College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
9462 Dietrich, C.H. 2003 Auchenorrhyncha (Cicadas, Spittlebugs, Leafhoppers,Treehoppers, and Planthoppers). In: V.H. Resh, R.T. Cardé (eds.). Encyclopedia of Insects. Academic Press, Elsevier Science, San Diego, California. Pp. 66-74.
9463 Dietrich, C.H. 2009 Auchenorrhyncha (Cicadas, Spittlebugs, Leafhoppers,Treehoppers, and Planthoppers). In: V.H. Resh, R.T. Cardé (eds.). Encyclopedia of Insects. Second Edition. Academic Press, Elsevier Science, San Diego, California. Pp. 56-64
7824 Chelpakova, J.M. 2004 Auchenorrhynch of Kyrgystan. In: I.M. Kerzhner, (ed.). Third European Hemiptera Congress, St. Petersburg, June 8-11, 2004 – Abstracts. Russian Academy of Science, St. Peterburg, Russia. Pp.11-12. pdf
10633 Hayashi, M., S. Kamitani, and N. Ohara. 2010 Auchenorrhyncan biodiversity in Japan. In: The 13th International Auchenorrhyncha Congress and the 7th International Workshop on Leafhoppers and Planthoppers of Economic Significance 28 June-2 July. Vaison-la-Romaine, France. Abstracts: Talks and Posters. Pp. 116-117. pdf
9683 Morris, M.G. 1974 Auchenorhyncha (Hemiptera) of the Burren, with special reference to species-associations of the grasslands. Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. Section B: Biological, Geological, and Chemical Science 74: 7-30.
182 Attié, M., S. Quilici, T. Bourgoin, F. Chiroleu, J.Veslot, and B. Reynaud. 2004 Auchennorrhyncha (Insecta hemiptera) as possible bioindicators of distributed/undisturbed habitats in Reunion Island : a model study in mare-longue forest. In: S. Baret, M. Rouget, I. Nänni and T. Le Bourgeois. (eds.). Proceedings of a Workshop on biodiversity dynamics on la Réunion Island, Saint Pierre - Saint Denis, 29 November - 5 December 2004. [Cd-Rom]. Saint-Denis : Université de la Réunion. Pp.19-21. pdf
1049 Dlabola, J. 1946 Attributio as cognitionem Homopterorum Bohemiae et Moraviae. (Homopt. Auchenorrh.). [Czech with Latin summary.] Acta Societatis Entomologicae Cechosloveniae 43: 78–84.
12883 Tiefenbrunner, A. and W. Tiefenbrunner. 2017 Attraktivität verschiedener Farbtafeln auf Zikaden (Hemiptera: Aucchenorrhyncha) im Weingarten. Klosterneuburger Mitteilungen 57: 185-199. pdf
2222 Howard, F.W. 1980 Attractiveness of date and coconut palms to Myndus crudus and other homopterans. Proceedings of the Florida State Horticultural Society 93:199-201. pdf
10372 Matsumoto, Y., M. Wakakuwa, F. Yukuhiro, K.Arikawa, and H. Noda. 2014 Attraction to different wavelength light emitting diodes (LEDs), the compound eye structure, and opsin genes in Nilaparvata lugens. Japanese Journal of Applied Entomology & Zoology 58(2): 111-118. DOI: 10.1303/jjaez.2014.111.
10377 Moon, S.R., S.R. Cho, J.W. Jeong, Y.H. Shin, J.O. Yang, K.S. Ahn, C.M. Yoon, and G.H. Kim. 2011 Attraction response of spot clothing wax cicada, Lycorma delicatula (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae) to spearmint oil. Journal of the Korean Society for Applied Biological Chemistry 54(4): 558-567. pdf
2917 Lou, Y.G., B. Ma, and J.A. Cheng. 2005 Attraction of the parasitoid Anagrus nilaparvatae to rice volatiles induced by the rice brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens. Journal of Chemical Ecology 31(10): 2357-2372. pdf
1 Abenes, M.L.P. and Z.R. Khan. 1990 Attraction of rice leafhoppers and planthoppers to different light colors. International Rice Research Newsletter 15(2): 32-33. pdf
13606 CHOI, Yong-Seok, In-Su HWANG, Gyeong-Ju LEE, Min-Jung KIM, Sunghoon BAEK, and Hwa-Young SEO. 2020 Attraction effect of sunflowers to Metcalfa pruinosa (Say) (Hemiptera: Flatidae) as trap plants. Korean Journal of Applied Entomology 59(4): 427-432. pdf
10536 Lee, S.J., and S.C. Park. 2013 Attraction effect against Lycorma delicatula, antioxidant activity and local irritation test of Ailanthus altissima extract. Korean Journal of Veterinary Research 53(4): 231-237.
4379 Tsai, J.H. 1977 Attempts to transmit lethal yellowing of coconut palmsby the planthopper Haplaxius crudus. Plant Disease Reporter 61: 304-307.
3538 Ooi, P.A.C. 1982 Attempts at forecasting rice planthopper populations in Malaysia. Entomophaga 27(Special Issue): 89-98.
9604 Lefol, C., A. Caudwell, J. Lherminier, and J. Larrue. 1993 Attachment of the flavescence dorée pathogen (MLO) to leafhopper vectors and other insects. Annals of Applied Biology 123(3): 611-622.
14324 CHENG, Xu, Wei WANG, Lu ZHANG, Rui?Rui YANG, Ya MA, and Yan?Yuan BAO. 2022 ATPase subunits of the 26S proteasome are important for oocyte maturation in the brown planthopper. Insect Molecular Biology (2022): (PrePrint, 17 pp.).
14453 YANG, Yuanxue, Aiyu WANG, Man WANG, Yun ZHANG, Jianhua ZHANG, and Ming ZHAO. 2022 ATP-binding cassette transporters ABCF2 and ABCG9 regulate rice black-streaked dwarf virus infection in its insect vector, Laodelphax striatellus (Fallén). Bulletin of Entomological Research 112(3): 327-334.
11261 Wan, P.J., Y.H. Tang, S.Y. Yuan, W.X. Wang, F.X. Lai, X.P. Yu, and Q. Fu. 2016 ATP phosphoribosyltransferase from symbiont Entomomyces delphacidicola invovled in histidine biosynthesis of Nilaparvata lugens (Stal). Amino Acids 48(11): 2605-2617. DOI: 2610.1007/s00726-00016-02287-z.
10691 Crummay, F.A. and B.W. Atkinson. 1997 Atmospheric influences on light-trap catches of the brown planthopper rice pest. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 88(1): 181-197.
7256 Gao, P., J.G. Wu, N. Chen, R.M. Yang, and H.Y. Wu. 2005 Atmospheric circulation characteristics (ACC) models for the prediction of the occurrence and development of Sogatella furcifera. Chinese Journal of Ecology 24(2): 146-152.
10227 Yang, Y.J. 2004 Atlas of Rice Planthoppers Management in Hebei Province. Chinascibook, Beijing, China -
10190 Villiers, A. 1947 Atlas des Hémiptères de France II, Hétéroptères cryptocérates, Homoptères, Thysanoptères. Boubée & Co., Paris, France. [Fulgoroidea pages only] pdf
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