Planthopper Bibliography Database
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297 of 617
Authors Year Title Journal | |
1452 | Eubanks, M.D., J.D. Styrsky, and R.F. Denno. 2003 The evolution of omnivory in heteropteran insects. Ecology 84(10): 2549–2556. |
1463 | Fabre, J.H. 2003 Bilder aus der Insektenwelt. Autorisierte Übersetzung aus: 'Souvenirs Entomologiques', I.-X. Serie, 'Moeurs des Insects' und 'La Vie des Insects'. Erste bis vierte Reihe. Reprint der Ausgabe von 1908 bis 1914. Franck-Kosmos, Stuttgart. - |
1600 | Ferrenberg, S. M. and R. F. Denno. 2003 Competition as a factor underlying the abundance of an uncommon phytophagous insect, the salt-marsh planthopper Delphacodes penedetecta. Ecological Entomology 28(1): 58-66. pdf |
1606 | Finke, D.L. and R.F. Denno. 2003 Intra-guild predation relaxes natural enemy impacts on herbivore populations. Ecological Entomology 28(1): 67-73. |
1712 | Garcia-Rossi, D. N. Rank, and D.R. Strong. 2003 Potential for self-defeating biological control? Variation in herbivore vulnerability among invasive Spartina genotypes. Ecological Applications 13(6): 1640-1649. pdf |
1750 | Gillerfors, G. 2003 Andra bidraget till stritarnas förekomst i Sverige. Två nya arter för landet samt nya landskapsfynd. [Second contribution to the presence of Auchenoryncha in Sweden. Two new species for the country and new provincial finds.] Entomologisk Tidskrift 124(4): 219-224. [Swedish] |
1781 | Gnezdilov, V.M. 2003 A new tribe of the family Issidae with comments on the family as a whole (Homoptera: Cicadina). Zoosystematica Rossica (2002) 11(2): 305–309. pdf |
1782 | Gnezdilov, V.M. 2003 Review of the family Issidae (Homoptera, Cicadina) of the European fauna, with notes on the structure of ovipositor in planthoppers. Chteniya Pamyati Nikolaya Aleksandrovicha Kholodkovskogo (Meetings in memory of N.A. Cholodkovsky) 56(1): 1-145. [Russian with English summary]. pdf |
1798 | Gnezdilov, V.M. and V. Mazzoni. 2003 Notes on the Latilica maculipes (Melichar, 1906) species group (Homoptera Issidae). Redia 86: 147-151. |
1812 | Gnezdilov, V.M., A. Guglielmino, and V. D'Urso. 2003 A new genus and new species of the family Issidae (Homoptera: Cicadina) from the west Mediterranean Region. Russian Entomological Journal 12(2): 183-185. pdf |
1841 | Gratton, C. and R.F. Denno. 2003 Seasonal shift from bottom-up to top-down impact in phytophagous insect populations. Oecologia 134(4): 487-495. |
1842 | Gratton, C. and R.F. Denno. 2003 Inter-year carryover effects of a nutrient pulse on Spartina plants, herbivores, and natural enemies. Ecology 84(10): 2692-2707. |
1872 | Guglielmino, A. and C. Bückle. 2003 Description of larval instars of Neodryinus typhlocybae (Ashmead, 1893) (Hymenoptera Dryinidae), with remarks on its biology. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 50(1): 143-150. pdf |
1972 | Hamilton, K.G.A. 2003 Cnemidolestodea: an ancient insect order resurrected. Biodiversity 4(2):22-24. |
1978 | Hanna, R., F.G. Zalom, and W.J. Roltsch. 2003 Relative impact of spider predation and cover crop on population dynamics of Erythroneura variabilis in a raisin grape vineyard. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 107(3): 177-191. pdf |
2007 | Haynes, K.J. and J.T. Cronin. 2003 Matrix composition affects the spatial ecology of a prairie planthopper. Ecology 84(11): 2856-2866. |
2031 | Held, T., M.L. Zoratti, and G. Vorwohl. 2003 Presenza naturale di destrine nella melata di Metcalfa pruinosa (Say) (Homoptera, Flatidae). Apicoltore Moderno 88(4): 175-182. |
2064 | Hidalgo-Gato, M.M. and R. Rodríguez-León. 2003 Cuatro nuevos registros de homópteros (Homoptera: Auchenorrhyncha) para Cuba. Avicennia 16: 157-158. |
2132 | Hoch, H., J. Bonfils, B. Reynaud, and M. Attie. 2003 First record of troglobitic Hemiptera (Fulgoromorpha: Cixiidae) from La Reunion Island. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France 39(3): 265-270. pdf |
2152 | Hollier, J.A. 2003 Deux espèces d'Hemiptères naturalisées à Meyrin (canton de Genève). Bulletin Romand d'Entomologie 21: 29-31. |
2153 | Hollier, J.A. 2003 Un premier inventaire des Hemiptera des prairies subalpines dans la Réserve Naturelle de la Haute Chaine du Jura. Bulletin Romand d'Entomologie 21: 57-70. |
2174 | Holzinger, W.E. 2003 Vorläufiges Verzeichnis der Zikaden Mitteleuropas. Preliminary checklist of the Auchenorrhyncha (leafhoppers, planthoppers, froghoppers, treehoppers, cicadas) of Central Europe (Insecta: Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha et Cicadomorpha). website |
2195 | Holzinger, W.E., I. Kammerlander, and H. Nickel. 2003 Fulgoromorpha, Cicadomorpha excluding Cicadellidae. Volume 1. The Auchenorrhyncha of Central Europe. Brill Academic Publishing, Leiden, Netherlands. Pp. xv + 673. |
2198 | Hommes, M., F. Diederich, and S. Werres. 2003 Investigations on interactions between the rhododendron leafhopper (Graphocephala fennahi Young) and the rhododendron bud blast disease (Pycnostysanus azaleae (Peck) E. (Mason). Mitteilungen aus der Biologischen Bundesanstalt für Land und Forstwirtschaft Berlin-Dahlem 394: 48-49. |
2401 | Jiang, M.X. and J.A. Cheng. 2003 Effects of fertilaztion levels on the whitebacked planthopper (hemiptera: delphacidae) population in rice. Chinese Journal of Rice Science 17(3): 270-274. pdf |