Planthopper Bibliography Database
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Authors Year Title Journal | |
12341 | Ammar, E. D. 1994 Chapter 11. Propagative Transmission of Plant and Animal Viruses by Insects: Factors Affecting Vector Specificity and Competence. Pp. 289-331. K. F. Harris (ed.). Advances in Disease Vector Research, volume 10. Springer, New York, NY. XXV+412 pp. |
5484 | Chiou-Ling Cheng and Chung-Tu Yang 1997 The evolutionary trends of Fulgormorpha antennal sensory plaque organs (Homoptera: Auchenorrhyncha). Pp. 29-30. In: M.J. Fletcher, M.F. Day, P.S. Gillespie, M.M. Stephens and M.S. Moulds (eds.). Program and Abstract Book, 9th International Auchenorrhyncha Congress, Sydney, Australia, 17–21 February 1997. 76 pp. pdf |
4050 | Shcherbakov, D.E. 1996 Origin and evolution of the Auchenorrhyncha as shown by the fossil record. Pp. 31-45. In: C.W. Schaefer, (ed.). Studies of Hemipteran Phylogeny. Proceedings Thomas Say Publications in Entomology. Entomological Society of America, Lanham, Maryland. iii + 244 pages |
11811 | Gunathilagaraj, K. 1999 Rice planthoppers. Pp. 31-58. In: A. Prakash and J. Rao (eds.). Insect pests of cereals and their management. Applied Zoologists Research Association CRRI Cuttack. Pp. 168. ISBN 81-90 0947-O-X. |
12116 | Martini, M., D. Delic, L. Liefting and H. Montano. 2018 Chapter 2. Phytoplasmas Infecting Vegetable, Pulse and Oil Crops. Pp. 31-65. In: G. P. Rao, A. Bertaccini, N. Fiore and L.W. Liefting. Phytoplasmas: plant pathogenic bacteria. I, Characterisation and epidemiology of phytoplasma-associated diseases. Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd, Singapore. ix+345 pp. |
12118 | Rao, G.P., E. Alvarez and A. Yadav. 2018 Chapter 4 Phytoplasma Diseases of Industrial Crops. Pp. 31-65. In: G. P. Rao, A. Bertaccini, N. Fiore and L.W. Liefting. Phytoplasmas: plant pathogenic bacteria. I, Characterisation and epidemiology of phytoplasma-associated diseases. Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd, Singapore. ix+345 pp. |
1135 | Fang, Shan-Jen and Chung-Tu Yang. 1997 The phylogeny of Fulgoromorpha nymph (Homoptera: Auchenorrhyncha). Pp. 31. In: M.J. Fletcher, M.F. Day, P.S. Gillespie, M.M. Stephens and M.S. Moulds (eds.). Program and Abstract Book, 9th International Auchenorrhyncha Congress, Sydney, Australia, 17–21 February 1997. 76 pp. pdf |
12445 | Duduk, B., J. Stepanovi?, A. Yadav and G.P. Rao. 2018 Chapter 11. Phytoplasmas in Weeds and Wild Plants. Pp. 313–345. In: G. P. Rao, A. Bertaccini, N. Fiore and L.W. Liefting. Phytoplasmas: plant pathogenic bacteria. I, Characterisation and epidemiology of phytoplasma-associated diseases. Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd, Singapore. ix+345 pp. |
11482 | Dittrich, A.D.K. and A.J. Helden. 2015 The community ecology of Ribautodelphax imitans, a rare UK planthopper in a distinct grassland habitat. Pp. 32. In: Programme and abstracts of talks. 7th European Hemiptera Congress and 9th International Workshop on Leafhoppers and Planthoppers of Economic Importance, July 19th‐24th 2015, Seggau Castle, Graz, Austria. 107 pp. pdf |
11713 | Kisimoto, R. and Y. Yamada. 1986 A planthopper-rice virus epidemiology model: Rice stripe and small brown planthopper, Laodelphax striatellus Fallen. Pp. 327-344. In: G. D. McLean, R. G. Garett, and W. G. Ruesink (eds.). Plant Virus Epidemics: Monitoring, modelling and predicting outbreaks. Academic Press. Orlando , FL. xxi + 550 pp. |
4900 | Yeh, Wen-Bin, Cho-Fat Hui and Chung-Tu Yang. 1997 Some considerations of evolutionary process in Fulgoromorpha. Pp. 32–33. In: M.J. Fletcher, M.F. Day, P.S. Gillespie, M.M. Stephens and M.S. Moulds (eds.). Program and Abstract Book, 9th International Auchenorrhyncha Congress, Sydney, Australia, 17–21 February 1997. 76 pp. pdf |
2210 | Hori, Yoshihiro. 1982 The Homoptera-Auchenorrhyncha of the Ozegahara Moor. Pp. 335-346. In: H. Hara, S. Asahina, Y. Sakaguchi, K. Hogetsu, and N. Yamagata, (eds.). Ozegahara: Scientific researches of the highmoor in central Japan. Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Tokyo. 456 pp. pdf |
1820 | Goemans, G. 2006 The Fulgoridae (Hemiptera, Fulgoromorpha) of Guatemala. Pp. 337–344. In: E.B. Cano, (ed.). Biodiversidad de Guatemala. Volume 1. Publicado por la Universidad del Valle de Guatemala, Guatemala. vi+674 pp. pdf |
