Planthopper Bibliography Database
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Authors Year Title Journal | |
117 | Asche, M. 1980 Litemixia pulchripennis gen. et spec. nov., eine neue Delphacide aus Südwest-Frankreich (Homoptera Cicadina Delphacidae). Marburger Entomologische Publikationen 1(3): 59-92. pdf |
4278 | Synave, H. 1980 Liste du materiel typique conserve dans les collections entomologiques de l'Institute Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique. Homoptera - 11-16 - Flatidae, Ricaniidae, Acanaloniidae, Eurybrachidae, Issidae, Lophopidae. Bulletin de l'Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique Entomologie 52(6): 1-32. |
11935 | Ribaut, H. and C. Lacroix. 1958 Liste des espèces Franaçaises des genres Cixius, Tachycixius, Neocixius et description de Tachycixius pyrenaicus (Fieb.) (Homoptera Cixiidae). Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire Naturelle de Toulouse 93: 483-488. pdf |
11732 | Borges P. A. V., A. Costa, R. Cunha, R. Gabriel, V. Gonçalves, A. F. Martins, I. Melo, M. Parente, P. Raposeiro, P. Rodrigues, R. S. Santos, L. Silva, P. Vieira and V. Vieira. 2010 Listagem dos organismos terrestres e marinhos dos Açores (A list of the terrestrial and marine biota from the Azores). Principia, Cascais (Portugal). 432 pp. pdf |
9651 | Mariño-Pérez, R., I. Pacheco-Rueda, and C. Dietrich. 2012 Listado preliminar de Auchenorrhyncha (Insecta: Hemiptera) de la Reserva Ecológica del Pedregal de San Ángel, Distrito Federal, México. [Preliminary checklist of Auchenorrhyncha (Insecta: Hemiptera) from Reserva Ecológica del Pedregal de San Ángel, Distrito Federal, Mexico.] Acta Zoológica Mexicana (n.s.) 28(2): 280-286. pdf |
14332 | Diéguez-Fernández, J.M. 2021 Lista preliminar de los Hemiptera Auchenorrhyncha de la Sierra de Marina (Barcelona). [A preliminary list of the Hemipterea Auchenorrhyncha of the Marina mountains (Barcelona)] Heteropterus Revista de Entomologia 21(1): 85-89. pdf |
3752 | Ramos, J.A. 1972 Lista de algunos Homopteros colectados en el cerro “el vigia”, Veracruz, Mexico. Anales del Instituto de Biologia Universidad Nacional Automnoma de Mexico Serie Zoologia ??(1): 131-138. |
3520 | Okali, I. 2001 List of the type specimens in the collections of the Slovak National Museum - Museum of Natural History - Bratislava. X. Zbornik Slovenskeho Narodneho Muzea Prirodne Vedy 47: 40-51. |
3521 | Okali, I. 1987 List of the type specimens in the collections of the Slovak National Museum - Institute of Natural History, Bratislava: Insecta: Auchenorrhyncha: Sternorrhyncha. Zbornik Slovenskeho Narodneho Muzea Prirodne Vedy 33: 183-186. |
6384 | Koçak, A.O. and M. Kemel. 2010 List of the species of some pterygot orders recorded in the province Van (east Turkey) and a description of a new species in the family Cicacicae (Insecta). Priamus 12(5): 130-149. pdf |
2575 | Koçak, A.O. 1982 List of the genera of Turkish Auchenorrhyncha (Homoptera), with some replacement names for the genera exsisting in other countries. (continued from page 138). Priamus 1(4): 141–154. |
2572 | Koçak, A. O. 1981 List of the genera of Turkish Auchenorrhyncha (Homoptera), with some replacement names for the genera existing in other countries. Priamus 1(1): 30-40. pdf |
2573 | Koçak, A.O. 1981 List of the genera of Turkish Auchenorrhyncha (Homoptera), with some replacement names for the genera existing in other countries. Priamus 1(3): 128-138. pdf |
429 | Box, H.E. 1953 List of sugar-can insects. Commonwealth Institute of Entomology, London. 100 pp. pdf |
10566 | Pham, Hong Thai and Ta Huy Thinh. 2009 List of planthoppers Fulgoroidea (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha) from Quang Binh, Quang Tri, Thua Thien Hue and Quang Nam provinces. In: Proceedings of the 2nd national workshop on ecology and bio-resource, Agriculture Publishing House, Vietnam. Pp. 241-248. [In Vietnamese] pdf |
12107 | Wilson, M.R. 2017 List of Planthopper taxa described by Rauno E. Linnavuori (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha: Fulgoromorpha). Entomologica Americana 122(4): 622-631. pdf |
6501 | NPPS and ZAU (National Plant Protection Station and Zhejiang Agricultural University. 1991 List of Natural Enemies of Rice Insect Pests in China. Science Press, Beijing, China. 244 Pp. |
2258 | Hu, Chun-Lin and Lian-Fang Yang 1993 List of meenoplid species of China with one new species (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea). Entomotaxonomia 15(1): 35–40. [in Chinese] pdf |
9661 | Meads, M.J. and B.M. Fitzgerald. 2001 List of invertebrates on Mokoia Island, Lake Rotorua. Conservation Advisory Science Notes No. 343, Department of Conservation, Wellington. 9 pp. pdf |
12892 | USDA. 1974 List of Intercepted Plant Pests, 1972. (Pests recorded from July 1, 1971, though June 30, 1972). Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, United States Department of Agriculture. APHIS 82-4. [Delphacodes] pdf |
5193 | Given, B.B. 1968 List of insects collected on Niue Island. during February and March, 1959. New Zealand Entomologist 4(1): 40-42. pdf |
15241 | AHN, Neung-Ho, Wanggyu KIM, Changmu KIM, Sadahisa YAGI, Jinhyeong PARK, Satoshi KAMITANI, Toshiharu MITA, and Toshiya HIROWATARI. 2024 List of insect collection by Du-Myung Seok preserved at Kyushu University in Japan. Journal of Species Research 13(4): 404-416. [Raivuna patruelis] pdf |
2440 | Kamal, N.Q. 1964 List of Homoptera, localities and hosts as recorded in the Entomology Collection, Ministry of Agriculture, Egypt. Agricultural Research Review 42(3): 116-128. |
4570 | Wagner, W. 1948 List of Homoptera of Lower Franconia. Nachrichten des Naturwissenschaftlichen Museums der Stadt Aschaffenburg 33: 1–54.(?) |
3556 | Ossiannilsson, F. 1951 List of Homoptera from some N. Estonia Is. Opuscula Entomologica 16 : 10–14. |