College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
1049 Dlabola, J. 1946 Attributio as cognitionem Homopterorum Bohemiae et Moraviae. (Homopt. Auchenorrh.). [Czech with Latin summary.] Acta Societatis Entomologicae Cechosloveniae 43: 78–84.
1157 Doering, K. C. and C. J. Shepherd. 1946 Some new species of the genus Mistharnophantia (Subfamily Flatinae, Family Fulgoridae, Homoptera). Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 19(4): 111–127. pdf
1500 Fennah, R.G. 1946 A synopsis of the Achilixiidae of the New World (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea). Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Series 11 13: 183–191. pdf
1501 Fennah, R.G. 1946 On the formation of species and genera in the insect fauna of the Lesser Antillean Archipelago. Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London (A) 21: 73–80. pdf
2150 Holgersen, H. 1946 Om en del norske fulgorider (Norske sikader Homoptera Cicadina, IV). Norsk entomologisk Tidsskrift 7: 149–155.
2820 Lindberg, H. 1946 Die Biologie von Pipunculus chlorionae Frey und die Einwirkung von dressen Parasitismus auf Chloriona-Arten. Acta Zoologica Fennica, Helsingfors 45:1–50 + 14 figs.
3145 Metcalf, Z.P. 1946 General Catalogue of the Homoptera. Fascicle IV Fulgoroidea. Part 8 Dictyopharidae. Smith College, Northhampton, Massachusetts. 246 pp. pdf
3146 Metcalf, Z.P. 1946 A new species of Delphacodes from Alberta (Fulgoroidea). Canadian Entomologist 78: 63–65. pdf
3147 Metcalf, Z.P. 1946 [1947]. The center of origin theory. Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society 62: 149–175. pdf
3148 Metcalf, Z.P. 1946 Homoptera Fulgoroidea and Jassoidea of Guam. Insects of Guam II. Bernice P. Bishop Museum Bulletin 189: 105–148. pdf
3265 Moosbrugger, J. 1946 Die Zikadenfauna von Vorarlberg. Zentralblatt fur das Gesamtgebiet der Entomologie 1: 65–75.
4566 Wagner, W. 1946 (Homopt.) Neue und bemerkenswerte Zikaden aus der Umgebung von Hamburg. Bombus 30: 133–134.
6365 Swezey, O.H. 1946 Notes on some Fulgoroidea of Guam. In: Insects of Guam II. Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Bulletin 189: 149–156. pdf
8705 Ossiannilsson, F. 1946 Halvvingar. Hemiptera. Stritar Homoptera Auchenorrhyncha. Svensk Insektfauna 7: 1–150.
8706 Ossiannilsson, F. 1946 Chloriona chinai n. sp. A new Swedish species of Chloriona (Hom. Araeopidae). With remarks on the synonymy of Chloriona smaragdula (Stal). Opuscula Entomologica 11: 84–87. pdf
10457 Chou, I. 1946 A study on Lycorma delicatula White (Fulgoridae, Homoptera). Entomologia et Ars 1(2–4): 31–54. pdf
10697 Dlabola, J. 1946 Popisy 2 Nových Druhů Křĭsů z Čech a Jiné Význacné Nálezy Z území ČSR. (Homopt. Auchenorrhyncha). Description de deux nouvelles espèces et plusieur remarques su les espèces peu connues d´Europe Centrale. Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 24(314): 97–106. pdf
11525 Ossiannilsson, F. 1946 On sound-production and the sound-producing organ in Swedish Auchenorrhyncha (A preliminary note). Opuscula entomologica 11: 82–84.
290 Beamer, R.H. 1945 Four new species in the genus Bakerella (Homoptera: Fulgoridae). Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 18(4): 149–154. pdf
291 Beamer, R.H. 1945 The genus Kelisia in America North of Mexico (Homoptera: Fulgoridae: Delphacinae). Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 18(3): 100–108. pdf
501 Caldwell, J.S. 1945 Neotropical lanternflies of the genus Phrictus in the United States National Museum. With descriptions of four new species. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 96(3194):1 77–184. pdf
502 Caldwell, J.S. 1945 Notes on Issidae from Mexico (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea). Annals of the Entomological Society of America 38: 89–120. pdf
1048 Dlabola, J. 1945 III-V. Attributio. ad cognitionem Homopterorum faunae. [Czech with German and latin summaries.] Acta Societatis Entomologicae Cechosloveniae 41: 53–57, 94–100: 34–39
1492 Fennah, R.G. 1945 The Cixiini of the Lesser Antilles (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea). Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 58: 133–146. pdf
1493 Fennah, R.G. 1945 On the status, under Article 3 of the International Code, of aspecific or subspecific trivial name consisting of a phonetic reproduction of the initial letters of two or more patronymics. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 1: 89. pdf
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