College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
3836 Rizvi, S.M.A. and H.M. Singh. 1983 Brown planthopper in eastern Uttar Pradesh, India. International Rice Research Newsletter 8(4): 16. pdf
3835 Rizvi, S., I. Ahmad, M.A. Azmi, and K. Akhter. 2002 Diversity of Oxyrhachis spp. community feeding on leguminous plants in some localities of Karachi. Proceedings of Pakistan Congress of Zoology 22: 57-61.
12868 Rizal, M., T. E. Wahyono, and C. Sukmana. 2017 The effectiveness of the mixture of Beauveria bassiana and liquid organic fertilizer on Nilaparvata lugens. Buletin Penelitian Tanaman Rempah dan Obat/Bulletin of Research on Spice and Medicinal Crops 28(1): 97-104.
4517 Riveria, C.T., S.H. Ou and T.T. Iida. 1966 Grassy stunt disease of rice and ite transmission by planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens Stal. Plant Disease Reporter 50: 453-456.
13558 Ritter, N. 2020 Annotated checklist of invertebrate species observed at the Gordon Natural Area (West Chester University, PA) 2007-2020. Version II. 70pp. Database queried and document created: 9/23/2020. pdf
14310 Ritter, N. 2021 Annotated checklist of invertebrate species observed at the Gordon Natural Area (West Chester University, PA) 2007-2021. Version III. Gordon Natural Area Biodiversity Studies Documents 12-7-2021. 99pp. [Flatormenis proxima, Metcalfa pruinosa, Lycorma delicatula] pdf
12867 Rithykun, S.K. and O. Syphan, (Co-Project Managers). 2011. Guide Book for Pest Management. QCAM Project, Japan International Cooperation Agency & Cambodia Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries 45 pp. pdf
15344 RISMAYANI, Rismayani, Luluk Sutji MARHAENI, and Wiratno WIRATNO. 2024 Bioassay of botanical insecticide formulas against Nilaparvata lugens Stahl (Hemiptera: Delphacidae). AIP Conference Proceedings 2957(1): 090002; 1-6. [single names]
14961 Rismayani, L.S. Marhaeni, and Wiratno. 2022. Bioassay of botanical insecticide formulas against Nilaparvata lugens Stahl (Hemiptera: Delphacidae). Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Food and Agricultural Sciences 2957: 090002; 1-6. pdf
3834 Risebrow, A. and A.F.G. Dixon. 1987 Nutritional ecology of phloem-feeding insects. In: F. Slansky and J.G. Rodriguez, (eds.), Nutritional ecology of insects, mites, spiders, and related invertebrates. Wiley, New York. Pp. 421-448
3832 Risco, S. H. 1969 Notas adicionales sobre el “saltahoja” de la cana de azucar Perkinsiella saccharicida K. Revista Peruana de Entomologia 9(1): 181-185. pdf
3833 Risco, S. H. 1966 Perkinsiella saccharicida Kirkaldy (Fulgoroidea: Delphacidae), un insecto nuevo para la caña de azúcar en América. Revista Peruana de Entomologia 9(1): 180-181. pdf
8892 Riolo, P., R.L. Minuz, G. Anfora, M.V. Stacconi, N. Isidoro, and R. Romani. 2012 Perception of host plant volatiles in hyalesthes obsoletus: behavior, morphology, and electrophysiology. Journal of Chemical Ecology 38(8): 1017-1030.
8689 Riolo, P., R.L. Minuz, G. Anfora, M.V. Rossi Stacconi, N. Isidoro, & R. Romani. 2009 Risposte olfattive di adulti di Hyalesthes obsoletus ai composti volatili di alcune piante ospiti. In: Proceedings of the XXII Congresso Nazionale Italiano di Entomologia Ancona 15-18 Giugno 2009. Accademia Nazionale Italiana di Entomologia. P. 151. pdf
11383 Riolo, P., R.L. Minuz, E. Peri, and N. Isidoro. 2017 Behavioral responses of Hyalesthes obsoletus to host-plant volatiles cues. Arthropod-Plant Interactions 11(1): 71-78. doi: 10.1007/s11829-11016-19467-11823.
11084 Riolo, P., N. Isidoro, S. Ruschioni, R.L. Minuz, F. Bin, and R. Romani. 2016 Anatomy of the antennal dorsal organ in female of Neodryinus typhlocybae (Hymenoptera: Dryinidae): a peculiar sensory structure possibly involved in perception of host vibration. Journal of Morphology 277(1): 128-137. DOI: 110.1002/jmor.20485.
5430 Riolo, P., L. Landi, S.Nardi, and N. Isidoro. 2007 Relationships among Hyalesthes obsoletus, its herbaceous host plants and “bois noir” phytoplasma strains in vineyard ecosystems in the Marche region (central-eastern Italy). Bulletin of Insectology 60(2): 353-354. pdf
3831 Rioja, T.C., H.E. Vargas and D.E. Bobadilla. 2006 Biologia y enemigos naturales de Pereginus maidis (Ashmead) (Hemiptera: Delphacidae) ien el Valle de Azapa. [Biology and Natural Enemies of Peregrinus maidis (Ashmead) (Hemiptera: Delphacidae) in the Azapa Valley]. Idesia 24(1): 41-48. pdf
6210 Rioja, T.C., H. Vargas, and D. Bobadilla. 2010 Observations about differential fertility of two alar morphotypes on Peregrinus maidis (Ashmead) (Hemiptera: Delphacidae) under laboratory conditions. Idesia 28(2): 89-95. pdf
14922 Rinklef, A., S.C. Behrmann, D. Löffler, J. Erner, M.V. Meyer, C. Lang, A. Vilcinskas, and K.Z. Lee. 2024 Prevalence in potato of ‘Candidatus Arsenophonus Phytopathogenicus’ and ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma Solani’and their transmission via adult Pentastiridius leporinus. Insects 15(4): 275; 1-9. pdf
12866 Rillon, G.S., A.J. Gabriel, and J.K. Seo. 2016 Seasonal patterns of brown and white-backed planthopper populations on rice. Philippine Entomologist 30(2): 187-188.
3827 Riley, J.R., J. Holt, and D.R. Reynolds. 1990 The role of migration in the pest status of brown planthopper in temperate and tropical areas. In: B.T. Grayson, M.B. Green and L.G. Copping (eds.). Pest Management in Rice. Elsevier for Society for Chemical Industry), London. P.166, Abstract.
8374 Riley, J.R., D.R. Reynolds, S. Mukhopadhyay, M.R. Ghosh, and T.K. Sarkar. 1995 Long-distance migration of aphids and other small insects in northeast India. European Journal of Entomology 92(4): 639-653. pdf
3824 Riley, J.R., D.R. Reynolds, and R.A Farrow. 1987 The migration of Nilaparvata lugens (Stal) (Delphacidae) and other Hemiptera associated with rice during the dry season in the Philippines: a study using radar, visual observations, aerial netting and ground trapping. Bulletin of Entomological Research 77(1): 145-169.
3825 Riley, J.R., D.R. Reynolds, and A.D. Smith. 1989 Radar observations of brown planthopper migration in China. Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University [Nanjing Nongye Daxue Xuebao] 12(4): 126-127.
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