Planthopper Bibliography Database
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Authors Year Title Journal | |
13605 | LEE, Young Su, Hee A. LEE, Hyun Ju LEE, Jong Yoon CHOI, Sang-Woo LEE, and Young Soon LEE. 2019 Control effect of plant extracts mixture on Metcalfa pruinosa (Say) (Hemiptera: Flatidae). Korean Journal of Applied Entomology 58(4): 281-282. pdf |
7056 | Shu, Z.L., T.D. Sun, F. Zhang, K. Zuo, and L.C. Zhao. 2010 Control effect of Nitenpyram against Nilaparvata lugens in rice field. Acta Agriculturae Jiangxi 22(9): 89–90. |
12853 | PAN, ChunYan, YouJun CAI, TengChao LI, and WenQing ZHANG. 2016 Control effect of Metarhizium anisopliae and its mixture with dsRNA on the brown planthopper. Journal of Environmental Entomology 38(6): 1071-1077. |
6255 | Muta, T. 1983 Control effect of buprofezin against the brown rice planthopper. Proceedings of the Association of Plant Protection of Kyushu 29: 61-64.[Japanese] pdf |
7358 | Liu, J.P. and Y.N. Li. 2001 Control effect of 30% high osmotic Dichlorvos EC on rice planthopper. Hunan Agricultural Sciences 2005(5): 42. |
7492 | Yao, S.T., Z.J. Lu, Z.H. Jin, and G.X. Chen. 2011 Control effect of 10% Paichongding suspending agent on rice planthopper in singlecropping late rice. Journal of Zhejiang Agricultural Sciences 2011(2): 361-363. |
13943 | Pérez-Rodríguez, Y., W.R. Padrón-Padrón, and R.M. Aloma-Oramas. 2017 Control de Peregrinus maidis Ashm. en el cultivo del maíz Zea mays L. mediante la utilización de hongos entomopatógenos. [The control of Peregrinus maidis Ashm. in the cultivation of Zea mays L. corn using entomopathogenic mushrooms.] Revista Científica Agroecosistemas 5(2): 6-11. |
7312 | Shu, Z.L., TK. Maio, L.C. Zhao, M.X. Ji, J.C. Fang, H.F. Guo, and B.S. Liu. 2011 Control 21% Etofenprox Pymetrozine SC to Sogatella furcifera and its safety to major spiders in paddy field. Acta Agriculturae Jiangxi 23(5): 103–105,112. |
4330 | Tesón, A., and A.M.M. De Remes Lenicov. 1983 Contriuccion al estudio de los Fulgoridos Argentinos III. (Homoptera, Fulgoroidea, Delphacidae). Revista de la Sociedad Entomologica Argentina 42(1-4): 313-323. pdf |
11890 | Servadei, A. 1967 Contributo alla corologia dei Rhynchota Homoptera Auchenorrhyncha D'Italy. Annali del Museo civico di storia naturale Giacomo Doria 77: 138-183. pdf |
1229 | d'Urso, V. 1995 Contributo alla conoscenza della distribuzione in Italia di alcune specie di Auchenorrinchi (Insecta Rhynchota: Homoptera). Naturalista Siciliano, Palermo 19(1-2): 99-104. pdf |
11500 | Castellani O. 1953 Contributo alla conocenza della fauna emitterologica d’Italia. Hemiptera Homoptera. Bollettino della Associazione Romana di Entomologia 7: 15–16. |
6494 | Lam, P.V. 1996 Contributions to the study on fauna of hymenopterous parasitoids in Vietnam. In: Selected Scientific Reports on Biological Control of Pests and Weeds (1990–1995), Agriculture Publishing House, Hanoi, Vietnam.[Vietnamese with English abstract] Pp. 95-103. |
11356 | Emeljanov, A.F. and D.Y. Tishechkin. 2012 Contributions to the study of the genus Reptalus Emeljanov, 1971 (Homoptera: Auchenorrhyncha: Cixiidae) of Western Tien Shan Mountains. Russian Entomolgica Journal 21(3): 309-314. pdf |
3677 | Popa, V. 2002 Contributions to the study of cicada fauna (Hemiptera: Cicadomorpha, Fulgoromorpha) in the Valea Morii - Valcele area, Cluy County, Romania. Entomologica Romanica 7: 67-78. |
6232 | Demir, E. 2007 Contributions to the knowledge of Turkish Auchenorrhyncha (Homoptera, Fulgoromorpha and Cicadomorpha , excl. Cicadellidae) with a new record, Setapius klapperichianus Dlabola, 1988. Munis Entomology and Zoology 2(1): 39-58. pdf |
904 | Demir, E. 2006 Contributions to the knowledge of Turkish Auchenorrhyncha (Homoptera) with a new record, Pentastiridius nanus (Ivanoff, 1885). Munis Entomology and Zoology 1(1): 97-122. pdf |
6029 | Ossiannilsson, F. 1942 Contributions to the knowledge of Swedish Cicadina with description of new species. Opuscula Entomologica 7: 113–114. pdf |
6010 | Linnavuori, R.E. 1952 Contributions to the Hemipterous fauna of Palestine. Annales Entomologici Fennici 18(4): 188–195 pdf |
12471 | Linnavuori, R.E. 1953 Contributions to the Hemipterous fauna of Palestine II. Annales Entomologici Fennici 19: 119-124. |
11514 | Linnavuori, R.E. 1969 Contributions to the hemipterous fauna of Egypt. Suomen Hyonteistieteellinen Aikakauskirja 35: 204–215. |
2435 | Kalkandelen, A. 1980 Contributions to the families Delphacidae and Cicadellidae (Homoptera) from Turkey. Bitki Koruma Dergisi 4(3): 147-154. pdf |
10695 | Demirel, E. and A. Hasbenli. 2015 Contributions to the Bolkar Mountains Cixiidae fauna with a new record and an identification key for Turkey’s Tachycixius (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha). Pakistan Journal of Zoology 47(5): 1341-1346. pdf |
11483 | Dursun, A. and M. Fent. 2015 Contributions to the Auchenorrhyncha fauna of the Turkish part of Thrace (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha and Cicadomorpha). Pp. 35. In: Programme and abstracts of talks. 7th European Hemiptera Congress and 9th International Workshop on Leafhoppers and Planthoppers of Economic Importance, July 19th‐24th 2015, Seggau Castle, Graz, Austria. 107 pp. pdf |
5534 | Synave, H. 1968 Contributions a la connaisance de la faune entomologique de la Cote d'Ivoire (J. Decelle, 1961-1964). XXIX: Homoptera Cercopoidea et Fulgoroidea. Annales Musée Royal de l'Afrique Centrale Serie in 8, Sciences Zoologiques 165: 441-446. |