College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
3595 Palermo, S., M. Elekes, S. Botti, I. Ember, A. Alma, A. Orosz, A. Bertaccini, and M. Kolber. 2004 Presence of stolbur phytoplasma in Cixiidae in Hungarian vineyards. Vitis 43(4): 201-203. pdf
10877 Palermo, S., M. Elekes, S. Botti, I. Ember, A. Alma, A. Orosz, A. Bertaccini, and M. Kölber. 2015 Presence of stolbur phytoplasma in Cixiidae in Hungarian vineyards. VITIS-Journal of Grapevine Research 43(4): 201-203. pdf
4065 Shepard, B.M., E.R. Ferrer, J. Soriano, and P.E. Kenmore. 1989 Presence/absence sampling of planthoppers and major predators in rice. Journal of Plant Protection in the Tropics 6(2): 113-118.
6531 Virla, E.G. and M. Olmi. 1998 Presencia de Haplogonatopus hernandezae Olmi, 1984 (Hymenoptera, Dryinidae) en Argentina. Acta Zoológica Lilloana 44(2): 409-410.
5468 Yepez, G.G., M. Early, F.W. Ferrer, and B.F. Linares. 1988 Presencia de la chicharrita de la caña de azúcar Perkinsiella saccharicida (Kirkaldy) (Homoptera: Delphacidae) en Venezuela. Caña de Azúcar 6(1): 5-21.
9047 Pons, X., S. Garcia, and B. Lumbierres. 2002 Presencia de Metcalfa pruinosa (Say) (Homoptera: Flatidae) sobre plantas ornamentales en Cataluña. Phytoma España 136: 34-38.
12982 Campodonico, J.F. 2019 Presencia de Siphanta acuta (Walker) (Hemiptera: Flatidae) en Isla de Pascua y área invadible en Chile continental. Revista Chilena de Entomología 45(4) 559-578. pdf
4541 Virla, E.G., and A.M.M. de Remes-Lenicov. 2000 Presencia del vector del Mal de Rio IV, Delphacodes kuscheli (Homoptera, Delphacidae), en la provincia de Jujuy. [Presence of the vector of "Mal del Rio IV," Delphacodes kuscheli (Homoptera, Delphacidae) in the Jujuy area.] Acta Zoologica Lilloana 45(2): 287-288. [Spanish]
7548 Zhao, B.B., H. Xing, and H.R. Zuo. 2009 Present situation and treatment strategy of Laodelphax striatellus (Fallen). Modern Agrochemicals 8(5): 13-16,39.
7662 Deng, F., S. Ni, and X.D. Zhu. 2011 Present status and prospect of breeding resistant cultivers of brown planthopper in rice. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin 27(24): 229-237. pdf
2446 Kaneda, C. 1978 Present status and prospect of rice breeding for brown planthopper resistance in Japan. JARQ (Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly) 12(2): 57-63. pdf
4067 Shiau, J.F. 1985 Present status of brown planthoppers control in Taiwan. Chinese Journal of Entomology 4(2): 169-171.
7672 Nugaliyadde, L. 1996 Present status of rice brown planthopper in Sri Lanka. In: Proceedings of the International workshop on sustainable insect pest management in tropical rice. CRIFC, Bogor Indonesis. P. 12.
7671 Nugaliyadde, L. 1986 Present status of rice brown planthopper, green leafhopper and hispa in Sri Lanka. In: Expert Consultation on Rice Brown planthopper, Green Leafhopper and Rice Hispa. RAPA publication No. 16. P. 16.
6414 Mammuccini, M.G. 2000 Presentasione. In: A. Lucchi, (ed.). La Metcalfa negli ecosistemi italiani. ARSIA. Regione Toscana, Italy. P. 7.
2031 Held, T., M.L. Zoratti, and G. Vorwohl. 2003 Presenza naturale di destrine nella melata di Metcalfa pruinosa (Say) (Homoptera, Flatidae). Apicoltore Moderno 88(4): 175-182.
14922 Rinklef, A., S.C. Behrmann, D. Löffler, J. Erner, M.V. Meyer, C. Lang, A. Vilcinskas, and K.Z. Lee. 2024 Prevalence in potato of ‘Candidatus Arsenophonus Phytopathogenicus’ and ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma Solani’and their transmission via adult Pentastiridius leporinus. Insects 15(4): 275; 1-9. pdf
12250 Pierro, R., A. Passera, A. Panattoni, D. Rizzo, L. Stefani, L. Bartolini, P. Casati, A. Luvisi, F. Quaglino and A. Materazzi. 2018 Prevalence of a ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma solani’ strain, so far associated only with other hosts, in Bois Noir-affected grapevines within Tuscan vineyards. Annals of Applied Biology 73: 202–212. pdf
5374 Nakamura, Y., S. Kawai, F. Yukuhiro, S. Ito, T. Gotoh, R. Kisimoto, T. Yanase, T., Y. Matsumoto, D. Kageyama, and H. Noda. 2009 Prevalence of Cardinium Bacteria in Planthoppers and Spider Mites and Taxonomic Revision of "Candidatus Cardinium hertigii" Based on Detection of a New Cardinium Group from Biting Midges. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 75: 6757-6763. pdf
11057 Trivellone, V., M. Jermini, J. Jovic, T. Cvrkovic, M. Jakovljevic, A. Kosovac, O. Krstic, I. Tosevski, and M. Mitrovic. 2016 Prevalence of stolbur phytoplasma in leafhoppers and planthoppers collected in vineyard, corn and potato fields and their surroundings in Switzerland. Mitteilungen Klosterneuburg 66(1): 22-23. pdf
2301 Hughes, D.P., J. Kathirithamby and L. Beani. 2004 Prevalence of the parasite Strepsiptera in adult Polistes wasps: field collections and literature overview. Ethology, Ecology and Evolution 16: 363-375. pdf
5780 Sogawa, K., G. Liu, G. and Q. Qiang. 2009 Prevalence of whitebacked planthoppers in Chinese hybrid rice and whitebacked planthopper resistance in Chinese japonica rice. In: K.L. Heong and B. Hardy, (eds.). Planthoppers: new threats to the sustainability of intensive rice production systems in Asia. International Rice Research Institute, Los Baños, Philippines Pp. 257-280. pdf
7334 Huang, S.S., F.K. Huang, S.Z. Luo, S.M. Wei, Q. Li. 2001 Prevention and cure of rice planthopper by 25% of Aketai. Guangxi Agricultural Sciences 32(2): 70-72.
2049 Heong, K.L., S. Bleih, and E.G. Rubia. 1991 Prey preference of the wolf spider, Pardosa pseudoannulata (Boesenberget Strand). Researches on Population Ecology 33(2): 179-186.
6708 Girolami, V. and P. Camporese. 1994 Prima moltiplicazione in Europa di Neodryinus typhlocybae su Metcalfa pruinosa. In: Atti XVII Congresso Nazionale Italano di Entomologia, Udine, Giugno. Pp. 655-658.
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