College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
6006 Linnavuori, R.E. 1951 Calligypona leptosoma Fl. and C. albofimbricta (Sign.) Fieb. (Hom. Delphacidae). Annales Entomologici Fennici 17(3): 109–110. pdf
3487 O'Brien, L.B. 1967 Caliscelis bonellii (Latreille), a European genus of Issidae new to the United States (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea). Pan-Pacific Entomologist 43: 130-133. pdf
6988 Zhao, W.C., J. Cheng, and Z.X. Chen. 2002 Calibration of a suitable enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for Nilaparvata lugens (Stål) antigen detection. Journal of Zhejiang University (Agriculture and Life Sciences) 28(6): 629-634.
15432 ZHU, ZhongYan, XiaoBao WU, Jiajia AN, QianQian DENG, Jun WANG, LiNa CHEN, and Mao YE. 2024 Calcium chloride seed priming: A dual-action strategy for enhancing Cyrtorhinus lividipennis attraction and deterring brown planthopper infestations in rice. Crop Protection 185: 106879.
3856 Rombach, M.C., and D.W. Roberts. 1987 Calcarisporium ovalisporum, symbiotic with the insect pathogen Hirsutella citriformis. Mycologia 79(1): 153-155.
12720 Smith, V.L. and K.C. Stafford III. 2020 CAES Announces the Finding of Spotted Lanternfly in West Haven and Greenwich, Connecticut. The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station Press Release September 21, 2020. pdf
13285 Velázquez, P.D., A.M.M. de Remes Lenicov, and G.A. Truol. 2017 Caenodelphax tapeae (Fowler) (Hemiptera: Delphacidae): A natural vector of Mal de Rìo Cuarto virus (MRCV), ijivirus) in Argentina. Agriscientia 34: 39-45.
3107 Medler, J.T. 1993 Caducity in the tegmina of Flatidae (Fulgoroidea). In: S. Drosopoulos, P.V. Petrakis, M.F. Claridge, and P.W.F. deVrijer, (eds.). Proceedings of the 8th Auchenorrhycha Congress, Delphi, Greece 9-13, August 1993. Pp. 14–17. pdf
12359 Panfilio, K.A. and D. R. Angelini. 2018 By land, air, and sea: Hemipteran diversity through the genomic lens. Current Opinion in Insect Science 25: 106-115. pdf
6230 Kaya, M. and B. Kovanci. 2004 Bursa'da Abududu Ajanlarımda Saptanan Homoptera Türleri. [The Homoptera species occurring in raspberry growing Areas in Bursa]. Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 35(1/2): 1-4.[Turkish] pdf
9098 Karsavuran, Y., U. Zeybekoğlu, F. Şahi̇n, H. Saygılı, and N. Özdemi̇r. 2009 Bursa ili sanayi domatesi üretim alanlarında görülen Auchenorrhyncha (Homoptera) türleri üzerine araştırmalar. [The studies on the determination of species belonging to the suborder Auchenorrhyncha (Homoptera) in processing tomato production areas in Bursa province of Turkey.] Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 46(2): 117-122. pdf
6231 Kovanci, O.B., N.S. Gençer, B. Kovanci and H.C. Akgül. 2004 Bursa ili çilek Alanlaerinda Bulunan Homoptera Türleri.[Homoptera Species Found in Strawberry Fields in Bursa]. Tarim Bilimleri Dergisi 10(3): 318-322.[Turkish] pdf
476 Bureau of Entomology. 1984 Bureau of Entomology. Tri-Ology 23(9): 8-9.
477 Bureau of Entomology. 1985 Bureau of Entomology. Tri-Ology 24(8): 2-3.
3074 Mead, F.W. 1990 Bureau of Entomology. Tri-Ology 29(5): 4-5.
8292 Nik Mohd, N.N.S., H. Hashim, P.M. Chang, A.P. Nordin, M. Mohd Salleh, and A.L. Ahmad Zabidi. 1989 Buprofezin, an insect growth regulator for control of rice hoppers. Teknologi Padi 5: 1-5.
2026 Heinrichs, E.A., R.P. Basilio, and S.L. Valencia. 1984 Buprofezin, a selective insecticide for the management of rice planthoppers (Homoptera: Delphacidae) and leafhoppers (Homoptera: Cicadellidae) [Nilaparvata lugens, Sogatella furcifera, Nephotettix virescens]. Environmental Entomology 13(2): 515-521.
4647 Wang, Y.H., C.F. Gao, Z.P. Xu, Y.C. Zhu, J.S. Zhang, W.H. Li, D.J. Dai, Y.W. Lin, W.J. Zhou and J.L. Shen. 2008 Buprofezin susceptibility survey, resistance selection and preliminary determination of the resistance mechanism in Nilaparvata lugens (Homoptera: Delphacidae). Pest Management Science 64(10): 1050-1056. pdf
12056 Elzaki, M.E.A., M.A. Miah and Zhaojun Han. 2017 Buprofezin is metabolized by CYP353D1v2, a cytochrome P450 associated with imidacloprid resistance in Laodelphax striatellus. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 18(12): 2564; 1-9. (ePub Article #2564, 9 pp.) pdf
1149 Dobler, G. 1985 bundanzdynamik und Entwicklungszyklen von Zikaden. Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha) im zentralalpinen Hochgebirge. Veröffentlichungen der Universität, Innsbruck 148, Alpin-Biologische Studien 18: 1-111.
14559 Huron, N.A. 2022 Building frameworks for understanding invasions and extinctions for biodiversity science. Dissertation, Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. [Lycorma delicatula]
1975 Hamilton, K.G.A. 2005 Bugs reveal an extensive, long-lost northern tall-grass prairie. BioScience 55(1): 49-59 pdf
1628 Fletcher, M. J. and M.L. Moir. 2009 Budginmaya eulae gen. et sp nov., a myrmecophilous planthopper (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Flatidae) from Western Australia. Australian Journal of Entomology 48(1): 36-39. pdf
10496 Han, Y., J.R. Meng, J. Chen, W.L. Cai, Y. Wang, J. Zhao, Y.P. He, Y.N. Feng, and H.X. Hua. 2014 Bt rice expressing Cry2Aa does not harm Cyrtorhinus lividipennis, a main predator of the nontarget herbivore Nilaparvata lugens. PLoS ONE 9(11): DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0112315. pdf
8796 Chen, Y., J.C. Tian, W. Wang, Q. Fang, Z.R. Akhtar, Y.F. Peng, H. Cui, Y.Y. Guo, Q.S. Song, and G.Y. Ye. 2012 Bt rice expressing Cry1Ab does not stimulate an outbreak of its non-target herbivore, Nilaparvata lugens. Transgenic Research 21(2): 279-291. pdf
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