Planthopper Bibliography Database
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179 of 617
Authors Year Title Journal | |
3836 | Rizvi, S.M.A. and H.M. Singh. 1983 Brown planthopper in eastern Uttar Pradesh, India. International Rice Research Newsletter 8(4): 16. pdf |
3835 | Rizvi, S., I. Ahmad, M.A. Azmi, and K. Akhter. 2002 Diversity of Oxyrhachis spp. community feeding on leguminous plants in some localities of Karachi. Proceedings of Pakistan Congress of Zoology 22: 57-61. |
12868 | Rizal, M., T. E. Wahyono, and C. Sukmana. 2017 The effectiveness of the mixture of Beauveria bassiana and liquid organic fertilizer on Nilaparvata lugens. Buletin Penelitian Tanaman Rempah dan Obat/Bulletin of Research on Spice and Medicinal Crops 28(1): 97-104. |
4517 | Riveria, C.T., S.H. Ou and T.T. Iida. 1966 Grassy stunt disease of rice and ite transmission by planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens Stal. Plant Disease Reporter 50: 453-456. |
13558 | Ritter, N. 2020 Annotated checklist of invertebrate species observed at the Gordon Natural Area (West Chester University, PA) 2007-2020. Version II. 70pp. Database queried and document created: 9/23/2020. pdf |
14310 | Ritter, N. 2021 Annotated checklist of invertebrate species observed at the Gordon Natural Area (West Chester University, PA) 2007-2021. Version III. Gordon Natural Area Biodiversity Studies Documents 12-7-2021. 99pp. [Flatormenis proxima, Metcalfa pruinosa, Lycorma delicatula] pdf |
12867 | Rithykun, S.K. and O. Syphan, (Co-Project Managers). 2011. Guide Book for Pest Management. QCAM Project, Japan International Cooperation Agency & Cambodia Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries 45 pp. pdf |
15344 | RISMAYANI, Rismayani, Luluk Sutji MARHAENI, and Wiratno WIRATNO. 2024 Bioassay of botanical insecticide formulas against Nilaparvata lugens Stahl (Hemiptera: Delphacidae). AIP Conference Proceedings 2957(1): 090002; 1-6. [single names] |
14961 | Rismayani, L.S. Marhaeni, and Wiratno. 2022. Bioassay of botanical insecticide formulas against Nilaparvata lugens Stahl (Hemiptera: Delphacidae). Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Food and Agricultural Sciences 2957: 090002; 1-6. pdf |
3834 | Risebrow, A. and A.F.G. Dixon. 1987 Nutritional ecology of phloem-feeding insects. In: F. Slansky and J.G. Rodriguez, (eds.), Nutritional ecology of insects, mites, spiders, and related invertebrates. Wiley, New York. Pp. 421-448 |
3832 | Risco, S. H. 1969 Notas adicionales sobre el “saltahoja” de la cana de azucar Perkinsiella saccharicida K. Revista Peruana de Entomologia 9(1): 181-185. pdf |
3833 | Risco, S. H. 1966 Perkinsiella saccharicida Kirkaldy (Fulgoroidea: Delphacidae), un insecto nuevo para la caña de azúcar en América. Revista Peruana de Entomologia 9(1): 180-181. pdf |
8892 | Riolo, P., R.L. Minuz, G. Anfora, M.V. Stacconi, N. Isidoro, and R. Romani. 2012 Perception of host plant volatiles in hyalesthes obsoletus: behavior, morphology, and electrophysiology. Journal of Chemical Ecology 38(8): 1017-1030. |
8689 | Riolo, P., R.L. Minuz, G. Anfora, M.V. Rossi Stacconi, N. Isidoro, & R. Romani. 2009 Risposte olfattive di adulti di Hyalesthes obsoletus ai composti volatili di alcune piante ospiti. In: Proceedings of the XXII Congresso Nazionale Italiano di Entomologia Ancona 15-18 Giugno 2009. Accademia Nazionale Italiana di Entomologia. P. 151. pdf |
11383 | Riolo, P., R.L. Minuz, E. Peri, and N. Isidoro. 2017 Behavioral responses of Hyalesthes obsoletus to host-plant volatiles cues. Arthropod-Plant Interactions 11(1): 71-78. doi: 10.1007/s11829-11016-19467-11823. |
11084 | Riolo, P., N. Isidoro, S. Ruschioni, R.L. Minuz, F. Bin, and R. Romani. 2016 Anatomy of the antennal dorsal organ in female of Neodryinus typhlocybae (Hymenoptera: Dryinidae): a peculiar sensory structure possibly involved in perception of host vibration. Journal of Morphology 277(1): 128-137. DOI: 110.1002/jmor.20485. |
5430 | Riolo, P., L. Landi, S.Nardi, and N. Isidoro. 2007 Relationships among Hyalesthes obsoletus, its herbaceous host plants and “bois noir” phytoplasma strains in vineyard ecosystems in the Marche region (central-eastern Italy). Bulletin of Insectology 60(2): 353-354. pdf |
3831 | Rioja, T.C., H.E. Vargas and D.E. Bobadilla. 2006 Biologia y enemigos naturales de Pereginus maidis (Ashmead) (Hemiptera: Delphacidae) ien el Valle de Azapa. [Biology and Natural Enemies of Peregrinus maidis (Ashmead) (Hemiptera: Delphacidae) in the Azapa Valley]. Idesia 24(1): 41-48. pdf |
6210 | Rioja, T.C., H. Vargas, and D. Bobadilla. 2010 Observations about differential fertility of two alar morphotypes on Peregrinus maidis (Ashmead) (Hemiptera: Delphacidae) under laboratory conditions. Idesia 28(2): 89-95. pdf |
14922 | Rinklef, A., S.C. Behrmann, D. Löffler, J. Erner, M.V. Meyer, C. Lang, A. Vilcinskas, and K.Z. Lee. 2024 Prevalence in potato of ‘Candidatus Arsenophonus Phytopathogenicus’ and ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma Solani’and their transmission via adult Pentastiridius leporinus. Insects 15(4): 275; 1-9. pdf |
12866 | Rillon, G.S., A.J. Gabriel, and J.K. Seo. 2016 Seasonal patterns of brown and white-backed planthopper populations on rice. Philippine Entomologist 30(2): 187-188. |
3827 | Riley, J.R., J. Holt, and D.R. Reynolds. 1990 The role of migration in the pest status of brown planthopper in temperate and tropical areas. In: B.T. Grayson, M.B. Green and L.G. Copping (eds.). Pest Management in Rice. Elsevier for Society for Chemical Industry), London. P.166, Abstract. |
8374 | Riley, J.R., D.R. Reynolds, S. Mukhopadhyay, M.R. Ghosh, and T.K. Sarkar. 1995 Long-distance migration of aphids and other small insects in northeast India. European Journal of Entomology 92(4): 639-653. pdf |
3824 | Riley, J.R., D.R. Reynolds, and R.A Farrow. 1987 The migration of Nilaparvata lugens (Stal) (Delphacidae) and other Hemiptera associated with rice during the dry season in the Philippines: a study using radar, visual observations, aerial netting and ground trapping. Bulletin of Entomological Research 77(1): 145-169. |
3825 | Riley, J.R., D.R. Reynolds, and A.D. Smith. 1989 Radar observations of brown planthopper migration in China. Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University [Nanjing Nongye Daxue Xuebao] 12(4): 126-127. |