College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
9342 Song, Y.H., J.S. Park, J.O. Lee, and S.Y. Choi. 1974 Studies on the resistance of rice to the leaf- and planthoppers. Research Reports - Rural Development Administration 1974: 11-20. [Korean, English summary].
9674 Mitsuhashi, J. and K. Koyama. 1974 Folic acid as a dietary factor affecting the wing morph of the planthopper, Laodelphax striatellus (Hemiptera, Delphacidae). Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 17(1): 77-82.
9683 Morris, M.G. 1974 Auchenorhyncha (Hemiptera) of the Burren, with special reference to species-associations of the grasslands. Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. Section B: Biological, Geological, and Chemical Science 74: 7-30.
9702 Noda, H. 1974 Preliminary histological observation and population dynamics of intercullular yeast-like symbiotes in the smaller brown planthopper, Laodelphax striatellus (Homoptera: Delphacidae). Applied Entomology and Zoology 9: 275-277. pdf
9808 Sogawa, K. 1974 Studies on the feeding habits of the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stål) (Hemiptera : Delphacidae) : IV. Probing stimulant. Applied Entomology and Zoology 9(4): 204-213. pdf
10458 Cochereau, P. 1974 Ébauche d’un inventaire faunistique de l’île Mangareva (Archipel des Gambier). Cahiers du Pacifique 2(18): 479-532. pdf
11211 Hussain, A.A. 1974 Dates palm and Dates with their pests in Iraq. University of Baghdad, Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Iraq. 166 pp.
11415 Charlin, R. 1974 Nuevas plagas de insectos asociados a la palma datilera en la estacion experimental de Esmeralda, Provincia de Tarapaca. Idesia 3: 221-222. pdf
11712 Hsieh, C. Y. 1974 Transmission of rice stripe virus by Laodelphax striatellus Fallen in Taiwan. Plant Protection Bulletin 15(4): 153-162.
11806 Mammen, K.V. and M.G.R. Menon. 1974 Taxonomic key for identification of Indian Delphacidae. Agricultural Research Journal of Kerala 12(2): 146-150.
12318 Ammar, E.D. 1974 Electron microscopy of wheat plants infected with European wheat striate mosaic disease. Revista di patologia vegetale, series VI. 10(2): 143–152. pdf
12475 Linnavuori, R.E. 1974 A hemipterous material from the Salvage Islands. Bocagiana 34: 1-3. pdf
12892 USDA. 1974 List of Intercepted Plant Pests, 1972. (Pests recorded from July 1, 1971, though June 30, 1972). Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, United States Department of Agriculture. APHIS 82-4. [Delphacodes] pdf
27 Alayo, P.D. 1973 Catalogo de los himenopteros de Cuba. Instituto Cubano del Libro, La Habana, Cuba. -
832 Cruttwell, R.E. 1973 Preliminary investigations on some insects causing minor damage to water hyacinth, Eicchornia crassipes. Report West Indian Station, CIBC. -
864 Davis, B.N.K. 1973 The Hemiptera and Coleoptera of Stinging Nettle (Urtica dioica L.) in East Anglia. Journal of Applied Ecology 10: 213-237.
866 Davis, B.N.K. and C.E. Lawrence. 1973 Insects collected from Parietaria diffusa Mert. & Koch and Urtica urens L. in Huntingdonshire. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 109: 252-254.
1117 Dlabola, J. and H. J. Müller. 1973 Anakelisia amicorum, eine neue mitteleuropäische Zikaden-Art (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha: Delphacidae). Zoologischer Anzeiger 190: 74-76. pdf
1246 Eastop, V.F. 1973 Deductions from the present day host plants of aphids and related insects. In: V.F. van Emden, (ed.). Insect/plant relationships. Blackwell, Oxford. Pp. 157-178. Pp. 157-178.
1423 Emeljanov, A.F., I.M. Kerzhner, and M.A. Kozlov. 1973 Joint Soviet-Mongolian investigations of the insect fauna of the Mongolian People's Republic during 1968 and 1971. Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie 52(2): 466-482. [In Russian]
1433 Emmrich, R. 1973 Zur Zikadenfauna der Insel Hiddensee. (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha). Faunistische Abhandlungen Staatliches Museum für Tierkunde Dresden 4: 171-176.
1567 Fennah, R.G. 1973 The cavernicolous fauna of Hawaiian Lava Tubes, 4. Two new blind Oliarus (Fulgoroidea: Cixiidae). Pacific Insects 15(1): 181-184. pdf
1568 Fennah, R.G. 1973 Three new cavernicolous species of Fulgoroidea (Homoptera) from Mexico and Western Australia. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 86(38): 439-446. pdf
1569 Fennah, R.G. 1973 A new species of Notuchus (Homoptera, Fulgoroidea, Delphacidae) from Lord Howe Island. Records of the Australian Museum 28: 265-267. pdf
2243 Howarth, F. G. 1973 The cavernicolous fauna of Hawaiian lava tubes, 1. Introduction. Pacific Insects 15: 139-151. pdf
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