10903 | Sogawa, K. 2015 Chapter 2. Planthopper outbreaks in different paddy ecosystems in Asia: man-made hopper plagues that threatened the green revolution in rice. Pp. 33–63. In: K.L. Heong, J.A. Cheng and M.M. Escalada (eds.). Rice Planthoppers, Ecology, Management, Socio Economics and Policy. Springer, Netherlands. xvi+231 pp. pdf |
1286 | Asche, M. 1997 Systematics and evolution of Hawaiian planthoppers (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea): common pacific ancestry or splendid isolation? Pp. 34. In: M.J. Fletcher, M.F. Day, P.S. Gillespie, M.M. Stephens and M.S. Moulds (eds.). Program and Abstract Book, 9th International Auchenorrhyncha Congress, Sydney, Australia, 17–21 February 1997. 76 pp. pdf |
165 | Hoch, H. 1997 Australian cave planthoppers (Fulgoroidea: Cixiidae): regressive evolution or progressive adaptation? Pp. 35. In: M.J. Fletcher, M.F. Day, P.S. Gillespie, M.M. Stephens and M.S. Moulds (eds.). Program and Abstract Book, 9th International Auchenorrhyncha Congress, Sydney, Australia, 17–21 February 1997. 76 pp. pdf |
11483 | Dursun, A. and M. Fent. 2015 Contributions to the Auchenorrhyncha fauna of the Turkish part of Thrace (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha and Cicadomorpha). Pp. 35. In: Programme and abstracts of talks. 7th European Hemiptera Congress and 9th International Workshop on Leafhoppers and Planthoppers of Economic Importance, July 19th‐24th 2015, Seggau Castle, Graz, Austria. 107 pp. pdf |
3702 | Purcell, A.H. 1985 The ecology of bacterial and mycoplasma plant diseases spread by leafhoppers and planthoppers. Pp. 351–380. In: L.R. Nault and J.G. Rodriguez, (eds.). The Leafhoppers and Planthoppers. John Wiley and Sons, New York. 500 pages. |
204 | Bourgoin, T. 1997 Ants, plants and tettigometrids (Hemiptera, Fulgoromorpha). Pp. 36. In: M.J. Fletcher, M.F. Day, P.S. Gillespie, M.M. Stephens and M.S. Moulds (eds.). Program and Abstract Book, 9th International Auchenorrhyncha Congress, Sydney, Australia, 17–21 February 1997. 76 pp. pdf |
1558 | Fennah, R.G. 1969 Damage to sugar cane by Fulgoroidea and related insects in relation to the metabolic state of the host plant. Pp. 367-389. In: J.R. Williams, J.R. Metcalf, R.W. Montgomery, R. Mathes (eds.). Pests of Sugar Cane. Elsevier Publishing Company, New York. xiii + 568 pp pdf |
11764 | Baptista, M. S., P. S. F. Ferreira and E. R. Da-Silva. 2006 Two new genera of Dictyopharidae (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha: Fulgoromorpha) from Brazil. Pp. 37-51. In: Taxonomia de Fulgoroidea no Brasil (Insecta: Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha), com ênfase em Dictyopharidae. Tese, Universidade de Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Brasil. - |
12456 | Krüger, K. and N. Fiore. 2019 Chapter 4. Sampling Methods for Leafhopper, Planthopper, and Psyllid Vectors. Pp. 37-52. In: R. Musetti and L. Pagliari (Eds.). Phytoplasmas, Methods and protocols. Methods in Molecular Biology, vol 1875. Humana Press, New York, NY. xi+362 pp. |
283 | Wilson, M.R., M.F. Claridge, S.C. Shackel and L. Dalbeck. 1997 Speciation by Issidae (Fulgoroidea) in the Galapagos islands: how many Philatis species are there? Pp. 37. In: M.J. Fletcher, M.F. Day, P.S. Gillespie, M.M. Stephens and M.S. Moulds (eds.). Program and Abstract Book, 9th International Auchenorrhyncha Congress, Sydney, Australia, 17–21 February 1997. 76 pp. pdf |
1363 | Emeljanov, A.F. 1997 The ways of developing classification and reconstructing phylogeny in the family Cixiidae. Pp. 38-39. In: M.J. Fletcher, M.F. Day, P.S. Gillespie, M.M. Stephens and M.S. Moulds (eds.). Program and Abstract Book, 9th International Auchenorrhyncha Congress, Sydney, Australia, 17–21 February 1997. 76 pp. pdf |
14799 | Takiya, D.M., G. Mejdalani, and R.R. Cavichioli. 2024 Subordem Auchenorrhyncha Duméril, 1806. In: J. Grazia, D.M. Takiya, V.R. dos S. Wolff, C.F. Schwertner, G. Mejdalani, R.R. Cavichioli, A.L.B.G. Peronti, D.L. de Queiroz, D. Burckhardt, J.A.M.Fernandes, F.F.F. Moreira, H.R. Gil-Santana, P.S.F. Ferreira, R. Carrenho, R. Brugnera, M. Guidoti. Capítulo 25: Hemiptera Linnaeus, 1758, Insetos do Brasil: Diversidade e Taxonomia. 2ª ed. Pp. 384-395 In: Capítulo 25: Hemiptera Linnaeus, 1758, Insetos do Brasil: Diversidade e Taxonomia. 2ª ed. |