Planthopper Bibliography Database
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561 of 617
Authors Year Title Journal | |
14823 | Le Cesne, M., H. Hoch, Y.L. Zhang, and T. Bourgoin. 2024 Why cave planthoppers study matters: are Cixiidae a subtroglophile lineage? (Hemiptera, Fulgoromorpha). Subterranean Biology 48: 147-170. |
15302 | Moutaouakil, S., M. Souza-Silva, L.F. Oliveira, M. Ghamizi, and R.L. Ferreira. 2024 A cave with remarkably high subterranean diversity in Africa and its significance for biodiversity conservation. Subterranean Biology 50: 1-28. [Kinnaridae sp.] |
9627 | Liu, Y.S. and Q.L. Zhang. 2001 A preliminary study on the biological characteristics and the control of Ricania sublimbata Gacodi. Subtropical Plant Science 30(2): 39-41. |
6881 | Kumarasinghe, N.C. and S.D. Wratten. 1998 The occurrence of hydroxamic acids in sugarcane and their role on the sugarcane plant hopper Pyrilla perpusilla (Homoptera: Lophopidae). Sugar Cane 5: 18-22. |
8932 | Rajak, D.C., R.A. Verma, and R.K. Singh. 2009 Evaluation of release quantity and economics of Epiricania melanoleuca against Pyrilla perpusilla in sugarcane crop. Sugar Cane International 27(2): 70-71. |
13161 | Pfitzer, R., K. Schrameyer, R.T. Voegele, J. Maier, C. Lang, and M. Varrelmann. 2020 Causes and effects of the occurrence of "Syndrome des basses richesses" in German sugar beet growing areas. Sugar Industry-Zuckerindustrie 145(4): 234-244. [Pentastiridius leporinus] |
560 | Charpentier, L.J. 1970 The west indian sugarcane fulgorid in Louisiana. Sugar Journal 32(10):58-60. |
6902 | Saxena, H.N. 1969 A note on damage by pyrilla in west U.P. during 1968-69 season. Sugar News 1: 3-4. |
12874 | Sugar Research Australia. 2015 Island sugarcane planthopper, Eumetopina flavipes Muir (Hemiptera: Delphacidae). Sugar Research Australia Informational Sheet IS15002. |
6826 | Seneviratne, J.A.U.T. and N.C. Kumarasinghe. 2002 Biological control of the sugarcane planthopper by the moth Epiricania melanoleuca (Fletcher) in Sri Lanka. Sugar Tech 4: 26-32. pdf |
6832 | Rajak, D.C., R.P. Singh, K. Prasad, U. Chandra, S.R. Saroj, and H. Lal. 2008 Parasitism and hyper parasitism on Pyrilla Perpusilla Walker in sugarcane ecosystem. Sugar Tech 10(2): 150-153. pdf |
6836 | Gangwar, S.K., D.C. Srivastava, R.K. Tewari, M.R. Singh, and D.C. Rajak. 2008 Management of Pyrilla perpusilla Walker in sugarcane with ecto-parasitoid Epiricania melanoleuca Fletcher during epidemics in sub-tropical India. Sugar Tech 10(2): 162-165 pdf |
6853 | Kumarasinghe, N.C. and P.C. Jepson. 2003 Antixenotic effect of sugarcane leaves on feeding and oviposition bypyrilla perpusilla walker. Sugar Tech 5(1-2): 11-19. pdf |
12302 | Atencio, R., F.-R. Goebel and R. J. Miranda. 2018 Entomofauna Associated with Sugarcane in Panama. Sugar Tech (2018): 1-14. |
14845 | Mahendran, B., R. Gopi, P. Mahesh, K. Chandran, and M. Nisha. 2024 Field dynamics of entomopathogenic fungi attacking sugarcane planthopper, Pyrilla perpusilla (Lophopidae: Hemiptera) in a managed agro-ecosystem comprising sugarcane germplasm. Sugar Tech 1-11. |
15304 | Augustine, N.M., P.S. Shera, R, Kumar, and S, Sharma. 2024 Evaluation of Fulgoraecia melanoleuca (Fletcher) (Lepidoptera: Epipyropidae) releases for the management of Pyrilla perpusilla (Walker) (Hemiptera: Lophopidae) on sugarcane in Punjab, India. Sugar Tech 26: 1780-1789. |
15307 | Sharma, T. and P. S. Shera. 2024 Seasonal abundance of Fulgoraecia melanoleuca (Fletcher), a key parasitoid of Pyrilla perpusilla (Walker) in different agro-climatic zones of Punjab, India. Sugar Tech (2024): 1-11. |
8900 | David, H., S. Easwaramoorthy, and R. Jayanthi. 1986 Sugarcane entomology in India. Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Tamil Nadu, India. - |
5361 | Mendoza, M. J. 2005 Management of Perkinsiella saccharicida in sugarcane in Ecuador. Sugarcane International 23(6): 7-9. |
8735 | Kumarasinghe, N.C. 1988 Pests of Sugarcane in Sri Lanka. Sugarcane Research Institute, Uda Walawe, Sri Lanka. - |
9655 | Matoševic, D. and M.I. Pernek. 2011 Strane I invazivne vrste fitofagnih kukaca u šumama Hrvatske I procjena njihove štetnosti. [Alien and invasive insects in Croatian forest ecosystems and estimate of their damage.] Šumarski list 135(13): 264-271. pdf |
6381 | Hua, L.Z. 2002 Catalogue of Insects of China I. Sun Yat-Sen University Press, Guangzhou, China. - |
10016 | Geng, B.W. 2004 Studies on biological control of rice planthopper with Metarhizium anisopliae var. acridum. Sun Yat-sen University, Guangdong, China. PhD Dissertation. |
1937 | Halkka, O. 1959 Chromosome studies on the Hemiptera Homoptera Auchenorrhyncha. Suomalainen Tiedeakatemian Toimituksia [Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae (A IV)] 43: 1-71. |
11514 | Linnavuori, R.E. 1969 Contributions to the hemipterous fauna of Egypt. Suomen Hyonteistieteellinen Aikakauskirja 35: 204–215. |