Planthopper Bibliography Database
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300 of 617
Authors Year Title Journal | |
4354 | Tishechkin, D. Yu. 2003 Vibrational communication in Cercopoidea and Fulgoroidea (Homoptera: Cicadina) with notes on classification of higher taxa. Russian Entomological Journal 12(2): 129–181. pdf |
4361 | Tounou, A.K., K. Agboka, H.M. Poehling, K. Raupach, J. Langewald, G. Zimmermann, and C. Borgemeister. 2003 Evaluation of the entomopathogenic fungi Metarhizium anisopliae and Paecilomyces fumosoroseus (Deuteromycotina : Hyphomycetes) for control of the green Leafhopper Empoasca decipiens (Homoptera : Cicadellidae) and potential side effects on the egg parasito Biocontrol Science and Technology 13: 715-728. |
4408 | Tsaur, S.C. and T.C. Hsu. 2003 The Cixiidae of Taiwan, Part 7. Tribe Pintaliini (Hemiptera: Fulgoroidea). Zoological Studies 42(3): 431-443. pdf |
4434 | van Huis, A. 2003 Insects as food in sub-Saharan Africa. Insect Science and Its Application 23(3): 163-185. pdf |
4456 | Chen, J.M., X.P. Yu, Z.X. Lu, L.Y. Tao, X.S. Zheng, H.X. Xu,and J.A. Cheng. 2003 Adaptation of Sogatella furcifera to insect-resistant rice variety N22. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology 14(11): 1939-1942. pdf |
5069 | Cho, S.R., H.Y. Shin, D.W. Lee, H.Y Cho., C.G. Park, and H.H. Kim. 2003 Discrimination Method of Brown Panthopper, Nilaparvta lugens (Stal) Nymphs by the Fluorescent Spots Between Compound Eyes in Rice Paddies. Korean Journal of Applied Entomology 42(4): 361-365 pdf |
4505 | Viggiani, G. 2003 Egg parasitoids of vineyard leafhoppers and their alternative hosts in the Mediterranean Basin. Bollettino del Laboratorio di Entomologia Agraria Filippo Silvestri 58: 63-76. |
4545 | Viskens, G. 2003 Check list of the Heteroptera of Europe. website |
4615 | Walter, S., R. Emmrich, and H. Nickel. 2003 Rote Liste der Zikaden Sachsens. Stand 2003. Materialien zu Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege 2003. Freistaat Sachsen, Landesamt für Umwelt und Geologie, Dresden. - pdf |
4642 | Shen, J.H., Y. Wang, K. Sogawa, M. Hattori, and G.J. Liu. 2003 Virulence of the populations of the whitebacked planthopper, Sogatella furcifera, reared on different resistant rice varieties. Rice Science 11(1): 57-61. pdf |
4655 | Ward, L.K., A. Hackshaw, and R.T. Clarke. 2003 Do food-plant preferences of modern families of phytophagous insects and mites reflect past evolution with plants? Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 78(1): 51-83. |
4691 | Wheeler, A.G., Jr. 2003 Bryophagy in the Auchenorrhyncha: Seasonal history and habits of a moss specialist, Javesella opaca (Beamer) (Fulgoroidea: Delphacidae). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 105(3): 599-610. pdf |
4755 | Shen, J.H., Y. Wang, K. Sogawa, M. Hattori, and G.J. Liu. 2003 Monitoring the changes in virulence of different populations of the whitebacked planthopper, Sogatella furcifera, rearing on resistant rice varieties. Chinese Journal of Rice Science 17(suppl.) :84-88.[Chinese with English summary] pdf |
4803 | Witsack, W. 2003 Zikaden (Cicadina). In: P.H. Schnitter, M. Trost, and W. Wallaschek, M. (eds.). Tierökologische Untersuchungen in gefährdeten Biotoptypen des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt. I. Zwergstrauchheiden, Trocken- und Halbtrockenrasen. Entomologische Pp. 33-35, 57-59, 73-75, 91-94, 109-111, 126-128. |
4804 | Witsack, W. 2003 Zum Gedenken an Steffen Hahn (1965-2002). Beiträge zur Zikadenkunde 6: 5-6. |
4840 | Wu, J.C., H.M. Qiu, G.Q.Yang, B. Dong, and H.N. Gu. 2003 Nutrient uptake of rice roots in response to infestation of Nilaparvata lugens (Stal) (Homoptera: Delphacidae). Journal of Economic Entomology 96(6): 1798-1804. pdf |
4849 | Wyniger, D., R. Mühlethaler, P. Lauterer, and D. Burckhardt. 2003 Blattflöhe, Zikaden und Landwanzen (Hemiptera) im Naturschutzgebiet Wildenstein. Mitteilungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaften beider Basel 7: 293-304. |
5089 | Cheng, X. 2003 Brown Planthopper: Occurrence and Control. Publisher unknown - [Chinese] |
5098 | Bottura, N., V. Girolami, N. Mori, G. Posenato, and G.P. Sancassini. 2003 [Control of leafhoppers in vineyards managed according to organic agriculture [Vitis vinifera L. - Veneto]. Informatore Agrario 59(15): 75-79. |
5112 | Bucchianico, N. Di and A. Mazzocchetti. 2003 Impiego di Neodryinus typhlocybae contro Metcalfa pruinosa in Abruzzo [Utilization of Neodryinus typhlocybae against Metcalfa pruinosa in Abruzzi]. Informatore Agrario 59(44): 69-71. |
5292 | Liang, Ai-Ping. 2003 A new genus of Tropiduchidae (Hemiptera: Fulgoroidea) from China and Vietnam, with description of eggs. Florida Entomologist 86(3): 361-369. pdf |
5293 | Liang, Ai-Ping and Guo-Mei Jiang. 2003 Two new species of Tambinia Stal (Hemiptera: Tropiduchidae) from China, Laos and Vietnam, with description of eggs. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 76(3): 509-517. |
5322 | Szwedo, J. and A.J. Ross. 2003 Cedusa baylissae sp. nov. from Oligocene/Miocene Mexican amber (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Derbidae). Annals of the Upper Silesia Museum, Entomology 12: 37–46. |
5326 | Szwedo, J. 2003 Fossil Fulgoromorpha (Insecta: Hemiptera) - an annotated catalogue. Dzialalnosc Naukowa (Wybrane Zagadnienia). 15: 54-56. |
5397 | Pulz, C.E. and G.S. Carvalho. 2003 Redescrição de Melicharoptera polyneura (Berg, 1883) e novos registros para o Brasil (Hemiptera, Dictyopharidae). Pesquisa Agropecuária Gaúcha 9(1-2): 165-170. pdf |