15(10) (article 5028): 27 pp. pdf
3653 Shcherbakov, D.E. 2017 First record of the Cretaceous family Mimarachnidae (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea) in amber. Russian Entomological Journal 26(4): 389?392. pdf
5334 Wilson, M. R., S. B. Peck and C. Causton. 2017 CDF Checklist of Galapagos True bugs - Leafhoppers, planthoppers, aphids and scale insects. FCD Lista de especies de Chinches Galápagos. In: F. Bungartz, H. Herrera, P. Jaramillo, N. Tirado, G. Jiménez-Uzcátegui, D. Ruiz, A. Guézou and F. Ziemmeck.(eds.). Charles Darwin Foundation Galapagos Species Checklist Darwin Foundation, Puerto Ayora, Galapagos. 58 pp [unpaginated]. Last updated: 12 May 2017 pdf
5404 Becerra-Chiron, I.M., G. Moya-Raygoza, A. Muñoz-Urias. 2017 Host-Dryinidae (Hymenoptera) interactions on edge grasses of maize agroecosystem throughout winter in Mexico. Journal of Hymenoptera Research 57: 155-166. pdf
5634 Zhang, Weilin, Chengqi Yan, Mei Li, Ling Yang, Bojun Ma, Hongyu Meng, Li Xie and Jianping Chen. 2017 Transcriptome analysis reveals the response of iron homeostasis to early feeding by Small Brown Planthopper in rice. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 65(6): 1093-1101.
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