Planthopper Bibliography Database
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552 of 617
Authors Year Title Journal | |
3439 | Nishida, T., T. Wongsiri, and N. Wongsiri. 1976 Species composition, population trends and egg parasitism of planthopper and leafhopper rice pests of Thailand. FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) Plant Protection Bulletin 24(1): 22-26. |
3568 | Ôtake, A. 1976 Trapping of Anagrus nr. flaveolus Waterhouse (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) by the eggs of Laodelphax striatellus (Fallen) (Hemiptera: Delphacidae). Physiology and Ecology Japan 17(1-2): 473-475. |
5061 | Robertson, I.A.D. 1976 Records of insects taken at light traps in Tanzania. 3- seasonal changes in catches and effect of the lunar cycle on insects of the families Cercopidae, Cicadidae and Fulgoridae (Hem., Homoptera) and Corixidae (Hem., Heteroptera) Centre for Overseas Pest Research Miscellaneous Report 20: 1-14. |
3815 | Rhoades, D.F. and R.G. Cates. 1976 Towards a general theory of plant antiherbivore chemistry. Recent Advances in Phytochemistry 10: 168-213. |
3823 | Riess, C. and S. Flores. 1976 Catalogo de plagas y enfermedades de la cana de azucar en Mexico. Comision Nacional de la Industria Azucarera, Mexico. - |
3979 | Schiemenz, H. 1976 Die Zikadenfauna von Heide- und Hochmooren des Flachlandes der DDR (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha). Faunistische Abhandlungen Staatliches Museum für Tierkunde Dresden 6: 39-54. |
3999 | Schulz, K. 1976 Zur Kenntnis der Gattung Jassargus Zachvatkin. (Homoptera Auchenorrhyncha). Thesis, University of Marburg/Lahn. Thesis |
4281 | Szelegiewicz, H. 1976 Autapomophous wing characters in the recent subgroups of Sternorrhyncha (Hemiptera) and their significance in the interpretation of the paleozoic members of the group. Foreign Scientific Publications Deptartment, National Center for Scientific, Technical, and Economic Information. book [Polish] |
4392 | Tsai, J.H., N.L. Woodiel, and O.H. Kirsch. 1976 Rearing techniques for Haplaxius crudus (Homoptera: Cixiidae). Florida Entomologist 59: 41-43. pdf |
4416 | Tseng, Y.H., S-l. Yang, and Y-S. Pan 1976 Two new erythraeid mites from Taiwan (Acarina: Prostigmata). Report of the Taiwan Sugar Research Institute 74: 63-74. |
4532 | Vilbaste, J. 1976 A Revision of Homoptera - Cicadinea described by S. Matsumura from Europe and the Mediterranean area. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences-Biology/Ecology [Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia Toimetised] 25: 25-36. |
4713 | Williams, J.R. 1976 Derbidae (Fulgoroidea) from the Mascarenes. The Mauritius Institute Bulletin 8: 29-144. pdf |
4811 | Wolf, H. 1976 Die Berg-Singzikade in Hessen und in Mitteleuropa. Jahrbuch des Nassauisehen Vereins fur Naturkunde 103: 18-23. |
4812 | Wolfenbarger, D. O., H. H. Samol, and D. H. Habeck. 1976 Dispersal distances of the Caribbean fruit fly, corn planthoppers and Cuban May beetle. Researches on Population Ecology 18: 118-122. |
4815 | Woodiel, N.L. 1976 Insects associated with coconut palm in South Florida (Abstract). Principes 20: 66-67. |
5451 | Sogawa, K. 1976 Studies on the feeding habits of the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stal) (Hemiptera: Delphacidae). V. Probing stimulatory effect of rice flavonoid. Applied Entomology and Zoology 11(3): 160-164. pdf |
5761 | Slykhuis, J.T. 1976 Virus and virus-like diseases of cereal crops. Annual Review of Phytopathology 14: 189-210. |
5919 | Sakai, T. and K. Sogawa. 1976 Effects of nutrient compounds on sucking response of the brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens. Applied Entomology and Zoology 11(2): 82-88. pdf |
6025 | Heikinheimo, O. and M. Raatikainen. 1976 Megadelphax sordidula (Stal) (Homoptera, Delphacidae) as a vector of Phleum green stripe virus. Annales Agriculturae Fenniae 15: 34-55. pdf |
6133 | Soos, A. 1976 Sphenidius horvathi gen. n., sp. n. aus Spanien (Homoptera: Issidae). Folia Entomologica Hungarica 29(1): 87-91. pdf |
6247 | Hirao, J. 1976 Catches of Migrating planthoppers on the East China Sea in late June of 1973. Proceedings of the Association of Plant Protection of Kyushu 22: 15-17.[Japanese] pdf |
6342 | Feuer, R. 1976 Biotype 2 brown planthopper in the Philippines. International Rice Research Newsletter 1(1): 15. International Rice Research Newsletter 1(1): 15. |
6503 | Ôtake, A. 1976 Natural Enemies of the Brown Planthopper, Nilaparvata Lugens Stal (Hemiptera: Delphacidae). Tropical Agriculture Research Centre, Japan. - |
6888 | Neupane, F.P. 1976 Studies on the effectiveness of different insecticides against the nymphs of sugarcane leaf hopper, Pyrilla perpusilla Walker. Nepalese Journal of Agriculture 6-11: 131-137. |
8030 | Hirata, M. and K. Sogawa. 1976 Antifeeding activity of chlordimeform for plant-sucking insects. Applied Entomology and Zoology 11(2):94-99. pdf |