College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
12240 WANG, Meiling, Dongyong YANG, Feilong MA, Mulan ZHU, Zhenying SHI, and Xuexia MIAO. 2019 OsHLH61-OsbHLH96 influences rice defense to brown planthopper through regulating the pathogen-related genes. Rice 12: 9; 1-12. (ePub Article#9, 12 pp.) pdf
5426 Žežlina, I., L. Milevoj, and V. Girolami. 2001 Osica Neodryinus typhlocybae Ashmead - tudi v Sloveniji uspesen predator in parazitoid pri omejevanju populacije medecega skrzata (Metcalfa pruinosa Say) [Wasp Neodryinus typhlocybae Ashmead - successful predator and parasitoid for reducing the population of flatid planthopper (Metcalfa pruinosa Say) also in Slovenia]. Zbornik Biotehniske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani (Slovenia), Kmetijstvo (Agronomija) 77(2): 215-225.
12559 Zhou, Shuxing, Mengting Chen, Yuebai Zhang, Qing Gao, Ali Noman, Qi Wang, Heng Li, Lin Chen, Pengyong Zhou, Jing Lu and Yonggen Lou. 2019 OsMKK3, a stress-responsive protein kinase, positively regulates rice resistance to Nilaparvata lugens via phytohormone dynamics. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 20(12): 3023; 1-15. (ePub Article #3023, 15 pp.)
14976 MAO, Kaiming, Chengzhe LI, Huacai ZHAI, Yuying WANG, Yonggen LOU, Wenhua XUE, and Guoxin ZHOU. 2024 OsRCI-1-mediated GLVs enhance rice resistance to brown planthoppers. Plants 13(11): 1494; 1-9.
9074 Barbattini, R., M. Greatti, M. Iob, A.G. Sabatini, G.L. Marcazzan., and R. Colombo. 1991 Osservazioni Su Metcalfa Pruinosa (Say) E Indagini Sul Miele Derivato Dalla Sua Melata. Apicoltura 7: 113-135.
5362 Milanesi L., R. Bondavalli, N. Mori, D. Dradi, I. Menozziand A. Bertaccini. 2005 Osservazioni sul vettore del fitoplasma del Legno nero della vite, Hyalesthes obsoletus, in Emilia-Romagna. In: Atti 3rd Incontro Nazionale sulle Malattie da Fitoplasmi, Milano 22-24 giugno. Pp. 36-38.
9172 Milanesi L., R. Bondavalli, N. Mori, D. Dradi, I. Menozziand A. Bertaccini. 2005 Osservazioni sul vettore del fitoplasma del Legno nero della vite, Hyalesthes obsoletus, in Emilia-Romagna. Petria 15(1/2): 59-61. pdf
2032 Helden, A. 2004 Ossiannilssonola callosa (Then): a typhlocybine leafhopper new to Ireland. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 140: 284.
6139 Mifsud, D., C. Cocquempot, R. Mühlethaler, M. Wilson, and J.-C. Streito. 2010 Other Hemiptera Sternorrhyncha (Aleyrodidae, Phylloxeroidea, and Psylloidea) and Hemiptera Auchenorrhyncha Chapter 9.4. (Special Issue: Alien terrestrial arthropods of Europe). BioRisk - Biodiversity and Ecosystem Risk Assessment 4(1): 511–552. pdf
8291 Nieves, A.C. 2009 Other insect pests: corn planthoppers and leaf aphids. Agriculture 13(1): 38-40.
11773 Becker-Migdisova, E. E. 1962 Otryad Homoptera, otryad Heteroptera [Orders Homoptera and Heteroptera]. In: B.B. Rohdendorf. Osnovy Paleontologii: Chlenistonogie, Trakheïnye i Khelicerovye [Fundamentals of Paleontology: Arthropods, Tracheata and Chelicerata], 98. Izdatel'stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR, Moscow (Russia). Pp. 162-224.
11771 Becker-Migdisova, E. E. 1961 Otryad Homoptera. [Order Homoptera]. In: B. B. Rohdendorf, E. E. Becker-Migdisova, O. M. Martynova and A. G. Sharov. Paleozoïskie nasekomye Kuznetskogo basseïna. [Paleozoic insects of the Kuznetsk basin]. Trudy Paleozoologischeskogo Instituta Akademii Nauk SSSR 85: 286-393.
156 Asche, M. 2002 Out of Africa: the Delphacidae of the Afrotropical Region – current status of our knowledge and perspectives (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha). In: Abstracts of Talks and Posters, 11th International Auchenorrhyncha Congress, 5-9 August 2002 Potsdam/Berlin, Germany. Pp. ?
5951 Tang, J.Y., B.H. Hu, and J.Q. Wang. 1995 Outbreak analysis of rice migratory pests in China and management strategies recommended. Acta Entomologica Sinica 16(2): 167-173. pdf
7468 Xu, H.L., Z.C. Xiao, X.W. Long, S.Z. Xu, Y.L. Chen and Y.L. Zhong. 2005 Outbreak cause and control of brown rice planthopper in late rice in Ji'An City of Jiang Xi Province in 2004. Jiangxi Plant Protection 28(4): 185-186,184.
7490 Yi, H.J. 2008 Outbreak characteristics of brown planthopper in paddy rice region along Yangtze River, and its control strategies. China Rice 2008(5): 67.
7988 Kim, Y.Y., M.Y. Kim, K.J. Hong, and S.H. Lee. 2011 Outbreak of an exotic flatid, Metcalfa pruinosa (Say) (Hemiptera: Flatidae), in the capital region of Korea. Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology 14(4): 473-478. pdf
5577 Mu, L., Y. Liu, and F. Zhu. 2006 Outbreak of later brown plant hopper, Nilaparvata lugens, in Wujiang City of 2005 and its control strategies. Chinese Bulletin of Entomology 43: 706-708.
8897 Gallego, V.C. 1989 Outbreak of Menosca sp. (Homoptera: Lophopidae) on coconuts in Valencia, Negros oriental. Phillipines Journal of Coconut Studies 14(1): 7-9.
3374 Natarajan, K. 1978 Outbreak of rice caseworm and brown planthopper in Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India. International Rice Research Newsletter 3(3): 17.
11133 Way, M. O., S. S. Vyavhare, C. Mock, W. Mock, K. Metz, S. H. McKamey and P. Porter. 2016 Outbreak of Tagosodes orizicolus (Muir) in Texas rice. Southwestern Entomologist 41(3): 871-874.
3541 Ooi, P.A.C., A.R. Saleh and Yeoh-Guan-Huat. 1980 Outbreak of the white-backed planthopper in the Muda irrigation scheme and its control. Malaysian Agricultural Journal 52(3): 315-331.
4035 Shankar, G. and P. Baskaran. 1987 Outbreak of whitebacked planthopper (WBPH) near Annamalainagar, south India. International Rice Research Newsletter 12(5): 26. pdf
7021 Shen, J.X. and Y.M. Shen. 2007 Outbreak reason of brown plathopper, Nilaparvata lugens, in 2005 and control strategy. Chinese Bulletin of Entomology 44(5): 731-733.
7709 Ma, C.Y., Y.H. Wang, J.H. Xiu, J.L. Shen, C.F. Gao, J.G. Zuo, and K. Yang. 2008 Outbreak reasons and control strategies of Laodelphax striatellus Fallén in rice field. Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences 36(24): 10530-10531.
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