Planthopper Bibliography Database
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180 of 617
Authors Year Title Journal | |
3826 | Riley, J.R., D.R. Reynolds, A.D. Smith, X-n. Cheng, X-x. Zhang, G-m. Xu, J-y. Cheng, A-d. Bao, and B-p. Zhai. 1990 Using radar to observe brown planthopper (BPH) migration in China. International Rice Research Newsletter 15(2): 29-30. pdf |
3830 | Riley, J.R., D.R. Reynolds, A.D. Smith, L.J. Rosenberg, X-n. Cheng, X-x Zhang, G-m. Xu, J-y. Cheng, A-d. Bao, B-p. Zhai,and H-k. Wang. 1994 Observations on the autumn migration of Nilaparvata lugens (Homoptera: Delphacidae) and other pests in east central China. Bulletin of Entomological Research 84(3): 389-402. |
7201 | Riley, J.R., A.D. Smith, and D.R. Reynolds. 2003 The feasibility of using vertical-looking radar to monitor the migration of brown planthopper and other insect pests of rice in China. Entomologia Sinica 10(1): 1-19. pdf |
3829 | Riley, J. R., X.N. Cheng, X.X. Zhang, D.R. Reynolds, G.M. Xu, A.D. Smith, J.Y. Cheng, A.D. Bao, and B.P. Zhai. 1991 The long-distance migration of Nilaparvata lugens (Stal) (Delphacidae) in China: radar observations of mass return flight in the autumn. Ecological Entomology 16(4): 471-489 |
14973 | Righetti, T., D. de la Fuente, M.K. Paper, M.E. Brentassi, M.P. Hill, J.A. Coetzee, N.A. Salinas, O.A. Bruzzone, and A.J. Sosa. 2024 Effects of elevated CO2 on the water hyacinth-biocontrol agent Megamelus scutellaris (Hemiptera: Delphacidae) and its yeast-like symbiotes. Biological Control 188: 105433; 1-8. |
13336 | Riggins, D.J. [no date] Spotted lanternfly. Mississippi Forestry Commission Technical Bulletin Forest Health Notes 76. 6 pp. #76. 6 pp. pdf |
3823 | Riess, C. and S. Flores. 1976 Catalogo de plagas y enfermedades de la cana de azucar en Mexico. Comision Nacional de la Industria Azucarera, Mexico. - |
6719 | Riedle-Bauer, M., W. Tiefenbrunner, J. Otreba, K. Hanak, B. Schildberger and F. Regner. 2006 Epidemiological observations on Bois Noir in Austrian vineyards. Mitteilungen Klosterneuburg 56: 177-181. pdf |
12865 | Riedle-Bauer, M., G. Brader, and R. Hack. 2016 Analysis of Bois noir epidemiology in Austrian vineyards by molecular characterization of'Candidatus Phytoplasma solani'strains. Mitteilungen Klosterneuburg 66(Suppl.): 12-16. |
8978 | Riedle-Bauer, M., B. Tiefenbrunner, and W. Tiefenbrunner. 2006 Untersuchungen zur Zikadenfauna (Hemiptera, Auchenorrhyncha) einiger Weingärten Ostösterreichs und ihrer nahen Umgebung. [Auchenorrhyncha (Hemiptera) in and around vineyards of eastern Austria.] Linzer Biologische Beiträge 38(2) 1637-1654. pdf |
6738 | Riedle-Bauer, M. and A. Sára. 2010 Search for possible vectors of “bois noir” in Austrian vineyards. In: A. Bertaccini, A. Laviña and E. Torres (eds.). Current status and perspectives of phytoplasma disease research and management. Abstracts of COST Action FA0807 Meeting 1-2 February 2010 in Sitges, Spain. P. 66. pdf |
6198 | Riedle-Bauer, M. 2010 Stolbur phytoplasma (black wood disease) of grape: Current knowledge and new research results. Mitteilungen Klosterneuburg, Rebe und Wein, Obstbau und Fruchteverwertung 60(1): 69-73. |
13871 | Ridout, B.V. 1983 Structure, Form and Function of the Lantern Fly Head Process (Fulgora Laternaria Linn). University of London, London, England, United Kingdom. Doctoral dissertation. |
5769 | Ridley, A.W., K. Dhileepan, K.N. Johnson, P.G. Allsopp, K.A. Nutt, G.H. Walter, and B.J. Croft. 2006 Is the distribution of Fiji leaf gall in Australian sugarcane explained by variation in the vector Perkinsiella saccharicida? Australasian Plant Pathology 35(2): 103-112. |
5768 | Ridley, A.W., K. Dhileepan, G.H. Walter, K.N. Johnson, and B.J. Croft. 2008 Variation in acquisition of Fiji disease virus by Perkinsiella saccharicida (Hemiptera: Delphacidae). Journal of Economic Entomology 101(1): 17-22. |
3822 | Richter, S. 1989 Rationelle Laborzucht der Amerikanischen Reiszikade, Sogatodes orizicola (Muir), und ihre Nutzung als Testobjekt. Beitraege zur Tropischen Landwirtschaft und Veterinaermedizin 27(4): 435-442. |
15278 | Richman, A. 2024 Assessment of Spatial Distribution Patterns and Infestation Risk over Time of Spotted Lanternfly (Lycorma delicatula) in New York State. Masters Thesis. University at Albany, State University of New York, Albany, NY. 43 pp. |
10145 | Richardson, S.J., M.C. Press, A.N. Parsons and S.E. Hartley. 2002 How do nutrients and warming impact on plant communities and their insect herbivores? A 9-year study from a sub-arctic heath. Journal of Ecology 90(3): 544-556. |
12864 | Ricciuti, E. 2019 Study sheds light on spotted lanternfly’s life history in North America. Entomology Today 7-NOV-2019: 6 pp. 2019/11/07/study-sheds-light-on-spotted-lanternflys-life-history-in-north-america/ pdf |
3821 | Ribeiro, S.P., Paulo A.V. Borges, C. Gaspar, C.Melo, A.R.M. Serrano, J. Amaral, C. Aguiar, G. André and J.A. Quartau. 2005 Canopy insect herbivores in the Azorean Laurisilva forests: key host plant species in a highly generalist insect community. Ecography 28: 315-330. pdf |
14944 | Ribeiro, L.P., D.M. Savaris, M. Salvatori, E.S. Gorayeb, F.N. da Silva, and C.R. Bartlett. 2024 First report of Metadelphax propinqua (Fieber) (Hemiptera: Delphacidae) feeding on bermudagrass in Brazil. Neotropical Entomology 53: 455-459. |
11935 | Ribaut, H. and C. Lacroix. 1958 Liste des espèces Franaçaises des genres Cixius, Tachycixius, Neocixius et description de Tachycixius pyrenaicus (Fieb.) (Homoptera Cixiidae). Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire Naturelle de Toulouse 93: 483-488. pdf |
3816 | Ribaut, H. 1948 Deux especes italiennes nouvelles d’Homopteres recoltees par M. le Prof. A. Servandei. Redia 33: 217–219. pdf |
3817 | Ribaut, H. 1948 On the insect Fauna of Cyprus. Results of the expidition in 1939 by Harald, Haken and P.H. Lindberg III. Homopteres nouveaux de Chypre. Societas Scientiarum Fennica. Commentationes Biologicae 10(8): 1–14, 44 fig. pdf |
3819 | Ribaut, H. 1953 Trois especes nouvelles du genre Callogypona (Homoptera-Araeopidae). Bulletin de la Societe d’Histoire Naturelle de Toulouse 88: 245–248. |