Planthopper Bibliography Database
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599 of 617
Authors Year Title Journal | |
9405 | Atwal, A.S., J.P. Chaudhary and B.S. Sohi. 1967 Studies on the biology and control of Sogatella furcifera Horv. (Delphacidae: Homoptera) in the Punjab. Journal of Research, Punjab Agricultural University 4: 547-555. |
12275 | Attilio Bianco, P., G. Romanazzi, N. Mori, W. Myrie and A. Bertaccini. 2019 Chapter 11. Integrated Management of Phytoplasma Diseases. Pp. 237-258. In: A. Bertaccini, P. G Weintraub, G. P. Rao and N. Mori (eds). Phytoplasmas: Plant Pathogenic Bacteria - II. Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd., Singapore. x + 258 pp. |
183 | Attié, M., T. Bourgoin, J. Veslot, and A.Soulier-Perkins. 2008 Patterns of trophic relationships between planthoppers (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha) and their host plants on the Mascarene Islands. Journal of Natural History 42(23-24): 1591-1638. |
181 | Attié, M., T. Bourgoin, and J. Bonfils. 2002 The Cixiidae (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha) of the Mascarenes islands and Madagascar. Endemism and description of new taxa from Réunion with notes on their host plants. European Journal of Entomology 99 : 543-555. pdf |
182 | Attié, M., S. Quilici, T. Bourgoin, F. Chiroleu, J.Veslot, and B. Reynaud. 2004 Auchennorrhyncha (Insecta hemiptera) as possible bioindicators of distributed/undisturbed habitats in Reunion Island : a model study in mare-longue forest. In: S. Baret, M. Rouget, I. Nänni and T. Le Bourgeois. (eds.). Proceedings of a Workshop on biodiversity dynamics on la Réunion Island, Saint Pierre - Saint Denis, 29 November - 5 December 2004. [Cd-Rom]. Saint-Denis : Université de la Réunion. Pp.19-21. pdf |
11323 | Attié, M., S. Baret, and D. Strasberg. 2005 Les insectes phytophages associés à des plantes exotiques envahissantes à l’Île de la Réunion (Mascareignes). Revue d'Écologie - la Terre et la Vie 60: 108-125. pdf |
5025 | Attié, M., J. Bonfils, S. Quilici, B. Reynaud, and T. Bourgoin. 1999 Fulgoromorpha (Hemiptera) as environment bioindicators in Reunion Island. In: International Auchenorrhyncha Congress. 10. Saint-Pierre : Cirad-Flhor, International Auchenorrhyncha Congress. 10, 1999-09-06/1999-09-10, (Cardiff, Royaume-Uni). 1 p. |
180 | Attié, M., J. Bonfils, and S. Quilici. 1998 Hémiptères Auchénorrhynques nouveaux pour la faune de l'île de la Réunion [Records of new Homoptera Auchenorrhyncha for the Reunion island fauna]. Bulletin de la Societé Entomologique de France 103(3): 255-262. [French] |
9114 | Attié, M. 1999 Etude sur l'entomofaune associee a la flore indigene de l'ile de la Reunion. [Study on entomofauna associated with indigenous flora of la Réunion Island.] Université de La Réunion, Sainte-Clotilde, France. Thèse nouveau doctorat. |
12594 | Atta, B., M. Rizwan, A.M. Sabir, M.D. Gogi, M.A. Farooq and Y.A. Batta. 2019 Efficacy of entomopathogenic fungi against brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens (Stål) (Homoptera: Delphacidae) under controlled conditions. Gesunde Pflanzen 72: 101-112. |
179 | Atmaja, W.R. and I.W. Laba. 2000 A parasitoid used to manage the brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens Stal.) (Homoptera: Delphacidae). Journal Penelitian and Pengembangan Pertanian 19(1): 1-8. |
178 | Atkins, J.G., L.D. Newsom, W.T. Spink, G.D. Lindberg, R.N. Dopson, T.D. Persons, C.H. Lauffer, and R.C. Carlton. 1960 Occurrence of hoja blanca and its vector Sogata orizicola Muir in Louisiana. Plant Disease Reporter 44(6):390-393. pdf |
177 | Atkins, J. G. J.P. Kramer, and S.D. Hensley. 1958 Hoja blanca and its vector found on rice in a second area in the United States. Plant Disease Reporter 42(12):1414. pdf |
176 | Atkins, J. G. and C. R. Adair. 1957 Recent Discovery of hoja blanca, a new rice disease in Florida, and a varietal resistance tests in Cuba and Venezuela. Plant Disease Reporter 41(11): 911-915. pdf |
5803 | Athwal, D.S. and M.D. Pathak. 1972 Genetics of resistance to rice insects. In: Rice breeding. International Rice Research InstituteLos Baños, Philippines. Pp. 375-386. |
5802 | Athwal, D.S, M.D. Pathak, E.H. Bacalangco, and C.D. Pura. 1971 Genetics of resistance to brown planthopper and green leafhoppers in Oryza sativa L. Crop Science 11: 747-750. |
15320 | Athey, K.J., E.G. Chapman, S. Al-Khatri, A.M. Moktar, and J.J. Obrycki. 2024 Molecular identification of predation on the Dubas bug (Hemiptera: Tropiduchidae) in Oman date palms: density-dependent response to prey. Journal of Insect Science 24(4): 22; 1-11. |
12302 | Atencio, R., F.-R. Goebel and R. J. Miranda. 2018 Entomofauna Associated with Sugarcane in Panama. Sugar Tech (2018): 1-14. |
10652 | Atanasova, B., M. Jakovljević, D. Spasov, J. Jović, M. Mitrović, I. Toševski, and T. Cvrković. 2015 The molecular epidemiology of bois noir grapevine yellows caused by ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma solani’ in the Republic of Macedonia. European Journal of Plant Pathology 142: 759-770. |
13592 | Atanasova, B., M. Jakovljevic, D. Spasov, J. Jovic, M. Mitrovic, I. Tosevski, and T. Cvrkovic. 2015 The molecular epidemiology of bois noir grapevine yellows caused by ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma solani’in the Republic of Macedonia. European Journal of Plant Pathology 142(4): 759-770. [Hyalesthes obsoletus. Reptalus panzer] |
13351 | Atanasova, B., D. Spasov, D. Spasova, and Y. Dimitrov. 2013 Cicada species on vine plantations in the Strumitza Region, Republic of Macedonia. Plovdiv Agricultural University, Agricultural Sciences 4(12): 135-138. [Delphax sp., Dictyophara europaea] pdf |
8872 | Atanasova, B., D. Spasov, and D. Spasova. 2010 Qualitative and quantitative analisys of cicadas (Homoptera: Auchenorrhyncha) at grapevine in region of Kavadarci, Republic Of Macedonia. In: 20th Anniversary International Scientific Conference 3th - 4th June 2010, Stara Zagora, Bulgaria. Pp. 109-114. pdf |
12672 | Atanasova, B. 2015 Fauna Cikada (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha) u vinogradima Makedonije i njihova uloga u epidemiologiji ‘Candidatus Phytoplasrna solani’. Univerzitet u Beogradu-Biološki fakultet. Doctoral dissertation. pdf |
175 | Atakan, E. and R. Canhilal. 2004 Evaluation of yellow sticky traps at various heights for monitoring cotton insect pests. Journal of Agricultural and Urban Entomology 21(1): 15-24. |
9404 | Astridge, D. 2001 Insect fauna surveys on rambutan, durian and mangosteen in North Queensland. In: Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop for Tropical Agricultural Entomology Darwin 11-15 May 1998. Pp.73-79. pdf |