Planthopper Bibliography Database
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579 of 617
Authors Year Title Journal | |
9757 | Rawat, R.R. and D.K. Saxena. 1967 Studies on the bionomics of Peregrinus maidis (Ashmead) (Homoptera: Araeopidae). JNKVV (Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya) Research Journal 1: 64-67. 1: 64-67. |
9785 | Serjeant, E.P. 1967 The transmission of European wheat striate mosaic virus by Javesella pellucida (Fabr.) injected with extracts of plants and plant-hoppers. Annals of Applied Biology 59(1): 39-48. |
9802 | Sogawa, K. 1967 Chemical nature of sheath materials secreted by lefhoppers (Homoptera). Applied Entomology and Zoology 2(1): 13-21. pdf |
9803 | Sogawa, K. 1967 Studies on the salivary glands of rice plant leafhoppers. II. Orgins of the structural precursors of the sheath material. Applied Entomology and Zoology 2: 195-202. pdf |
9820 | Sugimoto, T. 1967 On the conditions regulating the egg-hatching of Nilaparvata lugens. Japanese Journal of Applied Entomology and Zoology 11(2): 76-78. pdf |
10472 | Dubovskii, G.K. 1967 New species Auchenorrhyncha of from Uzbekistan. [Novye vidy cikadovykh (Auchenorrhyncha) iz Uzbekistan]. in: Poleznye I vrednye bespozvonochnye zhivotnye Uzbekistana, Tashkent. Pp. 56-59. |
10709 | Dlabola, J. 1967 Ergebnisse der 2. mongolisch-tschechoslowakischen entomologisch-botanischen Expedition in der Mongolei. Nr. 12: Reisebericht, Lokalitätenübersicht und Bearbeitung der gesammelten Zikaden (Homopt. Auchenorrh.). Acta Faunistica Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 12(131): 207-230. pdf |
11515 | Fox, J. W. 1967 Report of some Strepsiptera in the British Museum (Natural History) including new species of Halictophagidae and Elenchidae. Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London. London B 36: 41-49. |
11522 | Nasu, S. 1967 [Chapter] 27 Rice Leafhoppers. Pp. 493-523. In: The major insect pests of the rice plant : proceedings of the Symposium at the International Rice Research Institute September, 1964. Published for the International Rice Research Institute by the Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore, Md. 729 pp. |
11890 | Servadei, A. 1967 Contributo alla corologia dei Rhynchota Homoptera Auchenorrhyncha D'Italy. Annali del Museo civico di storia naturale Giacomo Doria 77: 138-183. pdf |
12667 | Alam, M.Z. 1967 Insect pests of rice in East Pakistan. In: The Major Insect Pests of the Rice Plant. Proceedings of a Symposium at the International Rice Research Institute, September 1964 pp. 643-655. [Sogatella furcifera, Sogata distincta] pdf |
12682 | Bowling, C.C. 1967 Insect pests of rice in Unites States. In: The Major Insect Pests of the Rice Plant. Proceedings of a Symposium at the International Rice Research Institute, September 1964. pp. 551-570. [Sogata oryzicola] pdf |
12694 | Cendaña S.M. and F.B. Calora. 1967 Insect pests of rice in the Philippines In: The Major Insect Pests of the Rice Plant. Proceedings of a Symposium at the International Rice Research Institute, September 1964. pp. 591-610. [Peregrinus maidis, Nilaparvata lugens, Nisia atrovenosa, Proutista moesta] pdf |
12846 | Nasu, S. 1967 Rice Leafhoppers. In: The Major Insect Pests of the Rice Plant. Proceedings of a Symposium at the International Rice Research Institute, September 1964. pp. 493-523 [Laodelphax striatellus, Nilaparvata lugens, Laodelphax striatellus, Sogata oryzicola] pdf |
12851 | Paik, W.H. 1967 Insect pests of rice in Korea. In: The Major Insect Pests of the Rice Plant. Proceedings of a Symposium at the International Rice Research Institute, September 1964. pp. 657-674 [Laodelphax striatellus, Nilaparvata lugens, Sogatella furcifera] pdf |
12936 | Yunus, A. and H.L. Rothschild. 1967 Insect pests of rice in Malaysia. In: The Major Insect Pests of the Rice Plant. Proceedings of a Symposium at the International Rice Research Institute, September 1964. pp. 617-641 [Sogata furcifera, Nilaparvata lugens] pdf |
13164 | Showers, W.B. and T.R. Everitt. 1967 Transovarial acquisition of hoja blanca virus by the rice delphacid. Journal of Economic Entomology 60(3): 757-760. [Sogota orizicola] |
361 | Bliven, B.P. 1966 New genera and species of Issidae. Occidental Entomologist 1(9):103-107. pdf |
754 | Coe, R.L. 1966 Handboohs for the identification of British Insects:Diptera Pipunculidae. Royal Entomological Society 10(2c). |
867 | Davis, L. V. and I. E. Gray. 1966 Zonal and seasonal distribution of insects in North Carolina salt marshes. Ecological Monographs 36(3): 275-295. pdf |
1217 | Dubovskii, G.K. 1966 Tsikadovye (Anchenorrhyncha) Ferganskoi doliny. [Cicadinea (Auchenorrhyncha) of the Fergana Valley]. Uzbek "Fan" Press, Tashkent, Uzbekistan. 256 pp. pdf |
1267 | Emeljanov, A.F. 1966 New Palaearctic and certain Nearctic leafhoppers (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha). Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie 45(1): 95-133. [In Russian, English translation Entomological Review 1966 45(1): 53-72] |
1268 | Emeljanov, A.F. 1966 New Palearctic and certain Nearctic leafhoppers (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha). Entomological Review 45(1): 53-72. [English translation of Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie (1966) 45(1): 95-133, from Russian] pdf |
1431 | Emmrich, R. 1966 Faunistisch-ökologische Untersuchungen über die Zikadenfauna. (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha) von Grünland-Flächen und landwirtschaftlichen Kulturen des Greifswalder Gebietes. Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin 42: 61-126. |
1678 | Frost, S.W. 1966 Additions to Florida insects taken in light traps. Florida Entomologist 49(4): 243-251. pdf |