College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
9744 Qin, D.Z. 2012 One new species of the Chinese endemic delphacid genus Belocera Muir (Hemiptera: Fulgoroidea) with a key to all species. Entomotaxonomia 34(3): 527-532. pdf
3716 Qin, D.Z. and F. Yuan. 1999 One new species of the genus Bambusiphaga (Homoptera: Delphacidae) from China. Entomotaxonomia 21(3): 33-35. pdf
609 Chen, X.S. and Z.Z. Li. 2000 One new species of the genus Opiconsiva (Homoptera: Delphacidae) from China. Entomotaxonomia 22 (1): 20-22. [Chinese] pdf
308 Beamer, R.H. 1952 One old and five new species of delphacine fulgorids (Homoptera: Fulgoridae). Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 25(3): 111–115. pdf
4771 Wilson, S.W. and J.E. McPherson. 1981 Ontogeny of the tibial spur in Megamelus davisi (Homoptera: Delphacidae) and its bearing on delphacid classification. Great Lakes Entomologist 14(1): 49-50. pdf
11236 Nan, G.H., Y.P. Xu, Y.W. Yu, C.X. Zhao, C.X. Zhang, and X.P. Yu. 2016 Oocyte vitellogenesis triggers the entry of yeast-like symbionts into the oocyte of brown planthopper (Hemiptera: Delphacidae). Annals of the Entomological Society of America 109(5): 753-758. DOI: 710.1093/aesa/saw1025.
2814 LIENIG, Kai 1993 Oogenese und Symbiontenubertragung bei Sogatodes orizicola Muir. (Homoptera: Delphacidae). Beitraege Zur Entomologie 43(2): 445-449. pdf
454 Briese, D.T., A.W. Sheppard, and J.M. Reifenberg. 1995 Open-field host-specificity testing for potential biological control agents of Onopordum thistles. Biological Control 5(2): 158-166.
6811 Acharya Chaudhuri, S., G.L. Ray, and A.B. Mukherjee. 1979 Operational research on the control of brown planthopper in boro paddy. International Rice Research Newsletter 4(5): 21. pdf
12676 Bartlett, C.R. and S.E. Halbert. 2016 Opiconsiva tangira, a delphacid planthopper, a new Continental USA record. P. 6 In: S.E. Halbert (ed.). Entomology Section. Tri-Ology 55(3): 6-7. pdf
5770 ICZN (International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature). 1999 Opinion 1935. Cicada clavicornis Fabricius (Currently Asiraca clavicornis; Insect, Homoptera): Specific name conserved. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 56(3): 211-212. pdf
5972 ICZN (International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature). 2010 Opinion 2260 (Case 3460) Liburnia Stål, 1866 (Insecta, Hemiptera, Delphacidae): proposed designation of Embolophora monoceros Stål, 1855 as the type species. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 67(4): 340-341. pdf
3983 ICZN 1955 Opinion 322. Validation, under the Plenary Powers, of the generic name Fulgora Linnaeus, 1767 (Class lnsecta, Order Hemiptera) and designation for the genus so named of a type species in harmony with current nomenclatorial practice. Opinions and declaractions rendered by the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature 9(13): 185–208.
9549 ICZN (International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature). 1961 Opinion 598. Hansensia Kirkaldy Fabricius, 1798 (Insecta, Hemiptera); added to the official list. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 18(4): 236-237. pdf
2316 ICZN (International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature). 1961 Opinion 602. Delphax Fabricius, 1798 (Insecta, Hemiptera); Interpretation under the plenary powers. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 18(4): 246-248. pdf
5749 ICZN (International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature). 1963 Opinion 648. Conomelus Fieber, 1866 (Insecta, Hemiptera); designation of a type species under the plenary powers. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 20(1): 39-40. pdf
7221 Zhu, Z.R. and J.A. Cheng. 1997 Optimal strategies for management of white backed planthopper (WBPH) on second rice crop season in Zhejiang, China: Dynamic programming approach. Agricultural Systems 54(2): 243-258.
12369 Zhu, Zeng-Rong and Jiaan Cheng. 1997 Optimal strategies for management of white-backed planthopper, Sogatella furcifera, on second season rice in Zhejiang, China: Dynamic programming approach. Agricultural Systems 54(2): 243–258.
7683 Ni, J.P. 2007 Optimization and application of dipping seedling method for controlling brown rice planthopper. Pesticide Science and Administration 28(8): 36-41.
10303 Yang, Y.Q., B. Lan, P.D. Xu, L. Zhong, and X.M. Li. 2014 Optimized conditions for group inoculation of white backed planthoppers and control effects of antivirotic agents on Southern rice black-streaked dwarf virus. Acta Phytophylacica Sinica 41(1): 74-78. Acta Phytophylacica Sinica 41(1): 74-78.
11275 Yun, S., G.H. Lee, and K.M. Kim. 2016 Optimum screening time for improved WBPH-associated QTL analysis in rice. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology 18(4): 844-850. DOI: 810.17957/IJAB/17915.10181 pdf
14977 LIU, Xin-Yang, Ru YAN, Sun-Jie CHEN, Jin-Li ZHANG, and Hai-Jun XU. 2023 Orco mutagenesis causes deficiencies in olfactory sensitivity and fertility in the migratory brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens. Pest Management Science 7(3): 1030-1039.
8971 Cantoreanu, M. 1968 Ord. Homoptera (Auchenorrhyncha). In: l'Entomofaune de l'OEle de Letea (Delta du Danube). Travaux du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle Grigore Antipa de Bucarest 9: 127-131.
14793 Elgueta, M., E.I. Faundez, and J.F. Campodónico. 2018 Orden Hemiptera. In: A. Figuerpa et al. Biodiversidad de Chile: Patrimonio y Desafíos. Tercera edición. Tomo I. Ministerio del Medio Ambiente, Santiago, Chile. Pp. 292-297
4340 Theron, J.G. 1985 Order Hemiptera (bugs, leafhoppers, cicadas, aphids, scale-insects etc.). Suborder Homoptera. In: C.H. Scholtz and E. Holm, (eds.). Insects of southern Africa. Butterworths, Durban. Pp. 152-164.
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