College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
2825 Lindberg, H. 1956 Contribution a l’etude de la zone d’inondation du Niger (Mission G. Remaudiere) XII. Homoptera-Zikaden. Bulletin de l’Institute Francaises de Afrique Noire (Series A) 18: 1200-1211. pdf
3166 Metcalf, Z.P. 1956 General Catalogue of the Homoptera. Fascicle IV, Fulgoroidea. Part 18 Eurybrachidae and Gengidae. North Carolina State College, Raleigh, North Carolina. 81 pp. pdf
3182 Miller, N. C. E. 1956 Biology of the Heteroptera. Methuen, London. -
3303 Müller, H.J., 1956 Homoptera. Auchenorrhyncha. Zikaden. In: H. Blunck, (ed.). Sorauers Handbuch der Pflanzenkrankheiten.Tierische Schädlinge an Nutzpflanzen. 5th Edition, Part 2. Paul Parey, Berlin and Hamburg. Pp. 150-306.
3324 Musil, M. 1956 Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Entwicklungsstufen von Hyalesthes obsoletus Sign. [A contribution to the study of the development of Hyalesthes obsoletus Sign.] Zoologicke Listy 5(19): 17-22. [Czech with German Abstract]
4213 Strübing, H. 1956 Die Oviduktdrüsen der Delphaciden (Hom.Auchenorrhyncha) und ihre Bedeutung für die Eiablage. Verhandlungen der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft 1956: 361-366. pdf
4214 Strübing, H. 1956 Über Beziehungen zwischen Ovidukt, Eiablage und natürlicher Verwandtschaft einheimischer Delphaciden. Zoologische Beitrage (Neue Folge) 2:331-357. pdf
4259 Synave, H. 1956 Description de Cixiidae nouveaux d’Afrique du Sud. Bulletin de l’Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique 33(8): 1-6. pdf
4814 Wonn, L. 1956 Ökologische Studien über die Zikadenfauna der Mainzer Sande. Jahrbuch des Nassauisehen Vereins fur Naturkunde 92: 81-122.
5532 Synave, H. 1956 Trois espèces nouvelles d'Homoptères africains. Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique Africaines. Ostend 53(3-4): 365-369.
5533 Synave, H. 1956 Les Flatidae de Madagascar (Hemiptera-Homoptera). Mémoires de l'Institut des Sciences de Madagascar. (Ser. E) 7: 197-217. pdf
6357 Synave, H. 1956 Description d’une espèce nouvelle de Meenoplide africain. Bulletin et Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 92(5/6): 107-108. pdf
6358 Synave, H. 1956 Contribution a l’estudes des Issidae Africains (Homoptera- Fulgoroidea). Bulletin de l’Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de de Belgique 32(57): 1-22. pdf
9249 Itoga, S., H. Sakai, and M. Horikiri. 1956 Surveys on the overwintering and the mass-flight for the overwintered generation in the white-backed planthopper and the brown planthopper. Norinsyo-Byogaityu-Hasseiyosatu-Siryo 56: 79-134. [Japanese]
9258 Kisimoto, R. 1956 Effect of crowding during the larval period on the determination of the wing form of an adult planthopper. Nature 178: 64-642. pdf
9277 Kuwahara, M., K. Hiraoka, and K. Sakano. 1956 Experimental studies on the biology and hibernation in the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stål) (Hom., Auchenorrhyncha). Norinsyo-Byogaityu-Hasseiyosatu-Siryo 56: 54-65. [Japanese]
9292 Miyake, T. and A. Fujiwara. 1956 Experimental studies on the overwintering of the whitebacked planthopper and the brown planthopper. Norinsyo-Byogaityu-Hasseiyosatu- Siryo 56: 66-78. [Japanese]
9314 Nasu, S. and H. Suenaga. 1956 On the embryonic development of planthoppers. Bulletin of the Kyushu National Agricultural Experiment Station 5: 71-84. [Japanese, English summary]
9315 Nasu, S. and H. Suenaga. 1956 Eggs and nymphs of delphacids found around paddy fields. [aternate title: Studies on the hibernation of planthopper; the investigation on the eggs and nymphs of planthoppers living around the paddy field.] Norinsyo-Byogaityu-Hasseiyosatu-Siryo 56: 4-29. [Japanese]
9332 Sameshima, T. 1956 Surveys on the overwintering of the white-backed planthopper and the brown planthopper. Norinsyo-Byogaityu-Hasseiyosatu-Siryo 56: 135-177. [Japanese]
9616 Lindberg, H. 1956 Über einige Zikaden ans Marokko und Rio de Oro. Notulae Entomologicae 36: 11-17. pdf
9857 Verma, J.S. 1956 Effects of demeton and schradan on Peregrinus maidis (Ashm.) and its egg-predator, Cyrtorhinus mundulus (Breddin). Journal of Economic Entomology 49: 58-63.
10540 Linnavuori, R.E. 1956 Neotropical Homoptera of the Hungarian National Museum and some other European Museums. Annales Entomologici Fennici 22: 5–35.
10591 Synave, H. 1956 Les Ricaniidae de Madagascar. Memoirs de l’Institut Scientifique de Madagascar Serie E 7: 219-242. pdf
10700 Dlabola, J. 1956 Additions to the knowledge of the European leaf hopper fauna (Homopt., Auchenorrhyncha). Folia Entomologica Hungarica 9: 395-401. pdf
595 | 596 | 597 | 598 | 599 | 600 | 601 | 602 | 603 599 of 617