College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
1191 Drosopoulos, S., (ed.) 1986 Proceedings of the 2nd International Congress concerning the Rhynchota Fauna of Balkan and Adjacent Regions. 12-22 August 1986, Mikrolimni - Prespa, Greece - pdf
5839 Lindsten, K. 1974 Planthopper-transmitted virus diseases of cereals in Sweden. Mikrobiologija 11(1): 55-66. pdf
8766 Satpathi, C.R., G. Katti, and Y.G. Prasad. 2011 Effect of seasonal variation on life table of brown plant hopper Nilaparvata lugens (Stål) on rice plant in Eastern India. Middle East Journal of Scientific Research 10(3): 370-373. pdf
9484 Fu, B.X., G.A. Bellis, J. Hong, J.R. Wang, Q. Wu, Q.Y. Tang, J.A. Cheng, and Z.R. Zhu. 2012 Morphology, distribution, and abundance of antennal sensilla of male and female macropterous and brachypterous small brown planthopper, Laodelphax striatellus (Fallen) (Hemiptera: Delphacidae). Microscopy Research and Technique 75(11): 1492-1512.
9879 Wang, R.R., X.Y. Wan, A.P. Liang, and T. Bourgoin. 2012 Ultrastructure of sensory equipments on the heads of Kallitaxila granulata (Stål) (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Tropiduchidae). Microscopy Research and Technique 75(12): 1659-1665.
14341 Contaldo, N., J. Stepanovi, F. Pacini, A. Bertaccini, and B. Duduk. 2021 Molecular variability and host distribution of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma solani’ strains from different geographic origins. Microorganisms 9(12): 2530; 1-15. [Hyalesthes obsoletus, Reptalus panzeri, Reptalus quinquecostatus]
9880 Wang, R.R., X.Y. Wan, A.P. Liang, and T. Bourgoin. 2013 A SEM study of antennal and maxillary sensilla in Zema gressitti Fennah (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Tropiduchidae). Micron x Micron 44(2013): 261-267.
9988 Dai, W., Pan, L.X., Y.P. Lu, L. Jin, and C. Zhang. 2014 External morphology of the mouthparts of the whitebacked planthopper Sogatella furcifera (Hemiptera: Delphacidae), with special reference to the sensilla. Micron 56: 8–16.
13141 DUAN, Xing-Zhi, Jing-Tao SUN, Lin-Ting WANG, Xiao-Han SHU, Yan GUO, Matsukura KEIICHIRO, Yu-Xi ZHU, Xiao-Li BING, Ary A. HOFFMANN, and Xiao-Yue HONG. 2020 Recent infection by Wolbachia alters microbial communities in wild Laodelphax striatellus populations. Microbiome 8: 140; 1-15. (ePub Article#140, 15 pp.) pdf
13251 Kasson, M.T., L.R. Kasson, K.L. Wickert, D.D. Davis, and J.E. Stajich. 2019 Genome sequence of a lethal vascular wilt fungus, Verticillium nonalfalfae, a biological control used against the invasive Ailanthus altissima. Microbiology Resource Announcements 8(4): e01619-18; 1-3. [Lycorma delicatula]
7164 Li, N., J.M. Chen, J.F. Zhang, Y.P. He, and L.Z. Chen. 2011 Domestication for imidacloprid-resistant strain of rice brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens Stal, symbiote, Candida lipolytica. Microbiology China 38(2): 237-241. pdf
12345 Gray, S. M. and N. Banerjee. 1999 Mechanisms of Arthropod Transmission of Plant and Animal Viruses. Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews 63(1): 128–148.
1222 Duret, S., A. Andre, and J. Renaudin. 2005 Specific gene targeting in Spiroplasma citri: improved vectors and production of unmarked mutations using site-specific recombination. Microbiology 151(8): 2793-2803. pdf
14374 NIU, Hongtao, Yang SUN, Zhichun ZHANG, Dongxiao ZHAO, Na WANG, Lihua WANG, and Huifang GUO. 2022 The endophytic bacterial entomopathogen Serratia marcescens promotes plant growth and improves resistance against Nilaparvata lugens in rice. Microbiological Research 256: 126956.
8829 Bressan, A., F. Terlizzi, and R. Credi. 2012 Independent origins of vectored plant pathogenic bacteria from arthropod-associated Arsenophonus endosymbionts. Microbial Ecology 63(3): 628-638
13032 LI, Fei, Pei LI, Hongxia HUA, Maolin HOU, and Fulian WANG. 2020 Diversity, tissue localization, and infection pattern of bacterial symbionts of the white-backed planthopper, Sogatella furcifera (Hemiptera: Delphacidae). Microbial Ecology 79: 720-730. (PrePrint 2019)
12994 Rowe, L.M., P.J. Higman, and H.D. Enander. 2020 Screening the Michigan forest inventory and Midwest invasive species network databases to locate host plants of Lycorma delicatula (Spotted Lanternfly) in Michigan. Michigan Natural Features Inventory, Report No. 2020-11, Lansing, Mi. 19pp. pdf
4750 Wilson, S.W. 1988 A technique for producing inexpensive specimen labels. Michigan Entomological Society Newsletter 33(4):4.
10361 Koçak, A.O. and M. Kemel. 2009 Two replacement names for the genrea in the family Cixiidae (Homoptera). Micellaneous Papers of the Centre for Entomolgical Studies Ankara 147-148: 5-6. pdf
2407 Johnson, C.G. 1969 Migration and dispersal of insects by flight. Methuen, London. -
3182 Miller, N. C. E. 1956 Biology of the Heteroptera. Methuen, London. -
7436 Du, X.L. R.G. Guo, and L. Wei. 2006 Preliminary analysis of meteorological causations on outbreak of Jiangxi late rice planthopper in 2005. Meteorology and Disaster Reduction Research 29(2): 48-52.
6449 Bai, X.D., F.Z. Liu, L.X. Zou, G.T. Tang, Y.Z. Jiang, and S.M. Zhou. 2010 Study on the meteorological condition grade forecast for the migration of rice planthopper. Meteorological and Environmental Research 1(3): 53-57, 74.
10946 Uawisetwathana, U., Graham, S.F., Kamolsukyunyong, W., Sukhaket, W., Klanchui, A., Toojinda, T., Vanavichit, A., Karoonuthaisiri, N. and C.T.Elliott. 2015 Quantitative H-1 NMR metabolome profiling of Thai Jasmine rice (Oryza sativa) reveals primary metabolic response during brown planthopper infestation. Metabolomics 11(6): 1640-1655. DOI: 10.1007/s11306-015-0817-4.
11241 Peng, L., Y. Zhao, H.Y. Wang, J.J. Zhang, C.P Song, X.X. Shangguan, L.L. Zhu, and G.C. He. 2016 Comparative metabolomics of the interaction between rice and the brown planthopper. Metabolomics 12(8): 132. DOI: 10.1007/s11306-11016-11077-11307.
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