College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
8236 Matsuda, M., T. Fujimura, and Y. Koshimeguri. 1995 Relation between the low-level jet stream and immigration of the white-backed planthopper, Sogatella furcifera (Horvath), into Aomori prefecture, northern Honshu of Japan. Annual Report of the Society of Plant Protection of North Japan 46: 115-122.
8247 Miyake, T. and T. Mitsui. 1995 Multiple physiological activity of an anti-juvenile hormone, precocene 2 on the whitebacked rice planthopper. Journal of Pesticide Science 20(1): 17-24. pdf
8275 Narayanasamy, P., A. Ramesh, V. Ambethgar, and M. Gunasekaran. 1995 Infection and extracellular chitinase activity of Pandora delphacis associated with the rice brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens. Cytobios 84(337): 111-125.
8296 Noda, H. and N. Nakashima. 1995 Non-pathogenic reoviruses of leafhoppers and planthoppers. Seminars in Virology 6(2): 109-116. pdf
8297 Noda, H., N. Nakashima, and M. Koizumi. 1995 Phylogenetic position of yeast-like symbiotes of rice planthoppers based on partial 18S rDNA sequences. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 25(5): 639-646. 25(5): 639-646. pdf
8343 Powell, K.S., A.M.R. Gatehouse, V.A. Hilder, E.J.M. Damme, W.J. Van, Peumans, J. Boonjawat, K. Horsham, and J.A. Gatehouse. 1995 Different antimetabolic effects of related lectins towards nymphal stages of Nilaparvata lugens. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 75(1): 61-65.
8353 Qi, L.Z. and J.H. Ding. 1995 Determination on accuracy of the plant-flapping method to investigate the population of brown planthopper in rice. Entomological Knowledge 32(2): 69-72.
8356 Qian, H.L. 1995 A study on the control threshold of brown rice planthopper based on the morphology of the damaged rice plants. Plant Protection 21(2): 31-32.
8374 Riley, J.R., D.R. Reynolds, S. Mukhopadhyay, M.R. Ghosh, and T.K. Sarkar. 1995 Long-distance migration of aphids and other small insects in northeast India. European Journal of Entomology 92(4): 639-653. pdf
8467 Rouy-aree, S. 1995 Relation between Nilaparvata lugens and natural enemies in rice, Suphan Buri 60 and Suphan Buri 90. Warasan Witthayasat Kaset [ASST Newsletter] 28(4-6): 93-101.
8496 Taira, M., H. Ichihashi, and H. Yamada. 1995 Computer simulation model in the small brown planthopper (Laodelphax striatellus Fallen) and rice (Oryza sativa) stripe. Bulletin of the Gifu Agricultural Research Center 8: 1-22.
8499 Tan, Y.J., B.C. Huang, and Y. Zhang. 1995 A new rice resistance variety Geng-xian 89 to biotypes 1 and 2 of brown planthopper. Acta Phytophylacica Sinica 22(1): 91-92.
8509 Tao, L.Y. 1995 A comparative study on the population characteristics of Nilaparvata lugens in Longyou County (China) and Omon (Vietnam). Plant Protection 21(1): 2-4. pdf
8510 Tao, L.Y. 1995 The screening technique for rice varieties with sustained resistance to Nilaparvata lugens. Entomological Knowledge 32(2): 65-68.
8521 Chi, T.T.N. 1995 Effect of some plant extracts on white backed planthopper (WBPH) in greenhouse conditions. Nong Nghiep Cong Nghiep Thuc Pham 1995(2): 64-65.[Vietnamese]
8526 Untung, K. 1995 Population of rice brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens Stal. at Kalitirto, Yogyakarta (Indonesia) for ten seasons. Jurnal Perlindungan Tanaman Indonesia 1(1): 12-18.
8534 Wada, T., K. Ito, and H.N. Kin. 1995 Some characteristics of brown planthopper outbreak in the 2nd/1991 crop in the Muda irrigation scheme, Malaysia. Kyushu Agricultural Research 57: 103.
8535 Wang, H.C. 1995 Investigation on population of natural enemy of rice planthopper in Guizhou, China. Guizhou Agricultural Sciences 23(1): 35-39.
8539 Wang, L.W. and M.S. You. 1995 Effects of ratoon crop on the physiological metabolism of the brown planthopper. Journal of Fujian Agricultural University 24(2): 184-186.
8595 Yeo, U.S. and J.K. Sohn. 1995 Effective screening methods and inheritance of resistance to brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens stal.) in rice. Korean Journal of Breeding 27(4): 372-379.
8616 Zhai, S.X., Z.F. Wu, and L.W. Wang. 1995 Study on the damage and action threshold of white-backed planthopper to ratooning rice. Acta Phytophylacica Sinica 22(2): 129-133.
8628 Zhang, Y., Y.J. Tan, and B.C. Huang. 1995 Monitoring variation in brown planthopper biotype in Guangdong, China. International Rice Research Notes 20(4): 19-20.
8635 Zhong, Y.M. and X.J. Lu. 1995 Evaluation of resistance of rice germplasm to rice blast, bacterial blight, brown planthopper and whitebacked planthopper in Sichuan Province. Crop Genetic Resources 1995(2): 31-32.
8640 Zhu, Z.R., J.A. Cheng, and H.Y. Li. 1995 Management strategies for insect pests and diseases affecting semi-irrigated rice: focus on the whitebacked planthopper. In: Fragile Lives in Fragile Ecosystems: Proceedings, International Rice Research Institute, Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines Pp. 593-611.
8657 March, G.J., M. Balzarini, J.A. Ornaghi, J.E. Beviacqua, and A. Marinelli. 1995 Predictive model for "Mal de Rio Cuarto" disease intensity. Plant Disease 79(10): 1051-1053. pdf
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