Planthopper Bibliography Database
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590 of 617
Authors Year Title Journal | |
8966 | Zachariades, C., S.G. Compton, and B. Schatz. 2009 Honeydew as Danegeld? Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) tending a honeydew-producing homopteran do not offer protection from its main natural enemies. Sociobiology 54(2): 471-488. |
8493 | Zafar, M.A. 1982 Chemical control of the whitebacked planthopper in Pakistan. International Rice Research Newsletter 7(2): 13-14. pdf |
9189 | Zahavi, T., S. Peles, A.R. Harari, V. Soroker, and R. Sharon. 2007 Push and pull strategy to reduce Hyalesthes obsoletus population in vineyards by Vitex agnus castus as trap plant. Bulletin of Insectology 60(2): 297-298. pdf |
4944 | Zaheruddeen, S.M. and P.S. Prakasa-Rao. 1985 A method to obtain naked viable eggs of rice brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens Stal. Science and Culture 51(5): 165-166. |
4945 | Zaheruddeen, S.M. and P.S. Prakasa-Rao. 1985 Oviposition of brown planthopper (BPH) on some common weeds, wild rices & rotation crops. International Rice Research Newsletter 10(2): 15. pdf |
4946 | Zaheruddeen, S.M. and P.S. Prakasa-Rao. 1988 Ovipositional host status of some weeds, wild rice (Oryza species) and cultivated crop plants for Nilaparvata lugens. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 58(8): 659-661. |
4947 | Zaheruddeen, S.M. and P.S. Prakasa-Rao. 1989 Potentiality of some weeds, wild rices and crop plants as hosts of the rice brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens Stal. Insect and Environment 3: 76-84. |
4948 | Zahradnik, J. 1984 Dr.Jiri Dlabola, CSc. – zum sechzigsten Gerburtstag. Acta Entomologica Bohemoslovaca 81:314-320. pdf |
4949 | Zakhvatkin, A. A. 1948 Novye cikady. (Homoptera - Cicadina) Srednerusskoy fauny. Nauchno-metodicheskie Zapiski Glavnogo Upravlenie po Zapovednikam 11: 177–185. |
10234 | Zamani, Z., M.M. Aminaee, and G.B. Khaniki. 2013 Introduction of Beauveria bassiana as a biological control agent against the Ommatissus lybicus in Kerman province. Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection 46(15): 1821-1830. |
12197 | Zamharir, Maryam Ghayeb and Mohammad R. Eslahi. 2018 Molecular study of two distinct phytoplasma species associated with streak yellows of date palm in Iran. Journal of Phytopathology 167: 19–25. pdf |
8890 | Zampaulo, R.d.A. and R.L. Ferreira. 2009 Diversidade de invertebrados terrestres cavernícolas em nove cavidades naturais no municìpio de aurora do Tocantins (TO). [Terrestrial cave invertebrate diversity in nine caves in the municipality of aurora do Tocantins (TO).] In: Anais do XXX Congresso Brasileiro de Espeleologia Montes Claros MG, 09-12 de julho de 2009. Pp. 267-274. pdf |
10998 | Zanardi, O.Z., L. do Prado Ribeiro, T.F. Ansante, M.S. Santos, G.P. Bordini, P.T. Yamamoto, and J.D. Vendramim. 2015 Bioactivity of a matrine-based biopesticide against four pest species of agricultural importance. Crop Protection 67: 160-167. |
9078 | Zandigiacomo, P. and A. Villani. 1998 Impiego di Neodryinus typhlocibae (Ashmed) nel controllo biologico di Metcalfa pruinosa (Say). Agricoltura Biologica Supplement number 13 Notiziario Ersa 11(6): 10-13. |
8696 | Zandigiacomo, P., E. Cargnus, F. Pavan, and A. Villani. 2009 Primi reperti della cicalina Acanalonia conica (Say) in Friuli Venezia Giulia. Notiziario ERSA 22(2): 52-54. pdf |
4951 | Zang, W., S.-g. Hao, H.-k. Wang, and X-i. Cheng. 1997 A simulation model of brown planthopper population dynamics in Yangtze and Huai River rice area. Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University [Nanjing Nongye Daxue Xuebao] 20(2): 32-38. |
4950 | Zangheri, S. and P. Donadini. 1980 Comparsa nel Veneto di un omottero neartico: Metcalfa pruinosa Say (Homoptera, Flatidae). Redia 63: 301-305. |
4952 | Zayas, F. de, 1988 Entomofauna Cubana Super Orden Hemipteroidea. Orden Homoptera. Orden Hemiptera Tomo VII. Editorial Cientifico-Técnica, La Habana. - |
6779 | Zchori-Fein, E. and K. Bourtzis. (eds.). 2011 Manipulative Tenants: Bacteria Associated with Arthropods. CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton, Florida. - |
10999 | Zehetmair, T.J.S. 2015 Diversität der Insektenfauna europäischer Buchenwälder (Asperulo-Fagetum) in einem biogeografischen Gradienten. Technische Universität München. München, Germany. Doctoral dissertation. pdf |
4953 | Zeigler, R.S. and F.J. Morales. 1990 Genetic determination of replication of rice hoja blanca virus within its planthopper vector, Sogatodes oryzicola. Phytopathology 80(6): 559-566. pdf |
4954 | Zeigler, R.S., A. Pantoja, M.C. Duque, and G. Weber. 1994 Characteristics of resistance in rice to rice hoja blanca virus (RHBV) and its vector, Tagosodes orizicolus (Muir). Annals of Applied Biology 124(3): 429-440. |
4955 | Zelazny, B. 1981 The Philippine Species of Rhotanini (Homoptera: Derbidae) and their Distribution Outside the Philippines. Pacific Insects 23(3-4): 213-285’ pdf |
8866 | Zelazny, B. and E. Pacumbaba. 1982 Phytophagous insects associated with cadang-cadang infected and healthy coconut palms in South-eastern Luzon, Philippines. Ecological Entomology 7(1): 113-120. |
7996 | Zelazny, B. and M.D. Webb. 2011 Revision of the planthopper tribe Rhotanini (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha: Derbidae). Zootaxa 3071: 1–307. |